#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include<sstream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <bitset> using namespace std; //vector<string> kmers; vector<int> counts; vector<uint64_t> kmer_binary_values; int K = 30; string zodd=""; string zeven=""; uint64_t zodd_t, zeven_t; /// @brief murmurhash3 64-bit finalizer /// @param key /// @return inline uint64_t hash64(uint64_t key ) { int k = K; uint64_t mask = (1ULL<<k*2) - 1; key = (~key + (key << 21)) & mask; // key = (key << 21) - key - 1; key = key ^ key >> 24; key = ((key + (key << 3)) + (key << 8)) & mask; // key * 265 key = key ^ key >> 14; key = ((key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4)) & mask; // key * 21 key = key ^ key >> 28; key = (key + (key << 31)) & mask; return key; } /* /// @brief returns 0 to 1 real value for a k-mer /// @param kmer /// @return double kmer_to_real_value(const std::string& kmer) { int k = kmer.length(); double binary_value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { switch (kmer[i]) { case 'A': binary_value = binary_value * 4; // 'A' is represented as 00 in binary break; case 'C': binary_value = binary_value * 4 + 1; // 'C' is represented as 01 in binary break; case 'G': binary_value = binary_value * 4 + 2; // 'G' is represented as 10 in binary break; case 'T': binary_value = binary_value * 4 + 3; // 'T' is represented as 11 in binary break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid character in k-mer: " + kmer[i]); } } // Normalize binary_value to range [0, 1] //K = k; double real_value = hash64(binary_value) / std::pow(4, k); return real_value; }*/ std::string encode_kmer(const std::string& kmer) { std::string encoded_kmer; for (char base : kmer) { switch (base) { case 'A': encoded_kmer += "00"; // 'A' is encoded as 00 break; case 'C': encoded_kmer += "01"; // 'C' is encoded as 01 break; case 'G': encoded_kmer += "10"; // 'G' is encoded as 10 break; case 'T': encoded_kmer += "11"; // 'T' is encoded as 11 break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid character in k-mer: " + std::string(1, base)); } } return encoded_kmer; } uint64_t stringToBinary(string kmer){ string bv_line = encode_kmer(kmer); //int K = 30; uint64_t curr_bv_lo = std::stoull(bv_line.substr(0,std::min(64, 2*K)), nullptr, 2); // uint64_t curr_bv_hi = 0; // if(K >= 64){ // curr_bv_hi = std::stoull(bv_line.substr(64,bv_line.length()-64), nullptr, 2); // } //int hd = hammingDistance(prev_bv_hi, curr_bv_hi); cout<<bv_line<<" "<<curr_bv_lo<<endl; return curr_bv_lo; } double kmer_to_real_value(const std::string& kmer) { return hash64(stringToBinary(kmer))*1.0/std::pow(4, K); } double kmer_binary_to_real_value(uint64_t kmer_binary) { return hash64(kmer_binary)*1.0/std::pow(4, K); } //write a function that reads all lines from a file and put in a vector of strings void read_kmers(string file_name){ ifstream ifs(file_name); string line; // vector<string> lines; while (getline(ifs, line)) { stringstream ss(line); string kmer; int count; if (ss >> kmer >> count) { if(kmer_binary_values.empty()){ K = kmer.length(); } //kmers.push_back(kmer); kmer_binary_values.push_back(stringToBinary(kmer)); counts.push_back(count); } } ifs.close(); } // function to calculate Hamming distance int hammingDist(string str1, string str2) { int i = 0, count = 0; while (str1[i] != '\0') { if (str1[i] != str2[i]) count++; i++; } return count; } void getSketch(double threshold, vector<uint64_t>& sketch_kmers){//threshold is the minimum value of the sketch to be considered //vector<string> sketch_kmers; for(int i=0; i< kmer_binary_values.size(); i++){ uint64_t kmer = kmer_binary_values[i]; if(kmer_binary_to_real_value(kmer) <= threshold){ //cout << kmer << " "<< kmer_to_real_value(kmer)<< endl; //sketch_kmers.push_back(kmer); sketch_kmers.push_back(kmer_binary_values[i]); } } cout<< "Number of original kmers: " << kmer_binary_values.size() << endl; cout<< "Number of sketch kmers: " << sketch_kmers.size() << endl; } int hammingDistance (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { // let zeven = (x with every even position zeroed out) XOR (y with every // even position zeroed out) // let zodd be similarly defined // HD(x,y) = popcount(zeven OR zodd) // std::bitset<64> xo(x&zodd_t); // Assuming a 64-bit binary representation // std::bitset<64> yo(y&zodd_t); // Assuming a 64-bit binary representation // std::bitset<64> xb(x); // Assuming a 64-bit binary representation // std::bitset<64> yb(y); // Assuming a 64-bit binary representation // //cout<<xb.to_string()<<" "<<yb.to_string()<<endl; uint64_t oddt = (x&zodd_t)^(y&zodd_t); uint64_t event = (x&zeven_t)^(y&zeven_t); // std::bitset<64> oddtt(oddt); // Assuming a 64-bit binary representation // cout<<xb.to_string()<<" "<<"x"<<endl; // cout<<yb.to_string()<<" "<<"y"<<endl; // cout<<xo.to_string()<<" "<<"x&zo"<<endl; // cout<<yo.to_string()<<" "<<"y&zo"<<endl; // cout<<oddtt.to_string()<<" "<<"oddxor"<<endl; // cout<<oddtt.to_string()<<" "<<"oddxor"<<endl; // 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 // uint64_t res = x ^ y; // return __builtin_popcountll (res) ; return __builtin_popcountll (oddt | (event>>1)) ; } // Let x and y be the 2-bit encoding of two kmers. // let zeven = (x with every even position zeroed out) XOR (y with every // even position zeroed out) // let zodd be similarly defined // HD(x,y) = popcount(zeven OR zodd) inline unsigned int num_pair(int n){ return (n*n - n)/2; } void getHDHistogram(double threshold){ vector<uint64_t> kmers_binary; getSketch(threshold, kmers_binary); vector<int> hd_histogram(K+1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < kmers_binary.size(); i++){ if(counts[i] > 1){ hd_histogram[0] += num_pair(counts[i]); } for (int j = i+1; j < kmers_binary.size(); j++){ //int hd = hammingDistance(stringToBinary(kmers[i]), stringToBinary(kmers[j])); //int hd = hammingDist(kmers[i], kmers[j]); int hd = hammingDistance(kmers_binary[i], kmers_binary[j]); //hd_histogram[hd] += 1; hd_histogram[hd] += counts[i]*counts[j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < hd_histogram.size(); i++){ cout << i << " " << hd_histogram[i] << endl; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { zodd += "01"; } for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { zeven += "10"; } zodd_t = std::stoull(zodd, nullptr, 2); zeven_t = std::stoull(zeven, nullptr, 2); // cout<<kmer_to_real_value("ATTTTTAAAAAAAATATATATGGATATATA"); // exit(1); // string kmer1="CTTTTTAAAAAAAATATATATGGATATATA"; // string kmer2="CTTTTTGAAAAAAATATATATGGATATAAT"; // cout<<hammingDistance(stringToBinary(kmer1), stringToBinary(kmer2)); // exit(1); read_kmers("kmers.txt"); // K IS SET double value = std::stod(argv[1]); getHDHistogram(value); //std::string kmer = "AAAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAAA"; //double real_value = kmer_to_real_value(kmer); //std::cout << "Real value for k-mer " << kmer << ": " << real_value << std::endl; return 0; }
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