2 years ago
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import nuke nuke.menu("Nodes").addCommand('User/Utility/JS_Backdrop/JS_Backdrop', "create_JS_Backdrop()" , 'alt+b') nuke.menu("Nodes").addCommand('User/Utility/JS_Backdrop/set random nuke colors', "JS_Backdrop_randomColors()") menubar = nuke.menu('Nuke') menubar.addCommand("@;scale backdrop right", "JS_Backdrop_Scale('Right')", 'alt+Right') menubar.addCommand("@;scale backdrop down", "JS_Backdrop_Scale('Down')", 'alt+Down') menubar.addCommand("@;scale backdrop left", "JS_Backdrop_Scale('Left')", 'alt+Left') menubar.addCommand("@;scale backdrop up", "JS_Backdrop_Scale('Up')", 'alt+Up') def JS_Backdrop_Scale(dir): undo = nuke.Undo() undo.disable() grow = round(50/(nuke.zoom()*4)) for node in nuke.selectedNodes(): if node.Class() == 'BackdropNode': node.setSelected(False) width = node['bdwidth'] height = node['bdheight'] x = node['xpos'] y = node['ypos'] try: bdNodes = JS_Backdrop_getNodes() if dir == 'Left' or dir == 'Right': Xmin = min([n.xpos() for n in bdNodes]) Xmax = max([n.xpos() + n.screenWidth() for n in bdNodes]) Xanchor = float( (Xmin + Xmax)/2 - node.xpos() ) / float(node.screenWidth()) else: Ymin = min([n.ypos() for n in bdNodes]) Ymax = max([n.ypos() + n.screenHeight() for n in bdNodes]) Yanchor = float( (Ymin + Ymax)/2 - node.ypos() ) / float(node.screenHeight()) except: Xanchor = .5 Yanchor = .5 if dir == 'Left': width.setValue( width.value() - grow ) x.setValue( x.value() + grow*Xanchor ) elif dir == 'Down': height.setValue( height.value() - grow ) y.setValue( y.value() + grow*Yanchor ) elif dir == 'Right': width.setValue( width.value() + grow ) x.setValue( x.value() - grow*Xanchor ) elif dir == 'Up': height.setValue( height.value() + grow ) y.setValue( y.value() - grow*Yanchor ) node.setSelected(True) undo.enable() def JS_Backdrop_getNodes(): origSel = nuke.selectedNodes() node.selectNodes() bdNodes = nuke.selectedNodes() [n.setSelected( False ) for n in bdNodes] [n.setSelected( True ) for n in origSel] return bdNodes def create_JS_Backdrop(): #create backdrop if len(nuke.selectedNodes()) == 0: node = nuke.createNode('BackdropNode', inpanel = False) else: node = nukescripts.autoBackdrop() ###build UI### node.addKnob(nuke.Tab_Knob('JS_Backdrop')) #color knobs node.addKnob( nuke.Enumeration_Knob('color','color', ['custom', 'grey', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'nuke lime', 'nuke purple', 'nuke pink', 'nuke teal', 'nuke yellow']) ) cc = nuke.nuke.Color_Knob('customColor','custom color') cc.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) if node['z_order'].value() == -3: zValue = 0.15 else: zValue = min(max(.5 + node['z_order'].value()/10, 0.05), 1) cc.setValue(zValue) node.addKnob( cc ) node.addKnob( nuke.nuke.Text_Knob('divider','') ) #icon knob icons = ['None', 'Blur', 'Camera', 'Card', 'CheckerBoard', 'ColorAdd', 'ColorGamma', 'ColorMult', 'Cube', 'Defocus', 'denoise', 'Exposure', 'Flare', 'FloodFill', 'Glint', 'Glow', 'Grade','Grain', 'Keyer', 'LensDistort', 'Merge', 'Modify', 'Noise', 'Paint', 'Read', 'Render', 'Roto', 'Tracker', 'Write', 'ZBlur'] node.addKnob( nuke.Enumeration_Knob('iconKnob','icon', icons) ) nodeName = node.name() labelLink = nuke.Link_Knob( 'labelLink', 'label' ) labelLink.makeLink(nodeName, 'label') node.addKnob( labelLink ) note_fontLink = nuke.Link_Knob( 'note_fontLink', 'font' ) note_fontLink.makeLink(nodeName, 'note_font') node.addKnob( note_fontLink ) node['note_font_size'].setFlag(0x0000000010000000) # read only flag note_font_sizeKnob = nuke.Double_Knob( 'note_font_sizeKnob', '' ) note_font_sizeKnob.clearFlag(0x00000002) #remove slider note_font_sizeKnob.setFlag(0x00000100) #no_animation note_font_sizeKnob.setRange(0,10) note_font_sizeKnob.