time="2024-02-05T12:00:23Z" level=info msg="Loading eBPF programs and maps into the kernel..." time="2024-02-05T12:00:23Z" level=info msg="The loading process takes about 120MB free memory, which will be released after loading. Insufficient memory will cause loading failure." time="2024-02-05T12:00:41Z" level=info msg="Loaded eBPF programs and maps" time="2024-02-05T12:00:41Z" level=info msg="Routing match set len: 1/64" time="2024-02-05T12:00:41Z" level=warning msg="[Reload] Received reload signal; prepare to reload" time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=warning msg="[Reload] Load new control plane" time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=debug time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=info msg="Waiting for network..." time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=info msg=Ready time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=info msg="Network online." time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=info msg="Loaded eBPF programs and maps" time="Feb 05 12:00:41" level=info msg="Bind to LAN: br-lan" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Bind to WAN: br-lan" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group "HK" node list:" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network="tcp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group "SG" node list:" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network="tcp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group "US" node list:" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network="tcp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group "proxy" node list:" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg=" 1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network="tcp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Search "geosite.dat" in [/etc/daed/, /.local/share/daed, /usr/local/share/daed, /usr/share/daed]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Found "geosite.dat" at /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:category-ads-all" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:cn" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:china-list" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Search "geoip.dat" in [/etc/daed/, /.local/share/daed, /usr/local/share/daed, /usr/share/daed]" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Found "geoip.dat" at /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:cn" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:private" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:netflix" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:gfw" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:cloudflare" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:cloudfront" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:facebook" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:fastly" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:google" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:twitter" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="Read geoip "geoip.dat:telegram" from /usr/share/daed/geoip.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="RoutingA: pname([n = 3]) -> direct(must) ip([n = 2]) -> direct domain([n = 70397]) -> block domain([n = 65099]) -> direct ip([n = 10715]) -> direct dscp([n = 1]) -> direct domain([n = 1]) -> HK domain([n = 1]) -> SG ip([n = 18]) -> SG domain([n = 2]) -> US domain([n = 6088]) -> proxy ip([n = 1485]) -> proxy fallback: proxy " time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="[rule] pname([n = 3]) -> direct(must)" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg=" pname() -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="[rule] ip([n = 2]) -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg=" ip() -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:42" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 70397]) -> block" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(suffix) -> block" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 65099]) -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(full) -> <OR>" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(regex) -> <OR>" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(suffix) -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] ip([n = 10715]) -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" ip() -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] dscp([n = 1]) -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" dscp() -> direct" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 1]) -> HK" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(full) -> HK" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 1]) -> SG" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(suffix) -> SG" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] ip([n = 18]) -> SG" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" ip() -> SG" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 2]) -> US" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(suffix) -> US" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] domain([n = 6088]) -> proxy" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(keyword) -> <OR>" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" domain(suffix) -> proxy" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg="[rule] ip([n = 1485]) -> proxy" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=debug msg=" ip() -> proxy" time="Feb 05 12:00:43" level=info msg="Routing match set len: 18/64" time="Feb 05 12:00:44" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:category-ads-all" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:44" level=debug msg="Read geosite "geosite.dat:cn" from /usr/share/daed/geosite.dat" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg="[rule] qname([n = 70397]) -> reject" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg=" qname(suffix) -> reject" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg="[rule] qtype([n = 1]) -> reject" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg=" qtype() -> reject" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg="[rule] qname([n = 65049]) -> alidns" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg=" qname(full) -> <OR>" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg=" qname(regex) -> <OR>" time="Feb 05 12:00:45" level=debug msg=" qname(suffix) -> alidns" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=SG network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=US network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=US network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=HK network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=SG time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=SG network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp4(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=proxy network="udp4(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=proxy network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --udp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=HK network="udp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=warning msg="[Reload] Stopped old control plane" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=warning msg="[Reload] Serve" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=warning msg="[Reload] Finished" time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=warning msg="dangerous converting: may exceeds graphQL int32 range" name=SoMarkFromDae type=uint32 time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=warning msg="dangerous converting: may exceeds graphQL int32 range" name=SoMarkFromDae type=uint32 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=HK network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=proxy network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=HK time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=HK network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=proxy network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=112ms last=112ms mov_avg=56ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=119ms last=119ms mov_avg=59ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=143ms last=143ms mov_avg=71ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=152ms last=152ms mov_avg=76ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" _new_dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" _old_dialer="<nil>" group=proxy min=152ms network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group 'proxy' [tcp6(DNS)]: 1. 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]: 152ms" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=157ms last=157ms mov_avg=78ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=info msg="Listen on" time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=info msg="Listen on" time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=info msg="Listen on http://[::1]:2023" time="2024-02-05T12:00:46Z" level=info msg="Listen on http://[fe80::be24:11ff:fe15:7e2]:2023" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=207ms last=207ms mov_avg=103ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=222ms last=222ms mov_avg=111ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=222ms last=222ms mov_avg=111ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group selects dialer" _new_dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" _old_dialer="<nil>" group=proxy min=222ms network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group 'proxy' [tcp6]: 1. 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]: 222ms" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=107ms last=102ms mov_avg=79ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=121ms last=123ms mov_avg=91ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=US network="tcp6(DNS)" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6(DNS)-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=275ms last=275ms mov_avg=137ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=US time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group has no dialer alive" group=US network=tcp6 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp6-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=294ms last=294ms mov_avg=147ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=132ms last=112ms mov_avg=94ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=130ms last=118ms mov_avg=94ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=138ms last=118ms mov_avg=98ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group re-selects dialer" _new_dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" _old_dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" group=proxy min=118ms network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=info msg="Group 'proxy' [tcp4]: 1. 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]: 118ms 2. 1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]: 123ms 3. 1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]: 222ms 4. 1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]: 294ms" time="Feb 05 12:00:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=174ms last=126ms mov_avg=118ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=262ms last=249ms mov_avg=193ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:00:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=273ms last=252ms mov_avg=200ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=125ms last=112ms mov_avg=103ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=125ms last=114ms mov_avg=104ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=155ms last=117ms mov_avg=118ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=131ms last=119ms mov_avg=109ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=266ms last=272ms mov_avg=233ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=275ms last=280ms mov_avg=240ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=204ms last=201ms mov_avg=152ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=215ms last=208ms mov_avg=159ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=98ms last=79ms mov_avg=79ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=111ms last=90ms mov_avg=90ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:32" level=info msg="Group re-selects dialer" _new_dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" _old_dialer="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" group=proxy min=90ms network=tcp4 time="Feb 05 12:01:32" level=info msg="Group 'proxy' [tcp4]: 1. 