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--  To check the current status of your plugins, run
--    :Lazy
--  To update plugins you can run
--    :Lazy update

  -- NOTE: Plugins can be added with a link (or for a github repo: 'owner/repo' link).
  'tpope/vim-sleuth', -- Detect tabstop and shiftwidth automatically

  -- NOTE: Plugins can also be added by using a table,
  -- with the first argument being the link and the following
  -- keys can be used to configure plugin behavior/loading/etc.
  -- Use `opts = {}` to force a plugin to be loaded.

  -- Here is a more advanced example where we pass configuration
  -- options to `gitsigns.nvim`. This is equivalent to the following Lua:
  --    require('gitsigns').setup({ ... })
  -- See `:help gitsigns` to understand what the configuration keys do
  { -- Adds git related signs to the gutter, as well as utilities for managing changes
    opts = {
      signs = {
        add = { text = '+' },
        change = { text = '~' },
        delete = { text = '_' },
        topdelete = { text = '‟' },
        changedelete = { text = '~' },

  -- NOTE: Plugins can also be configured to run Lua code when they are loaded.
  -- This is often very useful to both group configuration, as well as handle
  -- lazy loading plugins that don't need to be loaded immediately at startup.
  -- For example, in the following configuration, we use:
  --  event = 'VimEnter'
  -- which loads which-key before all the UI elements are loaded. Events can be
  -- normal autocommands events (`:help autocmd-events`).
  -- Then, because we use the `config` key, the configuration only runs
  -- after the plugin has been loaded:
  --  config = function() ... end

  { -- Useful plugin to show you pending keybinds.
    event = 'VimEnter', -- Sets the loading event to 'VimEnter'
    opts = {
      icons = {
        -- set icon mappings to true if you have a Nerd Font
        mappings = vim.g.have_nerd_font,
        -- If you are using a Nerd Font: set icons.keys to an empty table which will use the
        -- default which-key.nvim defined Nerd Font icons, otherwise define a string table
        keys = vim.g.have_nerd_font and {} or {
          Up = '<Up> ',
          Down = '<Down> ',
          Left = '<Left> ',
          Right = '<Right> ',
          C = '<C-
> ',
          M = '<M-
> ',
          D = '<D-
> ',
          S = '<S-
> ',
          CR = '<CR> ',
          Esc = '<Esc> ',
          ScrollWheelDown = '<ScrollWheelDown> ',
          ScrollWheelUp = '<ScrollWheelUp> ',
          NL = '<NL> ',
          BS = '<BS> ',
          Space = '<Space> ',
          Tab = '<Tab> ',
          F1 = '<F1>',
          F2 = '<F2>',
          F3 = '<F3>',
          F4 = '<F4>',
          F5 = '<F5>',
          F6 = '<F6>',
          F7 = '<F7>',
          F8 = '<F8>',
          F9 = '<F9>',
          F10 = '<F10>',
          F11 = '<F11>',
          F12 = '<F12>',

      -- Document existing key chains
      spec = {
        { '<leader>c', group = '[C]ode', mode = { 'n', 'x' } },
        { '<leader>d', group = '[D]ocument' },
        { '<leader>r', group = '[R]ename' },
        { '<leader>s', group = '[S]earch' },
        { '<leader>w', group = '[W]orkspace' },
        { '<leader>t', group = '[T]oggle' },
        { '<leader>g', group = '[G]it hunk', mode = { 'n', 'v' } },

  -- NOTE: Plugins can specify dependencies.
  -- The dependencies are proper plugin specifications as well - anything
  -- you do for a plugin at the top level, you can do for a dependency.
  -- Use the `dependencies` key to specify the dependencies of a particular plugin

  { -- Fuzzy Finder (files, lsp, etc)
    event = 'VimEnter',
    branch = '0.1.x',
    dependencies = {
      { -- If encountering errors, see telescope-fzf-native README for installation instructions

        -- `build` is used to run some command when the plugin is installed/updated.
        -- This is only run then, not every time Neovim starts up.
        build = 'make',

        -- `cond` is a condition used to determine whether this plugin should be
        -- installed and loaded.
        cond = function()
          return vim.fn.executable 'make' == 1
      { 'nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim' },

