
2 months ago
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Wolf          vs Fem
Hyperion/Hulk    Garou/Superman

First off, both Wolf uses absolutely inconsistent durability scaling for his Hyperion. I have shit like linking a feat of what appears to be Hyperion no-selling a multiple-kiloton nuclear detonation and then listing shit like "Hyperion is unharmed from being slammed into concrete". Fem didn't really contest the former, but I'm going to go firmly in the middle of these 2 feats, because given the rest of the feats Wolf provides, this is a huge outlier. Still, given that this feat does exist, in my opinion, Superman's heat vision fails to significantly damage Hyperion while hes performing the equivalent of that one Metal Gear Solid clip. Fem also fails to counter Wolf's assertion that Superman is indeed a rubber chicken. Embarassingly weak attacks consistently stagger and cause Superman to flinch. This is a massive disadvantage against an opponent like Hyperion who already has the durability advantage. Fem brings up Superman's superior grappling, but this doesn't truly serve to incapacitate him, and with a lack of true, actual grappling skill, I'm led to believe Hyperion could simply strike him hard enough to escape his grasp after finding an opening, and from there it turns into an endurance competition I think Hyperion wins.

Despite Fem's claims against Hulk's one singular speed feat, I do think it's very good. Wolf explains very effectively as to why exactly it *is* good, and Fem doesn't really do an equivelant job deconstructing that argument beyond calling the Miners unskilled which I find irrelevant. However, Fem clearly and effectively establishes Garou as a fast moving, bloodthirsty martial artist, and establishes his striking in comparison to Hulk's durability and regeneration. Wolf posits Hulk as an "Instinctive Grappler", but he doesn't provide more than 2 scans of Hulk grappling, which doesn't appear to be especially skillfull, nor does it support his claim of Hulk being a natural-born grappler. His catchphrase is "Hulk Smash" not "Hulk Grapple" dude. I do however agree that if Hulk *did* grab Garou he could for sure kill him, and I also agree Hulk is in the power range to severely harm Garou beyond the point of immediate adaptation/recovery IF he hit. Fem's argument about Garou's adaptation/skill in the context of him beating Metal Bat is absolute bullshit (it says in the scan itself he would have been 1-shotted if he didn't get interrupted) However Garou's pure offensive capability plus his more cautious and lethal fighting style means Hulk won't get the chance to do either of those things before his Hulk-spleen and other internal organs are turned into jelly by internal shockwaves capable of turning stone to dust from multiple feet away. I think it's a very close fight, if Garou opens with trying to deflect hits instead of weaving and striking he can definitely lose, ultimately I give this one to Garou, however.
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