2 years ago
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############ # Frontend # ############ FROM node:16.15.0-alpine3.15 as frontend RUN apk add --update git vim WORKDIR /app COPY artisan package.json webpack.mix.js yarn.lock ./ RUN yarn install COPY resources ./resources COPY public ./public ARG MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY RUN MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY=$MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY yarn production ################# # Reverse-proxy # ################# FROM nginx:1.21.6-alpine AS nginx WORKDIR /var/www/html COPY ./docker/nginx/vhost.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf COPY --from=frontend /app/public /var/www/html/ ARG GIT_COMMIT=unspecified LABEL git_commit=$GIT_COMMIT # # PHP Dependencies # FROM lorisleiva/laravel-docker:7.4 as vendor WORKDIR /app COPY composer.json composer.lock ./ RUN composer install \ --prefer-dist \ # Disable ANSI output --no-ansi \ # Do not ask any interactive question --no-interaction \ # Removes the progress display that can mess with some terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters. --no-progress \ # Skips execution of scripts defined in composer.json. --no-scripts \ # Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default. # --optimize-autoloader \ --no-autoloader \ # Skip installing packages listed in require-dev. The autoloader generation skips the autoload-dev rules. # --no-dev \ #ignore errors coming from composer.lock, cause no php or extensions installed on composer --ignore-platform-req=ext-mongodb --ignore-platform-req=ext-gd --ignore-platform-req=ext-exif COPY . . RUN composer dump-autoload ############### # Application # ############### FROM php:7.4-fpm as application WORKDIR /var/www/html # Install PHP dependencies #zlib-dev git vim $PHPIZE_DEPS RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y \ libxml2-dev \ zlib1g-dev \ libpng-dev \ libzip-dev RUN docker-php-ext-install \ pdo \ pdo_mysql \ opcache \ tokenizer \ xml \ ctype \ json \ bcmath \ pcntl \ exif \ gd \ zip \ # install && pecl install \ apcu \ mongodb \ redis \ # activate && docker-php-ext-enable \ apcu \ mongodb \ redis # Copy Frontend build COPY --from=frontend /app/public/js/ ./public/js/ COPY --from=frontend /app/public/css/ ./public/css/ COPY --from=frontend /app/public/mix-manifest.json ./public/mix-manifest.json # Copy Composer dependencies COPY --from=vendor /app/vendor/ ./vendor/ COPY . . # # If you need to update the autoloader because of new classes in a classmap package for example, # # you can use dump-autoload to do that without having to go through an install or update. COPY --from=composer:2 /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer RUN composer dump-autoload --optimize RUN php artisan route:cache && php artisan event:cache && php artisan api:cache && php artisan view:cache ARG GIT_COMMIT=unspecified LABEL git_commit=$GIT_COMMIT