a year ago
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--[[------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightsaber Force Powers: The available powers that the new saber base uses. Powered by _ _ _ ___ ____ __ _(_) | |_ / _ \/ ___| \ \ /\ / / | | __| | | \___ \ \ V V /| | | |_| |_| |___) | \_/\_/ |_|_|\__|\___/|____/ _____ _ _ _ |_ _|__ ___| |__ _ __ ___ | | ___ __ _(_) ___ ___ | |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _` | |/ _ \/ __| | | __/ (__| | | | | | | (_) | | (_) | (_| | | __/\__ \ |_|\___|\___|_| |_|_| |_|\___/|_|\___/ \__, |_|\___||___/ |___/ ----------------------------- Copyright 2017, David "King David" Wiltos ]]--[[ Lua Developer: King David Contact: www.wiltostech.com -- Copyright 2017, David "King David" Wiltos ]]-- local TREE = {} --Name of the skill tree TREE.Name = "Way Of The Shadow" --Description of the skill tree TREE.Description = "The Path Of The Sith Assassins." --Icon for the skill tree ( Appears in category menu and above the skills ) TREE.TreeIcon = "wos/forceicons/eshell.png" --What is the background color in the menu for this TREE.BackgroundColor = Color( 0, 0, 0 ) --How many tiers of skills are there? TREE.MaxTiers = 5 --Add user groups that are allowed to use this tree. If anyone is allowed, set this to FALSE ( TREE.UserGroups = false ) TREE.UserGroups = false TREE.JobRestricted = {"TEAM_GRANDINQUIS", "TEAM_SEVENSISTER", "TEAM_NINTHSISTER", "TEAM_EIGHTBROTHER", "TEAM_FIFTHBROTHER", "TEAM_INQUISTOR", "TEAM_RGCAPTAIN", "TEAM_SOVERIGNPROTECTOR", "TEAM_SHADOWGUARD", "TEAM_ROYALGUARD", "TEAM_PALPATINE", "TEAM_VADER", "TEAM_STARKILLER", } TREE.Tier = {} --Tier format is as follows: --To create the TIER Table, do the following --TREE.Tier[ TIER NUMBER ] = {} --To populate it with data, the format follows this --TREE.Tier[ TIER NUMBER ][ SKILL NUMBER ] = DATA --Name, description, and icon are exactly the same as before --PointsRequired is for how many skill points are needed to unlock this particular skill --Requirements prevent you from unlocking this skill unless you have the pre-requisite skills from the last tiers. If you are on tier 1, this should be {} --OnPlayerSpawn is a function called when the player just spawns --OnPlayerDeath is a function called when the player has just died --OnSaberDeploy is a function called when the player has just pulled out their lightsaber ( assuming you have SWEP.UsePlayerSkills = true ) TREE.Tier[1] = {} TREE.Tier[1][1] = { Name = "Rapid Advance [ I ]", Description = "Adds 30 Speed to your current Speed", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/speed.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = {}, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetRunSpeed( ply:GetRunSpeed() + 30 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[1][2] = { Name = "Concealed Thrust [ I ]", Description = "+25 base damage to your lightsaber", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/ravager/combatant.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [1] = { 1 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep.SaberDamage = wep.SaberDamage + 25 end, } TREE.Tier[1][3] = { Name = "Force Gain [ I ]", Description = "Adds 50 force", Icon = "nvn/wos/icons/1.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [1] = { 2 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:SetMaxForce( wep:GetMaxForce() + 50 ) end, } TREE.Tier[1][4] = { Name = "Enhanced Fibers [ I ]", Description = "Adds 50 Armor", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/armor.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [1] = { 3 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetArmor( ply:Armor() + 50 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[1][5] = { Name = "Be One With The Wind", Description = "That which you harness is all around you.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/icefuse/whirlwind.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [1] = { 4 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Force Whirlwind" ) end, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE.Tier[2] = {} TREE.Tier[2][1] = { Name = "Rapid Advance [ II ]", Description = "Adds 40 Speed to your current Speed", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/speed.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [1] = { 5 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetRunSpeed( ply:GetRunSpeed() + 40 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[2][2] = { Name = "Enhanced Fibers [II]", Description = "Adds 75 Armor", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/armor.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [2] = { 1 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetArmor( ply:Armor() + 75 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[2][3] = { Name = "Force Gain [ II ]", Description = "Adds 50 force", Icon = "nvn/wos/icons/1.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [2] = { 2 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:SetMaxForce( wep:GetMaxForce() + 50 ) end, } TREE.Tier[2][4] = { Name = "Concealed Thrust [ II ]", Description = "+35 base damage to your lightsaber", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/ravager/combatant.