a year ago
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def print_barcode(printer, barcode_image): # Get the printer DC printer_dc = win32ui.CreateDC() printer_dc.CreatePrinterDC(printer) # Get the page size and image size in pixels page_size_mm = (25.4, 54) dpi = 300 # Use a fixed DPI value (adjust it according to your printer's DPI) page_size_pixels = tuple(int(dpi * page_size_mm[i] / 25.4) for i in (0, 1)) image = Image.open(barcode_image+".png") # Rotate the image by 90 degrees image = image.rotate(90, expand=True) image_width, image_height = image.size # Calculate the scaling factor based on the page width (25.4 mm), leaving some space for padding padding_mm = 5 scaling_factor = (page_size_mm[0] - 2 * padding_mm) / image_height # Calculate the new size while maintaining the aspect ratio and expanding to fit the padded page size new_size = (int(image_width * scaling_factor), int(image_height * scaling_factor)) # Resize the image resized_image = image.resize(new_size, Image.LANCZOS) resized_width, resized_height = resized_image.size # Calculate the position to center the image on the page x_pos = int((page_size_pixels[0] - resized_width) / 2) y_pos = int((page_size_pixels[1] - resized_height) / 2) # Start the print job printer_dc.StartDoc(barcode_image+".png") printer_dc.StartPage() # Print the image dib = ImageWin.Dib(resized_image) dib.draw(printer_dc.GetSafeHdc(), (x_pos, y_pos, resized_width, resized_height)) # End the print job printer_dc.EndPage() printer_dc.EndDoc() printer_dc.ClosePrinter() print('Barcode printed successfully')