a month ago
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import React, {useCallback, useState} from 'react'; import {SafeAreaView, StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; import { BarcodeItemOverlayViewConfig, BarcodeResultField, BarcodeScannerResult, ScanbotBarcodeCameraView, } from 'react-native-scanbot-barcode-scanner-sdk'; import {BarcodeCameraViewResult} from '@components'; export function BarcodeCameraViewScreen() { const [lastDetectedBarcode, setLastDetectedBarcode] = useState(''); const [flashEnabled, setFlashEnabled] = useState(true); const [finderEnabled, setFinderEnabled] = useState(true); const onBarcodeScan = useCallback((result: BarcodeScannerResult) => { if (result.barcodes && result.barcodes.length > 0) { const text = result.barcodes .map(barcode => `${barcode.textWithExtension} (${barcode.type})`) .join('\n'); setLastDetectedBarcode(text); } }, []); return ( <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}> <ScanbotBarcodeCameraView style={styles.cameraViewContainer} finderConfig={{ viewFinderEnabled: true, overlayColor: '#000000A9', }} selectionOverlayConfig={{ overlayEnabled: true, loadingTextValue: 'Please wait, testing here DDDDD...', // Optional property, useful if you query your server to check the barcode. barcodeItemOverlayViewBinder: ( barcodeItem: BarcodeResultField, ): Promise<BarcodeItemOverlayViewConfig> | BarcodeItemOverlayViewConfig => { console.log('BARCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOODEEEEE', barcodeItem); /** TODO: process scan result as needed, * e.g. query your server to check the barcode. * * See example below. */ const text = barcodeItem.type === 'DATA_MATRIX' ? '(DATA_MATRIX)' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_128' ? '(CODE_128)' : barcodeItem.type === 'QR_CODE' ? '(QR_CODE)' : barcodeItem.type === 'EAN_13' ? ' (EAN_13)' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_39' ? '(CODE_39)' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_11' ? '(CODE_11)' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_93' ? '(CODE_93)' : barcodeItem.type === 'AUSTRALIA_POST' ? '(CAUS)' : barcodeItem.type === 'AZTEC' ? '(AZTEC)' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODABAR' ? '(CODABAR)' : barcodeItem.type === 'MAXI_CODE' ? '(maxi)' : 'Invalid barcode'; const color = barcodeItem.type === 'DATA_MATRIX' ? '#ACE1AF' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_128' ? '#ADD8E6' : // Light blue barcodeItem.type === 'QR_CODE' ? '#FFD700' : // Gold barcodeItem.type === 'EAN_13' ? '#FFB6C1' : // Light pink barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_39' ? '#90EE90' : // Light green '#FF0000'; // Red for invalid barcodes const strokeColor = barcodeItem.type === 'DATA_MATRIX' ? '#E1377C' : barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_128' ? '#0000FF' : // Blue barcodeItem.type === 'QR_CODE' ? '#FF8C00' : // Dark orange barcodeItem.type === 'EAN_13' ? '#FF69B4' : // Hot pink barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_39' ? '#32CD32' : // Lime green '#FF0000'; // Red for invalid barcodes const polygonColor = barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_11' ? '#FFA100' : // Orange barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_128' ? '#0000FF' : // Blue barcodeItem.type === 'QR_CODE' ? '#FF8C00' : // Dark orange barcodeItem.type === 'EAN_13' ? '#FF69B4' : // Hot pink barcodeItem.type === 'CODE_39' ? '#32CD32' : // Lime green barcodeItem.type === 'MAXI_CODE' ? '#32CD32' : // Lime green '#FF0000'; // Red for invalid barcodes return { text: text, textColor: '#FFFFFF', textContainerColor: color, strokeColor: strokeColor, polygonColor: polygonColor, // Configure other parameters as needed. }; }, }} flashEnabled={flashEnabled} onBarcodeScannerResult={onBarcodeScan} /> <BarcodeCameraViewResult style={styles.resultContainer} lastDetectedBarcode={lastDetectedBarcode} flashEnabled={flashEnabled} onFinderToggle={() => setFinderEnabled(!finderEnabled)} onFlashToggle={() => setFlashEnabled(!flashEnabled)} /> </SafeAreaView> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, cameraViewContainer: { justifyContent: 'flex-end', }, resultContainer: { flex: 0.75, }, });
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