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) node.addKnob( note_font_sizeKnob ) note_font_colorLink = nuke.Link_Knob( 'note_font_colorLink', 'color' ) note_font_colorLink.makeLink(nodeName, 'note_font_color') note_font_colorLink.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) node.addKnob( note_font_colorLink ) #font knobs fs = nuke.Double_Knob('fontSize','dynamic font size') fs.setValue(.5) node.addKnob(fs) dynamic = nuke.nuke.Boolean_Knob('dynamic', 'enable') dynamic.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) dynamic.setValue(True) node.addKnob( dynamic ) node.addKnob( nuke.nuke.Text_Knob('zorder_divider','') ) #z order buttons node.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob('up', 'move up', "knob=nuke.thisNode()['z_order'];knob.setValue(knob.value()+1)") ) down = nuke.PyScript_Knob('down', 'move down', "knob=nuke.thisNode()['z_order'];knob.setValue(knob.value()-1)") down.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) node.addKnob( down ) front = nuke.PyScript_Knob('front', 'move to front', "node = nuke.thisNode()\nz = node['z_order'].value()\n\nbackdropNodes = [i for i in nuke.allNodes() if i.Class() == 'BackdropNode' and i != node]\n\nax = node.xpos()\nay = node.ypos()\naw = ax + node['bdwidth'].value()\nah = ay + node['bdheight'].value()\n\nfor bdNode in backdropNodes:\n bx = bdNode.xpos()\n by = bdNode.ypos()\n bw = bx + bdNode['bdwidth'].value()\n bh = by + bdNode['bdheight'].value()\n\n intersect = ax > bw and aw > bx and ay > bh and ah > by \n\n if intersect and bdNode['z_order'].value() > z:\n z = bdNode['z_order'].value()\n\nnode['z_order'].setValue(z + 1)") front.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) node.addKnob( front ) back = nuke.PyScript_Knob('back', 'move to back', "node = nuke.thisNode()\nz = node['z_order'].value()\n\nbackdropNodes = [i for i in nuke.allNodes() if i.Class() == 'BackdropNode' and i != node]\n\nax = node.xpos()\nay = node.ypos()\naw = ax + node['bdwidth'].value()\nah = ay + node['bdheight'].value()\n\nfor bdNode in backdropNodes:\n bx = bdNode.xpos()\n by = bdNode.ypos()\n bw = bx + bdNode['bdwidth'].value()\n bh = by + bdNode['bdheight'].value()\n\n intersect = ax > bw and aw > bx and ay > bh and ah > by \n\n if intersect and bdNode['z_order'].value() > z:\n z = bdNode['z_order'].value()\n\nnode['z_order'].setValue(z - 1)") back.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) node.addKnob( back ) #get KnobChanged python script try: from Scripts import JS_Backdrop except: import JS_Backdrop import inspect lines = inspect.getsource(JS_Backdrop.JS_Backdrop_knobChanged) lineList = [line[4:].replace(' ', '\t') + '\n' for line in lines.split('\n') if line[:4] == ' '] KCcode = (''.join(lineList)) #get OnCreate python script lines = inspect.getsource(JS_Backdrop.JS_Backdrop_onCreate) lineList = [line[4:].replace(' ', '\t') + '\n' for line in lines.split('\n') if line[:4] == ' '] OCcode = (''.join(lineList)) #add code to python knobs node['knobChanged'].setValue(KCcode) node['onCreate'].setValue(OCcode) node['autolabel'].setValue("'@' + nuke.thisNode()['iconKnob'].value() + ' ' + nuke.thisNode()['label'].value() if nuke.thisNode()['iconKnob'].value() != 