      -- Useful for getting pretty icons, but requires a Nerd Font.
      { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', enabled = vim.g.have_nerd_font },
    config = function()
      -- Telescope is a fuzzy finder that comes with a lot of different things that
      -- it can fuzzy find! It's more than just a "file finder", it can search
      -- many different aspects of Neovim, your workspace, LSP, and more!
      -- The easiest way to use Telescope, is to start by doing something like:
      --  :Telescope help_tags
      -- After running this command, a window will open up and you're able to
      -- type in the prompt window. You'll see a list of `help_tags` options and
      -- a corresponding preview of the help.
      -- Two important keymaps to use while in Telescope are:
      --  - Insert mode: <c-/>
      --  - Normal mode: ?
      -- This opens a window that shows you all of the keymaps for the current
      -- Telescope picker. This is really useful to discover what Telescope can
      -- do as well as how to actually do it!

      -- [[ Configure Telescope ]]
      -- See `:help telescope` and `:help telescope.setup()`
      require('telescope').setup {
        -- You can put your default mappings / updates / etc. in here
        --  All the info you're looking for is in `:help telescope.setup()`
        -- defaults = {
        --   mappings = {
        --     i = { ['<c-enter>'] = 'to_fuzzy_refine' },
        --   },
        -- },
        -- pickers = {}
        extensions = {
          ['ui-select'] = {

      -- Enable Telescope extensions if they are installed
      pcall(require('telescope').load_extension, 'fzf')
      pcall(require('telescope').load_extension, 'ui-select')

      -- See `:help telescope.builtin`
      local builtin = require 'telescope.builtin'
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sh', builtin.help_tags, { desc = '[S]earch [H]elp' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sk', builtin.keymaps, { desc = '[S]earch [K]eymaps' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sf', builtin.find_files, { desc = '[S]earch [F]iles' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ss', builtin.builtin, { desc = '[S]earch [S]elect Telescope' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sw', builtin.grep_string, { desc = '[S]earch current [W]ord' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sg', builtin.live_grep, { desc = '[S]earch by [G]rep' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sd', builtin.diagnostics, { desc = '[S]earch [D]iagnostics' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sr', builtin.resume, { desc = '[S]earch [R]esume' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>s.', builtin.oldfiles, { desc = '[S]earch Recent Files ("." for repeat)' })
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader><leader>', builtin.buffers, { desc = '[ ] Find existing buffers' })

      -- Slightly advanced example of overriding default behavior and theme
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>/', function()
        -- You can pass additional configuration to Telescope to change the theme, layout, etc.
        builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown {
          winblend = 10,
          previewer = false,
      end, { desc = '[/] Fuzzily search in current buffer' })

      -- It's also possible to pass additional configuration options.
      --  See `:help telescope.builtin.live_grep()` for information about particular keys
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>s/', function()
        builtin.live_grep {
          grep_open_files = true,
          prompt_title = 'Live Grep in Open Files',
      end, { desc = '[S]earch [/] in Open Files' })

      -- Shortcut for searching your Neovim configuration files
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sn', function()
        builtin.find_files { cwd = vim.fn.stdpath 'config' }
      end, { desc = '[S]earch [N]eovim files' })

  -- LSP Plugins
    -- `lazydev` configures Lua LSP for your Neovim config, runtime and plugins
    -- used for completion, annotations and signatures of Neovim apis
    ft = 'lua',
    opts = {
      library = {
        -- Load luvit types when the `vim.uv` word is found
        { path = 'luvit-meta/library', words = { 'vim%.uv' } },
  { 'Bilal2453/luvit-meta', lazy = true },
    -- Main LSP Configuration
    dependencies = {
      -- Automatically install LSPs and related tools to stdpath for Neovim
      { 'williamboman/mason.nvim', config = true }, -- NOTE: Must be loaded before dependants

      -- Useful status updates for LSP.
      -- NOTE: `opts = {}` is the same as calling `require('fidget').setup({})`
      { 'j-hui/fidget.nvim', opts = {} },

