2 years ago
3.9 kB
e("for (;;);", "")); formData.input.attachments.push({ "photo": { "id": result.payload.fbid.toString(), } }); } /* for (const path of paths) { try { fs.unlinkSync(path); } catch(e) {} } */ } /* api.unsendMessage(handleReply.messageID, () => { api.sendMessage(`Bắt đầu tạo bài viết....`, threadID, (e, info) => { global.client.handleReply.push({ name: this.config.name, messageID: info.messageID, author: senderID, formData, type: "video" }); }, messageID); }); } else if (type == "video") { if (event.body != "0") { if (!handleReply.uploadVideos) handleReply.uploadVideos = []; const { uploadVideos } = handleReply; if (attachments[0].type != "video") return; const getFile = (await axios.get(attachments[0].url, { responseType: "arraybuffer" })).data; const pathVideo = __dirname + "/cache/videoPost.mp4"; fs.writeFileSync(pathVideo, Buffer.from(getFile)); uploadVideos.push(fs.createReadStream(pathVideo)); return api.unsendMessage(handleReply.messageID, () => { api.sendMessage(`Phản hồi tin nhắn này kèm video hoặc reply 0 để kết thúc`, threadID, (e, info) => { global.client.handleReply.push({ name: this.config.name, messageID: info.messageID, author: senderID, formData, uploadVideos, type: "video" }); }, messageID); }); } if (handleReply.uploadVideos) { let uploads = []; for (const attachment of handleReply.uploadVideos) { const form = { upload_1024: attachment, voice_clip: "true" }; uploads.push(api.httpPostFormData("https://upload.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/upload.php", form)); } uploads = await Promise.all(uploads); for (let result of uploads) { if (typeof result == "string") result = JSON.parse(result.replace("for (;;);", "")); formData.input.attachments.push({ "video": { "id": result.payload.metadata[0].video_id.toString(), "notify_when_processed": true } }); } } */ const form = { av: botID, fb_api_req_friendly_name: "ComposerStoryCreateMutation", fb_api_caller_class: "RelayModern", doc_id: "7711610262190099", variables: JSON.stringify(formData) }; api.httpPost('https://www.facebook.com/api/graphql/', form, (e, info) => { api.unsendMessage(handleReply.messageID); try { if (e) throw e; if (typeof info == "string") info = JSON.parse(info.replace("for (;;);", "")); const postID = info.data.story_create.story.legacy_story_hideable_id; const urlPost = info.data.story_create.story.url; if (!postID) throw info.errors; try { fs.unlinkSync(__dirname + "/cache/imagePost.png"); //fs.unlinkSync(__dirname + "/cache/videoPost.mp4"); } catch(e) {} return api.sendMessage(`» Post created successfully\n» postID: ${postID}\n» urlPost: ${urlPost}`, threadID, messageID); } catch (e) { //console.log(e) return api.sendMessage(`Post creation failed, please try again later`, threadID, messageID); } }); } }; function getGUID() { var sectionLength = Date.now(); var id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = Math.floor((sectionLength + Math.random() * 16) % 16); sectionLength = Math.floor(sectionLength / 16); var _guid = (c == "x" ? r : (r & 7) | 8).toString(16); return _guid; }); return id; }