1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]: 90ms 2. 1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]: 119ms 3. 1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]: 208ms 4. 1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]: 280ms" time="2024-02-05T12:01:39Z" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=connect.rom.miui.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.baidu.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.baidu.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=connect.rom.miui.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: connect.rom.miui.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=mcc.inf.miui.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=mtalk.google.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="2024-02-05T12:01:39Z" level=warning msg="handleConn: failed to dial traffic was dropped due to no-load configuration" time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.baidu.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: connect.rom.miui.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:39" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: connect.rom.miui.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=tmfsdktcp.m.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=tools.3g.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=sqimg.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: sqimg.qq.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dns.weixin.qq.com.cn. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=play.googleapis.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="play.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <-> play.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=play.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:01:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=tmfsdk4.m.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:42" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: mtalk.google.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:42" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="mtalk.google.com:5228" time="Feb 05 12:01:42" level=info msg=" <-> mtalk.google.com:5228" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=mtalk.google.com time="Feb 05 12:01:43" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i0.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:43" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:43" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dns.google. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=app.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="dns.google:443" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <-> dns.google:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=dns.google time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=line3-h5-mobile-api.biligame.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=128ms last=137ms mov_avg=121ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=grpc.biliapi.net. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=131ms last=147ms mov_avg=125ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=135ms last=148ms mov_avg=128ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.vc.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=155ms last=154ms mov_avg=136ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=cm.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=broadcast.chat.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=club.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: api.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.google. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="dns.google:443" time="Feb 05 12:01:44" level=info msg=" <-> dns.google:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=dns.google time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=upos-sz-mirrorcos.bilivideo.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: upos-sz-mirrorcos.bilivideo.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dataflow.biliapi.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i1.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=ug-data.mihoyo.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: app.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=passport.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=data.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.google. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="dns.google:443" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <-> dns.google:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=dns.google time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: app.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: api.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=mall.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:45" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=member.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:46" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.live.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=260ms last=245ms mov_avg=239ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=269ms last=249ms mov_avg=244ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:48" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=hw-sh-pcdn-24.biliapi.net. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:48" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=idm.iot.mi.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:48" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: idm.iot.mi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:49" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.iegadp.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:49" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=vv.video.qq.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:49" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: vv.video.qq.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i0.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:01:50" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=show.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:01:54" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:54" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:54" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:54" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:55" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:55" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=201ms last=174ms mov_avg=167ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=194ms last=174ms mov_avg=163ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:01:59" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=93ms last=79ms mov_avg=79ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=104ms last=85ms mov_avg=88ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=youtubei.googleapis.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i.ytimg.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: youtubei.googleapis.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i.ytimg.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: youtubei.googleapis.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i.ytimg.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: youtubei.googleapis.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i.ytimg.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: youtubei.googleapis.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=info msg=" <-> i.ytimg.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=i.ytimg.com time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=info msg=" <-> youtubei.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=youtubei.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:02" level=info msg=" <-> youtubei.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=youtubei.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=yt3.ggpht.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: yt3.ggpht.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: yt3.ggpht.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=info msg=" <-> yt3.ggpht.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=yt3.ggpht.com time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=suggestqueries.google.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: suggestqueries.google.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: suggestqueries.google.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="suggestqueries.google.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=info msg=" <-> suggestqueries.google.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=suggestqueries.google.com time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="notifications-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="notifications-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:03" level=info msg=" <-> notifications-pa.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=notifications-pa.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=info msg=" <-> www.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=info msg=" <-> www.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=info msg=" <-> redirector.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=redirector.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=redirector.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=info msg=" <-> redirector.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=redirector.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:04" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="youtubei.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=s.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=info msg=" <-> s.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=s.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="redirector.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belnls.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr4---sn-i3b7knld.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:07" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:08" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:08" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:08" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:08" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:08" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:09" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:09" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:10" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:10" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=124ms last=110ms mov_avg=115ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=128ms last=117ms mov_avg=121ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=149ms last=124ms mov_avg=130ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=133ms last=125ms mov_avg=127ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=258ms last=249ms mov_avg=244ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=270ms last=273ms mov_avg=259ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:17" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:18" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:18" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:18" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:20" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:23" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:23" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="s.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:23" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:26" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:26" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:26" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:26" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:27" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:27" level=info msg=" <->" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed= time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=187ms last=168ms mov_avg=166ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=196ms last=181ms mov_avg=174ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=91ms last=84ms mov_avg=82ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=102ms last=92ms mov_avg=90ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:33" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.bing.