      -- Allows extra capabilities provided by nvim-cmp
    config = function()
      -- Brief aside: **What is LSP?**
      -- LSP is an initialism you've probably heard, but might not understand what it is.
      -- LSP stands for Language Server Protocol. It's a protocol that helps editors
      -- and language tooling communicate in a standardized fashion.
      -- In general, you have a "server" which is some tool built to understand a particular
      -- language (such as `gopls`, `lua_ls`, `rust_analyzer`, etc.). These Language Servers
      -- (sometimes called LSP servers, but that's kind of like ATM Machine) are standalone
      -- processes that communicate with some "client" - in this case, Neovim!
      -- LSP provides Neovim with features like:
      --  - Go to definition
      --  - Find references
      --  - Autocompletion
      --  - Symbol Search
      --  - and more!
      -- Thus, Language Servers are external tools that must be installed separately from
      -- Neovim. This is where `mason` and related plugins come into play.
      -- If you're wondering about lsp vs treesitter, you can check out the wonderfully
      -- and elegantly composed help section, `:help lsp-vs-treesitter`

      --  This function gets run when an LSP attaches to a particular buffer.
      --    That is to say, every time a new file is opened that is associated with
      --    an lsp (for example, opening `main.rs` is associated with `rust_analyzer`) this
      --    function will be executed to configure the current buffer
      vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
        group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-lsp-attach', { clear = true }),
        callback = function(event)
          -- NOTE: Remember that Lua is a real programming language, and as such it is possible
          -- to define small helper and utility functions so you don't have to repeat yourself.
          -- In this case, we create a function that lets us more easily define mappings specific
          -- for LSP related items. It sets the mode, buffer and description for us each time.
          local map = function(keys, func, desc, mode)
            mode = mode or 'n'
            vim.keymap.set(mode, keys, func, { buffer = event.buf, desc = 'LSP: ' .. desc })

          -- Jump to the definition of the word under your cursor.
          --  This is where a variable was first declared, or where a function is defined, etc.
          --  To jump back, press <C-t>.
          map('gd', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_definitions, '[G]oto [D]efinition')

          -- Find references for the word under your cursor.
          map('gr', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_references, '[G]oto [R]eferences')

          -- Jump to the implementation of the word under your cursor.
          --  Useful when your language has ways of declaring types without an actual implementation.
          map('gI', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_implementations, '[G]oto [I]mplementation')

          -- Jump to the type of the word under your cursor.
          --  Useful when you're not sure what type a variable is and you want to see
          --  the definition of its *type*, not where it was *defined*.
          map('<leader>D', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_type_definitions, 'Type [D]efinition')

          -- Fuzzy find all the symbols in your current document.
          --  Symbols are things like variables, functions, types, etc.
          map('<leader>ds', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_document_symbols, '[D]ocument [S]ymbols')

          -- Fuzzy find all the symbols in your current workspace.
          --  Similar to document symbols, except searches over your entire project.
          map('<leader>ws', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols, '[W]orkspace [S]ymbols')

          -- Rename the variable under your cursor.
          --  Most Language Servers support renaming across files, etc.
          map('<leader>rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, '[R]e[n]ame')

          -- Execute a code action, usually your cursor needs to be on top of an error
          -- or a suggestion from your LSP for this to activate.
          map('<leader>ca', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, '[C]ode [A]ction', { 'n', 'x' })

          -- WARN: This is not Goto Definition, this is Goto Declaration.
          --  For example, in C this would take you to the header.
          map('gD', vim.lsp.buf.declaration, '[G]oto [D]eclaration')

          -- The following two autocommands are used to highlight references of the
          -- word under your cursor when your cursor rests there for a little while.
          --    See `:help CursorHold` for information about when this is executed
          -- When you move your cursor, the highlights will be cleared (the second autocommand).
          local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(event.data.client_id)
          if client and client.supports_method(vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_documentHighlight) then
            local highlight_augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-lsp-highlight', { clear = false })
            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI' }, {
              buffer = event.buf,
              group = highlight_augroup,
              callback = vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight,

            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI' }, {
              buffer = event.buf,
              group = highlight_augroup,
              callback = vim.lsp.buf.clear_references,

            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspDetach', {
              group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('kickstart-lsp-detach', { clear = true }),
              callback = function(event2)
                vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds { group = 'kickstart-lsp-highlight', buffer = event2.buf }

          -- The following code creates a keymap to toggle inlay hints in your
          -- code, if the language server you are using supports them
          -- This may be unwanted, since they displace some of your code
          if client and client.supports_method(vim.lsp.protocol.Methods.textDocument_inlayHint) then
            map('<leader>th', function()
              vim.lsp.inlay_hint.enable(not vim.lsp.inlay_hint.is_enabled { bufnr = event.buf })
            end, '[T]oggle Inlay [H]ints')

