a year ago
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local amulet = 3081 local equip_ammy = null if getNeck() then equip_ammy = getNeck():getId() end ssa_Pvp=macro(50, "Auto SSA", "Insert", function() if hppercent() <= 100 and (getNeck() == null or getNeck():getId() ~= amulet) then g_game.equipItemId(amulet) delay(200) elseif hppercent() >= 101 and (getNeck() == null or equip_ammy and getNeck():getId() ~= equip_ammy) then g_game.equipItemId(equip_ammy) delay(200) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3081, text="Auto SSA"}, function(icon, isOn) ssa_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) local ring = 3048 local equip_ammy = null if getFinger() then equip_ammy = getFinger():getId() end mig_Pvp=macro(50, "Auto Might Ring", "Delete", function() if hppercent() <= 100 and (getFinger() == null or getFinger():getId() ~= ring) then g_game.equipItemId(ring) delay(200) elseif hppercent() >= 102 and (getFinger() == null or equip_ammy and getFinger():getId() ~= equip_ammy) then g_game.equipItemId(equip_ammy) delay(200) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3048, text="Auto Might"}, function(icon, isOn) mig_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) local energypercent = 70; local otherring = 90; local ringOne = 3051 local ringTwo = 39188 ener_Pvp=macro(200, "Arboreal > Energy Ring", function() if hppercent() <= energypercent and findItem(ringOne) then moveToSlot(ringOne, SlotFinger) elseif (hppercent() >= otherring) and findItem(ringTwo) then moveToSlot(ringTwo, SlotFinger) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3051, text="E-Ring"}, function(icon, isOn) ener_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) UI.Separator() SD_Pvp= macro(200, "Sd on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3155, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3155, text="SD"}, function(icon, isOn) SD_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) AVA_Pvp= macro(200, "Avalanche", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3161, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3161, text="Ava"}, function(icon, isOn) AVA_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) GFB_Pvp= macro(200, "GFB on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3191, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3191, text="GFB"}, function(icon, isOn) GFB_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) STON_Pvp= macro(200, "Stone-Shower", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3175, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3175, text="Stone Shower"}, function(icon, isOn) STON_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) Thun_Pvp= macro(200, "Thunder on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3202, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3202, text="Thunder"}, function(icon, isOn) Thun_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) local friendPercent = 90 -- % HP Friend local delayheal = 1000 -- Delay macro(100, "Friend Healer", function() local friends = string.split(storage.friendName, "\n") for i, spec in pairs(getSpectators()) do if table.contains(friends, spec:getName(), true) then if spec:getHealthPercent() <= friendPercent then say('exura sio "' .. spec:getName()) delay(delayheal) end end end end) UI.Button("Friend List", function(newText) -- Botón para anadir la lista de players UI.MultilineEditorWindow(storage.friendName or "", {title="Friend List", description="Friend list like Magebot\nExample:\nPlayer1\nPlayer2\nPlayer3"}, function(text) storage.friendName = text end) end) macro(1000, "Main BP Open", function() bpItem = getBack() bp = getContainer(0) if not bp and bpItem ~= nil then g_game.open(bpItem) end end) local healingSpell = 'exura sio "King Infernal' local hpPercent = 95 macro(50, "Sio 95%", function() if (hppercent() <= hpPercent) then say(healingSpell) end end)
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