3 years ago
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#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include "DHT.h" // DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor Predefined library #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 #define dht_dpin D5 //GPIO-0 D3 pin of nodemcu #define rainDigital D0 int Raw = A0; //Analog channel A0 as used to measure temperature int threshold = D1; //Nodemcu digital pin water sensor read-GPIO16---D0 of NodeMCU int Solenoid = D7; // GPIO13---D7 of NodeMCU--Motor connection const char* ssid = "Tenda_68A6C8"; const char* password = "awse2313"; DHT dht(dht_dpin, DHTTYPE); WiFiServer server(80); void setup(void) { dht.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); delay(10); pinMode(rainDigital,INPUT); pinMode(threshold,INPUT_PULLUP); //Pin#13 as output-Activate pullup at pin 13 pinMode(Solenoid, OUTPUT); //D7 as output digitalWrite(Solenoid, LOW); //Deactivate Solenoid // Connect to WiFi network Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //Begin WiFi while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); // Start the server server.begin(); Serial.println("Server started"); // Print the IP address on serial monitor Serial.print("Use this URL to connect: "); Serial.print("http://"); //URL IP to be typed in mobile/desktop browser Serial.print(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("/"); } void loop() { // Check if a client has connected WiFiClient client = server.available(); if (!client) { return; } // Wait until the client sends some data Serial.println("new client"); while(!client.available()){ delay(1); } // Read the first line of the request String request = client.readStringUntil('\r'); Serial.println(request); client.flush(); int rainDigitalVal = digitalRead(rainDigital); float h =0.0; //Humidity level float t =0.0; //Temperature in celcius float f =0.0; //Temperature in fahrenheit float percentage = 0.0; // Calculating percentage of moisture float reading = 0.0; //Analog channel moisture read // Match the request int value = LOW; if (request.indexOf("/Up=ON") != -1) { h = dht.readHumidity(); //Read humidity level t = dht.readTemperature(); //Read temperature in celcius f = (h * 1.8) + 32; //Temperature converted to Fahrenheit reading = analogRead(Raw); //Analog pin reading output voltage by water moisture rain sensor percentage = (reading/1024) * 100; //Converting the raw value in percentage if (reading<=110){ // If less mositure in soil start the motor otherwise stop digitalWrite(Solenoid, HIGH); value = HIGH; } else { digitalWrite(Solenoid, LOW); value = LOW; } } if (request.indexOf("/Solenoid=ON") != -1) { //Motor ON digitalWrite(Solenoid, HIGH); value = HIGH; } if (request.indexOf("/Solenoid=OFF") != -1) { //Motor OFF digitalWrite(Solenoid, LOW); value = LOW; } // Return the response client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client.println(""); // do not forget this one client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>"); client.println("<html>"); client.println("<h1 align=center>Smart Erigation System</h1><br><br>"); client.print("Temperature in Celsius ="); client.println(t); client.println("<br>"); client.print("Temperature in Fahrenheit ="); client.println(f); client.println("<br>"); client.print("Humidity ="); client.println(h); client.print(" %"); client.println("<br>"); client.println(); client.print("Moisture Level Percentage ="); client.print(percentage); client.print("%"); if(digitalRead(threshold)==HIGH){ // Read digital output of soil sensor client.println("Threshold Reached = Rain detected / Moisture exceeded / Water detected"); } client.println("<br><br>"); if(value == HIGH) client.println("Motor/Pump Operational"); else client.print("Motor/Pump at Halt"); client.println("<br>"); if(digitalRead(rainDigital)==LOW){ // Read digital output of soil sensor client.println("Raining>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");} else client.print("Not Raining"); client.println("<br><br>"); client.println("<a href=\"/Up=ON\"\"><button>Update = Temperature Humidity Moisture Values</button></a><br />"); client.println("<a href=\"/Solenoid=ON\"\"><button>Motor Pump On </button></a>"); client.println("<a href=\"/Solenoid=OFF\"\"><button>Motor Pump Off </button></a><br />"); client.println("</html>"); delay(1); Serial.println("Client disonnected"); Serial.println(""); }