      -- Change diagnostic symbols in the sign column (gutter)
      if vim.g.have_nerd_font then
        local signs = { ERROR = 'îȘ‡', WARN = 'î©Ź', INFO = 'î©Ž', HINT = 'î©Ą' }
        local diagnostic_signs = {}
        for type, icon in pairs(signs) do
          diagnostic_signs[vim.diagnostic.severity[type]] = icon
        vim.diagnostic.config { signs = { text = diagnostic_signs } }

      -- LSP servers and clients are able to communicate to each other what features they support.
      --  By default, Neovim doesn't support everything that is in the LSP specification.
      --  When you add nvim-cmp, luasnip, etc. Neovim now has *more* capabilities.
      --  So, we create new capabilities with nvim cmp, and then broadcast that to the servers.
      local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
      capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', capabilities, require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities())

      -- Enable the following language servers
      --  Feel free to add/remove any LSPs that you want here. They will automatically be installed.
      --  Add any additional override configuration in the following tables. Available keys are:
      --  - cmd (table): Override the default command used to start the server
      --  - filetypes (table): Override the default list of associated filetypes for the server
      --  - capabilities (table): Override fields in capabilities. Can be used to disable certain LSP features.
      --  - settings (table): Override the default settings passed when initializing the server.
      --        For example, to see the options for `lua_ls`, you could go to: https://luals.github.io/wiki/settings/
      local servers = {
        -- clangd = {},
        -- gopls = {},
        pyright = {
          settings = {
            pyright = { autoImportCompletion = true },
            python = {
              analysis = {
                autoSearchPaths = true,
                diagnosticMode = 'openFilesOnly',
                useLibraryCodeForTypes = true,
                typeCheckingMode = 'off',
        -- rust_analyzer = {},
        -- ... etc. See `:help lspconfig-all` for a list of all the pre-configured LSPs
        -- Some languages (like typescript) have entire language plugins that can be useful:
        --    https://github.com/pmizio/typescript-tools.nvim
        -- But for many setups, the LSP (`ts_ls`) will work just fine
        -- ts_ls = {},

        lua_ls = {
          -- cmd = {...},
          -- filetypes = { ...},
          -- capabilities = {},
          settings = {
            Lua = {
              completion = {
                callSnippet = 'Replace',
              -- You can toggle below to ignore Lua_LS's noisy `missing-fields` warnings
              -- diagnostics = { disable = { 'missing-fields' } },

      -- Ensure the servers and tools above are installed
      --  To check the current status of installed tools and/or manually install
      --  other tools, you can run
      --    :Mason
      --  You can press `g?` for help in this menu.

      -- You can add other tools here that you want Mason to install
      -- for you, so that they are available from within Neovim.
      local ensure_installed = vim.tbl_keys(servers or {})
      vim.list_extend(ensure_installed, {
        'stylua', -- Used to format Lua code
      require('mason-tool-installer').setup { ensure_installed = ensure_installed }

      require('mason-lspconfig').setup {
        handlers = {
            local server = servers[server_name] or {}
            -- This handles overriding only values explicitly passed
            -- by the server configuration above. Useful when disabling
            -- certain features of an LSP (for example, turning off formatting for ts_ls)
            server.capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', {}, capabilities, server.capabilities or {})

  { -- Autoformat
    event = { 'BufWritePre' },
    cmd = { 'ConformInfo' },
    keys = {
          require('conform').format { async = true, lsp_format = 'fallback' }
        mode = '',
        desc = '[F]ormat buffer',
    opts = {
      notify_on_error = false,
      format_on_save = function(bufnr)
        -- Disable "format_on_save lsp_fallback" for languages that don't
        -- have a well standardized coding style. You can add additional
        -- languages here or re-enable it for the disabled ones.
        local disable_filetypes = { c = true, cpp = true }
        local lsp_format_opt
        if disable_filetypes[vim.bo[bufnr].filetype] then
          lsp_format_opt = 'never'
          lsp_format_opt = 'fallback'
        return {
          timeout_ms = 500,
          lsp_format = lsp_format_opt,
      formatters_by_ft = {
        lua = { 'stylua' },
        -- Conform can also run multiple formatters sequentially
        -- python = { 'black' },
        -- You can use 'stop_after_first' to run the first available formatter from the list
        javascript = { 'prettierd', 'prettier', stop_after_first = true },
        javascriptreact = { 'prettierd' },
        typescript = { 'prettierd' },
        typescriptreact = { 'prettierd' },
        html = { 'prettierd' },
        -- markdown = { 'prettierd' },

