2 years ago
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2) Write a batch Apex program to phone number in the contact object withthe phone number in the corresponding account object where contact is child of account. Batch Class: ------------ public class UpdateContactPhoneBatch implements Database.Batchable <Sobject> { Public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bContext) { string query = 'Select id,AccountID,Phone from Contact where AccountID != Null'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } Public void Execute(Database.BatchableContext bContext,list<Contact> lstcon) { set<id> lstset = new set<id>(); for(Contact con : lstcon) { lstset.add(con.AccountID); } map<id,Account> lstMap = new map<id,Account>(); for(Account acc : [Select id ,name,phone from Account where ID IN :lstset ]) { lstMap.put(acc.id,acc); } list<Contact> lstlist = new list<Contact>(); for(Contact con : lstcon) { Account acc = lstMap.get(con.AccountId); con.Phone = acc.Phone; lstlist.add(con); } if(!lstlist.isEmpty()) { Database.update(lstlist,false); } } Public void Finish(Database.BatchableContext bContext) { system.debug('Update Contact Phone ....'+bContext.getJobId()); AsyncApexJob jobID = [Select id, status, totalJobItems,jobItemsProcessed,NumberofErrors,CreatedBy.email from AsyncApexJob where id =: bContext.getJobId()]; EmailUtility.sendEmailNotificationContactUpdate(jobID, 'UpdateContactPhoneBatch'); } } Eamil Class : -------------- public class EmailUtility { Public static void sendEmailNotificationContactUpdate(AsyncApexJob jobID,string jobName) { if(jobID.Id != Null) { Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string[] toAddress = new string[]{jobID.CreatedBy.email,'mahendranimje24@gmail.com'}; email.setToAddresses(toAddress); email.setSenderDisplayName('Batch Job Alert for Contact Object'); email.setReplyTo('intellect@cloud.com'); string emailSubject = 'Batch Job Status Notification for Contact Phone Update'; email.setSubject(emailSubject); string emailContent = 'Dear Customer <br/><br/>'+ 'We Pleased to infrom you that, Your Batch Job status has been Completed <br/><br/>'+ 'Below are the Job status Details'+ '<br/> Job Name is .....'+jobName+ '<br/> Job Status ID is .....'+jobID.ID+ '<br/> Job Status is....'+jobID.Status+ '<br/> Total Job Items....'+jobID.TotalJobItems+ '<br/> Total Batch are Processed...'+jobID.JobItemsProcessed+ '<br/> Number of Bactes are Failed...'+jobID.NumberOfErrors+ '<br/> Batch Job Owner Email....'+jobID.CreatedBy.email+ '<br/><br/> Please Contact on the below Address , if any Querries'+ '<br/><br/> ****This is System Generated Email.Please DO NOT Replay.'+ '<br/><br/> Thanks & Regards <br/> Support Team,<br/> Cloud Intellect,Nagpur'; email.setHtmlBody(emailContent); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{email}); } } } Execution: ---------- UpdateContactPhoneBatch ph = new UpdateContactPhoneBatch(); Database.executeBatch(ph,8);