-- Triggers with creation time SELECT owner, trigger_name, table_name, triggering_event, status, LAST_DDL_TIME as created_time FROM all_triggers t JOIN all_objects o ON (t.owner = o.owner AND t.trigger_name = o.object_name) WHERE trigger_name LIKE 'TRG_%' ORDER BY LAST_DDL_TIME; -- Foreign Keys with creation time SELECT c.owner, c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.r_constraint_name, o.LAST_DDL_TIME as created_time FROM all_constraints c JOIN all_objects o ON (c.owner = o.owner AND c.constraint_name = o.object_name) WHERE constraint_type = 'R' AND constraint_name LIKE 'FKY_%' ORDER BY LAST_DDL_TIME;
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