  { -- Autocompletion
    event = 'InsertEnter',
    dependencies = {
      -- Snippet Engine & its associated nvim-cmp source
        build = (function()
          -- Build Step is needed for regex support in snippets.
          -- This step is not supported in many windows environments.
          -- Remove the below condition to re-enable on windows.
          if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 or vim.fn.executable 'make' == 0 then
          return 'make install_jsregexp'
        dependencies = {
          -- `friendly-snippets` contains a variety of premade snippets.
          --    See the README about individual language/framework/plugin snippets:
          --    https://github.com/rafamadriz/friendly-snippets
          -- {
          --   'rafamadriz/friendly-snippets',
          --   config = function()
          --     require('luasnip.loaders.from_vscode').lazy_load()
          --   end,
          -- },

      -- Adds other completion capabilities.
      --  nvim-cmp does not ship with all sources by default. They are split
      --  into multiple repos for maintenance purposes.
    config = function()
      -- See `:help cmp`
      local cmp = require 'cmp'
      local luasnip = require 'luasnip'
      luasnip.config.setup {}

      cmp.setup {
        snippet = {
          expand = function(args)
        completion = { completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noinsert' },

        -- For an understanding of why these mappings were
        -- chosen, you will need to read `:help ins-completion`
        -- No, but seriously. Please read `:help ins-completion`, it is really good!
        mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert {
          -- Select the [n]ext item
          ['<C-n>'] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
          -- Select the [p]revious item
          ['<C-p>'] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),

          -- Scroll the documentation window [b]ack / [f]orward
          ['<C-b>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
          ['<C-f>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),

          -- Accept ([y]es) the completion.
          --  This will auto-import if your LSP supports it.
          --  This will expand snippets if the LSP sent a snippet.
          ['<C-y>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = true },

          -- If you prefer more traditional completion keymaps,
          -- you can uncomment the following lines
          --['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = true },
          --['<Tab>'] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
          --['<S-Tab>'] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),

          -- Manually trigger a completion from nvim-cmp.
          --  Generally you don't need this, because nvim-cmp will display
          --  completions whenever it has completion options available.
          ['<C-Space>'] = cmp.mapping.complete {},

          -- Think of <c-l> as moving to the right of your snippet expansion.
          --  So if you have a snippet that's like:
          --  function $name($args)
          --    $body
          --  end
          -- <c-l> will move you to the right of each of the expansion locations.
          -- <c-h> is similar, except moving you backwards.
          ['<C-l>'] = cmp.mapping(function()
            if luasnip.expand_or_locally_jumpable() then
          end, { 'i', 's' }),
          ['<C-h>'] = cmp.mapping(function()
            if luasnip.locally_jumpable(-1) then
          end, { 'i', 's' }),

          -- For more advanced Luasnip keymaps (e.g. selecting choice nodes, expansion) see:
          --    https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip?tab=readme-ov-file#keymaps
        sources = {
            name = 'lazydev',
            -- set group index to 0 to skip loading LuaLS completions as lazydev recommends it
            group_index = 0,
          { name = 'nvim_lsp' },
          { name = 'luasnip' },
          { name = 'path' },

  -- { -- You can easily change to a different colorscheme.
  --   -- Change the name of the colorscheme plugin below, and then
  --   -- change the command in the config to whatever the name of that colorscheme is.
  --   --
  --   -- If you want to see what colorschemes are already installed, you can use `:Telescope colorscheme`.
  --   'folke/tokyonight.nvim',
  --   priority = 1000, -- Make sure to load this before all the other start plugins.
  --   init = function()
  --     -- Load the colorscheme here.
  --     -- Like many other themes, this one has different styles, and you could load
  --     -- any other, such as 'tokyonight-storm', 'tokyonight-moon', or 'tokyonight-day'.
  --     vim.cmd.colorscheme 'tokyonight-night'
  --     -- You can configure highlights by doing something like:
  --     vim.cmd.hi 'Comment gui=none'
  --   end,
  -- },

  -- Highlight todo, notes, etc in comments
  { 'folke/todo-comments.nvim', event = 'VimEnter', dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, opts = { signs = false } },

