a year ago
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import java.util.Scanner; public class Ja_01_secret_chat { public static String ubaciRazmak (String poruka, int indeks){ StringBuilder sbSaRazmakom = new StringBuilder(poruka); sbSaRazmakom.insert(5, " "); return sbSaRazmakom.toString(); } public static String reverse (String poruka, String substring){ if (!poruka.contains(substring)) { System.out.println("Error"); return poruka; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(substring); String obrnutiSubstring = sb.reverse().toString(); poruka = poruka.replaceFirst(substring, obrnutiSubstring); } return poruka; } public static String cnangeAll(String poruka, String substring, String zamena) { poruka = poruka.replaceAll(substring, zamena); return poruka; //Reverse:|:?uoy } public static void main(String[] args) { //• "InsertSpace:|:{index}": //o Inserts a single space at the given index. The given index will always be valid. //• "Reverse:|:{substring}": //o If the message contains the given substring, cut it out, reverse it and add it at the end of the message. //o If not, print "error". //o This operation should replace only the first occurrence of the given substring if there are two or more occurrences. //• "ChangeAll:|:{substring}:|:{replacement}": //o Changes all occurrences of the given substring with the replacement text. Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String poruka = sc.nextLine(); while (true) { String unos = sc.nextLine(); if (unos.equals("Reveal")) break; String [] nizKomandi = unos.split(":\\|:"); String komanda = nizKomandi[0]; if (komanda.equals("InsertSpace")) { int indeksZaRazmak = Integer.parseInt(nizKomandi[1]); poruka=ubaciRazmak(poruka, indeksZaRazmak); System.out.println(poruka); } else if (komanda.equals("Reverse")){ String substring = nizKomandi[1]; poruka = reverse(poruka, substring); System.out.println(poruka); } else if (komanda.equals("ChangeAll")){ //"ChangeAll:|:{substring}:|:{replacement}": String substring = nizKomandi[1]; String zamena = nizKomandi[2]; poruka = cnangeAll(poruka, substring, zamena); System.out.println(poruka); } } System.out.printf("You have a new text message: %s\n", poruka); } }