'None' else nuke.thisNode()['label'].value()") JS_Backdrop_knobChanged(node) def JS_Backdrop_randomColors(): import random selnodes = nuke.selectedNodes() if len(selnodes) == 0: nodes = nuke.allNodes() else: nodes = selnodes foo=[1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] for node in nodes: if node.Class() == 'BackdropNode' and node.knob('JS_Backdrop') is not None: node['color'].setValue(random.choice(foo)) def JS_Backdrop_knobChanged(node, initial = True): from math import sqrt undo = nuke.Undo() undo.disable() try: initial thisKnob = '' except: initial = False if not initial: node = nuke.thisNode() thisKnob = nuke.thisKnob() try: if thisKnob in [node['fontSize'], node['dynamic'], node['bdwidth'], node['bdheight'], node['note_font_sizeKnob']] or initial: #dynamic font size if node['dynamic'].value() == True: x = node['bdwidth'].value() y = node['bdheight'].value() c = sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2)) val = 6+(c/10)*node['fontSize'].value() node['note_font_size'].setValue( int(val) ) node['note_font_sizeKnob'].setValue( int(val) ) else: node['note_font_size'].setValue( node['note_font_sizeKnob'].value() ) if thisKnob == node['dynamic'] or initial: if node['dynamic'].value() == True: node['note_font_sizeKnob'].setFlag(0x0000000010000000) #read only else: node['note_font_sizeKnob'].clearFlag(0x0000000010000000) #read only if thisKnob in [node['color'], node['customColor']] or initial: #tile color colorDropdown = node['color'].value() if colorDropdown == 'custom': customColor = node['customColor'].value() if type(customColor) == type([]): customColor = [max(min(i*255, 255),0) for i in customColor] cc = int('%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(customColor[0]),int(customColor[1]),int(customColor[2]),1),16) else: customColor = max(min(customColor*255, 255),0) cc = int('%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (int(customColor),int(customColor),int(customColor),1),16) if cc == 1: cc = 255 node['tile_color'].setValue(cc) elif colorDropdown == 'grey': node['tile_color'].setValue(2290649088) elif colorDropdown == 'red': node['tile_color'].setValue(2131956481) elif colorDropdown == 'green': node['tile_color'].setValue(4987137) elif colorDropdown == 'blue': node['tile_color'].setValue(2522881) elif colorDropdown == 'nuke lime': node['tile_color'].setValue(1908830464) elif colorDropdown == 'nuke purple': node['tile_color'].setValue(1903281664) elif colorDropdown == 'nuke pink': node['tile_color'].setValue(2386071040) elif colorDropdown == 'nuke teal': node['tile_color'].setValue(948866560) elif colorDropdown == 'nuke yellow': node['tile_color'].setValue(2391685120) elif thisKnob == node['name']: #reset link knobs in case of missing knob errors lk = [knob for knob in ['labelLink', 'note_fontLink', 'note_font_colorLink'] if node[knob].Class() == 'Link_Knob'] if len(lk) > 0: for knob in lk: node[knob].makeLink(node.name(), knob[:-4]) #hacky way to force the UI to update wk = node['bdwidth'] wkv = wk.value() wk.setValue(wkv+1) wk.setValue(wkv) except: pass undo.enable() def JS_Backdrop_onCreate(): try: node = nuke.thisNode() if node.knob('JS_Backdrop') is not None: node['note_font_size'].setFlag(0x0000000010000000) #read only node['note_font_sizeKnob'].clearFlag(0x00000002) #remove slider node['note_font_sizeKnob'].setFlag(0x00000100) #no_animation if node['dynamic'].value() == True: node['note_font_sizeKnob'].setFlag(0x0000000010000000) #read only except: pass