  { -- Collection of various small independent plugins/modules
    config = function()
      -- Better Around/Inside textobjects
      -- Examples:
      --  - va)  - [V]isually select [A]round [)]paren
      --  - yinq - [Y]ank [I]nside [N]ext [Q]uote
      --  - ci'  - [C]hange [I]nside [']quote
      require('mini.ai').setup { n_lines = 500 }

      -- Add/delete/replace surroundings (brackets, quotes, etc.)
      -- - saiw) - [S]urround [A]dd [I]nner [W]ord [)]Paren
      -- - sd'   - [S]urround [D]elete [']quotes
      -- - sr)'  - [S]urround [R]eplace [)] [']

      -- Simple and easy statusline.
      --  You could remove this setup call if you don't like it,
      --  and try some other statusline plugin
      local statusline = require 'mini.statusline'
      -- set use_icons to true if you have a Nerd Font
      statusline.setup { use_icons = vim.g.have_nerd_font }

      -- You can configure sections in the statusline by overriding their
      -- default behavior. For example, here we set the section for
      -- cursor location to LINE:COLUMN
      ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-set-field
      statusline.section_location = function()
        return '%2l:%-2v'
  { -- Highlight, edit, and navigate code
    build = ':TSUpdate',
    main = 'nvim-treesitter.configs', -- Sets main module to use for opts
    -- [[ Configure Treesitter ]] See `:help nvim-treesitter`
    opts = {
      ensure_installed = { 'bash', 'c', 'diff', 'html', 'lua', 'luadoc', 'markdown', 'markdown_inline', 'query', 'vim', 'vimdoc', 'python', 'sql' },
      -- Autoinstall languages that are not installed
      auto_install = true,
      highlight = {
        enable = true,
        -- Some languages depend on vim's regex highlighting system (such as Ruby) for indent rules.
        --  If you are experiencing weird indenting issues, add the language to
        --  the list of additional_vim_regex_highlighting and disabled languages for indent.
        additional_vim_regex_highlighting = { 'ruby' },
      indent = { enable = true, disable = { 'ruby', 'python' } },
    -- There are additional nvim-treesitter modules that you can use to interact
    -- with nvim-treesitter. You should go explore a few and see what interests you:
    --    - Incremental selection: Included, see `:help nvim-treesitter-incremental-selection-mod`
    --    - Show your current context: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context
    --    - Treesitter + textobjects: https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects

  -- The following comments only work if you have downloaded the kickstart repo, not just copy pasted the
  -- init.lua. If you want these files, they are in the repository, so you can just download them and
  -- place them in the correct locations.

  -- NOTE: Next step on your Neovim journey: Add/Configure additional plugins for Kickstart
  --  Here are some example plugins that I've included in the Kickstart repository.
  --  Uncomment any of the lines below to enable them (you will need to restart nvim).
  -- require 'kickstart.plugins.debug',
  require 'kickstart.plugins.indent_line',
  require 'kickstart.plugins.lint',
  require 'kickstart.plugins.autopairs',
  -- require 'kickstart.plugins.gitsigns', -- adds gitsigns recommend keymaps

  -- NOTE: The import below can automatically add your own plugins, configuration, etc from `lua/custom/plugins/*.lua`
  --    This is the easiest way to modularize your config.
  --  Uncomment the following line and add your plugins to `lua/custom/plugins/*.lua` to get going.
  { import = 'custom.plugins' },
  -- For additional information with loading, sourcing and examples see `:help lazy.nvim-🔌-plugin-spec`
  -- Or use telescope!
  -- In normal mode type `<space>sh` then write `lazy.nvim-plugin`
  -- you can continue same window with `<space>sr` which resumes last telescope search
}, {
  ui = {
    -- If you are using a Nerd Font: set icons to an empty table which will use the
    -- default lazy.nvim defined Nerd Font icons, otherwise define a unicode icons table
    icons = vim.g.have_nerd_font and {} or {
      cmd = '⌘',
      config = '🛠',
      event = '📅',
      ft = '📂',
      init = '⚙',
      keys = '🗝',
      plugin = '🔌',
      runtime = 'đŸ’»',
      require = '🌙',
      source = '📄',
      start = '🚀',
      task = '📌',
      lazy = 'đŸ’€ ',

-- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et
Editor is loading...
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