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [2] = { 3 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep.SaberDamage = wep.SaberDamage + 35 end, } TREE.Tier[2][5] = { Name = "Stature of Darkness", Description = "Adds 125 Health to your current Health", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/health.png", PointsRequired = 3, Requirements = { [2] = { 4 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetHealth( ply:Health() + 125 ) ply:SetMaxHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() + 125 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE.Tier[3] = {} TREE.Tier[3][1] = { Name = "Vision of Blood", Description = "+30 base damage to your lightsaber and +120 hp", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/health.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [2] = { 5 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetHealth( ply:Health() + 120 ) ply:SetMaxHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() + 120 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep.SaberDamage = wep.SaberDamage + 30 end, } TREE.Tier[3][2] = { Name = "Cloak", Description = "Cloak yourself for 10 seconds.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/cloak.png", PointsRequired = 3, Requirements = { [3] = { 1 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Cloak" ) end, } TREE.Tier[3][3] = { Name = "Shadow Strike", Description = "Strike your opponent while invisible.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/shadow_strike.png", PointsRequired = 4, Requirements = { [3] = { 2 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Shadow Strike" ) end, } TREE.Tier[3][4] = { Name = "Rapid Advance [ III ]", Description = "Adds 30 speed", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/speed.png", PointsRequired = 1, Requirements = { [3] = { 3 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetRunSpeed( ply:GetRunSpeed() + 30 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[3][5] = { Name = "Force Gain [ II ]", Description = "Adds 75 force", Icon = "nvn/wos/icons/1.png", PointsRequired = 3, Requirements = { [3] = { 4 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:SetMaxForce( wep:GetMaxForce() + 75 ) end, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE.Tier[4] = {} TREE.Tier[4][1] = { Name = "Killer of the Shadows", Description = "Adds 200 Health, But you lose 15 saber damage", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/health.png", PointsRequired = 3, Requirements = { [3] = { 5 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetHealth( ply:Health() + 200 ) ply:SetMaxHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() + 200 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep.SaberDamage = wep.SaberDamage - 15 end, } TREE.Tier[4][2] = { Name = "Enhanced Fibers [ III ]", Description = "Adds 100 Armor", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/armor.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [4] = { 1 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetArmor( ply:Armor() + 100 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[4][3] = { Name = "Force Gain [ III ]", Description = "Adds 100 force", Icon = "nvn/wos/icons/1.png", PointsRequired = 3, Requirements = { [4] = { 2 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:SetMaxForce( wep:GetMaxForce() + 100 ) end, } TREE.Tier[4][4] = { Name = "Concealed Thrust [ III ]", Description = "+45 base damage to your lightsaber", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/ravager/combatant.png", PointsRequired = 2, Requirements = { [4] = { 3 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep.SaberDamage = wep.SaberDamage + 45 end, } TREE.Tier[4][5] = { Name = "Force Breach", Description = "Make a path, Open Doors.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/icefuse/breach.png", PointsRequired = 5, Requirements = { [4] = { 4 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Force Breach" ) end, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE.Tier[5] = {} TREE.Tier[5][1] = { Name = "Rise of Power", Description = "Adds 350 Health to your current Health", Icon = "wos/skilltrees/characterstats/health.png", PointsRequired = 4, Requirements = { [4] = { 5 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) ply:SetHealth( ply:Health() + 350 ) ply:SetMaxHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() + 350 ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) end, } TREE.Tier[5][2] = { Name = "Advanced Cloak", Description = "Cloak yourself for 25 seconds.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/advanced_cloak.png", PointsRequired = 5, Requirements = { [5] = { 1 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Advanced Cloak" ) end, } TREE.Tier[5][3] = { Name = "Sonic Discharge", Description = "Blind everyone around you.", Icon = "wos/devestators/sonic.png", PointsRequired = 6, Requirements = { [5] = { 2 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddDevestator( "Sonic Discharge" ) end, } TREE.Tier[5][4] = { Name = "Crippling Slam", Description = "Earth shattering slams immobilize those in your path", Icon = "wos/forceicons/cripple.png", PointsRequired = 7, Requirements = { [5] = { 3 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Crippling Slam" ) end, } TREE.Tier[5][5] = { Name = "Teleport", Description = "Phase through to a new location.", Icon = "wos/forceicons/icefuse/teleport.png", PointsRequired = 8, Requirements = { [5] = { 4 }, }, OnPlayerSpawn = function( ply ) end, OnPlayerDeath = function( ply ) end, OnSaberDeploy = function( wep ) wep:AddForcePower( "Teleport" ) end, } wOS:RegisterSkillTree( TREE )
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