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:33" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="api.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:33" level=info msg=" <-> api.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=api.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:34" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="api.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:34" level=info msg=" <-> api.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=api.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:34" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:34" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="api.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:34" level=info msg=" <-> api.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=api.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:35" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="api.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:35" level=info msg=" <-> api.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=api.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:38" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.bing.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:38" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:38" level=info msg=" <-> www.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=r.bing.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="r.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <-> r.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=r.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="r.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <-> r.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=r.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="r.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <-> r.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=r.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=th.bing.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="th.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=login.microsoftonline.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="login.microsoftonline.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=info msg=" <-> login.microsoftonline.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=login.microsoftonline.com time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="th.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:39" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www2.bing.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:40" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www2.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:40" level=info msg=" <-> www2.bing.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www2.bing.com time="Feb 05 12:02:40" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="th.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:40" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:41" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="th.bing.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:41" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:43" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=125ms last=113ms mov_avg=117ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=123ms last=113ms mov_avg=114ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=131ms last=120ms mov_avg=123ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=144ms last=121ms mov_avg=126ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:44" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:45" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.youtube.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:46" level=info msg=" <-> www.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=255ms last=240ms mov_avg=242ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=268ms last=263ms mov_avg=261ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=m.youtube.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="m.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=info msg=" <-> m.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=m.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="m.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:47" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="m.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: yt3.ggpht.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="m.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <-> yt3.ggpht.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=yt3.ggpht.com time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=content-autofill.googleapis.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="content-autofill.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <-> content-autofill.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=content-autofill.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i.ytimg.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <-> i.ytimg.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=i.ytimg.com time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <-> i.ytimg.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=i.ytimg.com time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=info msg=" <-> i.ytimg.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=i.ytimg.com time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:48" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handleConn: handleTCP relay error: read tcp> i/o timeout: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=jnn-pa.googleapis.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=info msg=" <-> jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=jnn-pa.googleapis.com time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=info msg=" <-> rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=info msg=" <-> rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="m.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:49" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:50" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:51" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:51" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="jnn-pa.googleapis.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:51" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:51" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:51" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:52" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:53" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:53" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:54" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:54" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:54" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:54" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <-> rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <-> rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <-> rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com time="Feb 05 12:02:55" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.gstatic.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=info msg=" <-> www.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="yt3.ggpht.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:56" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:57" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:57" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:57" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:57" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:58" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr3---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:58" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:58" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:02:58" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:58" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=184ms last=171ms mov_avg=168ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:02:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=192ms last=177ms mov_avg=176ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:00" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:00" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=89ms last=76ms mov_avg=79ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=99ms last=86ms mov_avg=88ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:02" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:03:02" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:03:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:03" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:03:03" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:05" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="rr1---sn-i3b7knsd.googlevideo.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:03:05" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp6, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:06" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=127ms last=135ms mov_avg=126ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=125ms last=139ms mov_avg=127ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=134ms last=150ms mov_avg=136ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=146ms last=155ms mov_avg=140ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=254ms last=247ms mov_avg=244ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=267ms last=259ms mov_avg=260ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:26" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=a0.app.xiaomi.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=bdstatics.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=emdctrade.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=bd-fireworks.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=mobappconfig.securities.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: mobappconfig.securities.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: mobappconfig.securities.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: mobappconfig.securities.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=datacenter.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=swdlcdn.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=appserverlisttx.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=emimpcpf2.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=emisdatacentercdn.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gbfek.dfcfw.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=eminterservice.securities.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=codedictdata.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gboperation.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gbapi.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=tradenavigator1.18.cn. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=avator.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=msgcnt.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=mscstorage.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gbres.dfcfw.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=appadvise.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=183ms last=177ms mov_avg=173ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=190ms last=180ms mov_avg=178ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=awebapi2-account.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=empointcpf.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gbapi-pj.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=roadshow.lvb.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: gbapi-pj.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: gbapi-pj.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=myfavor1.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: myfavor1.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=emimpcpf.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:30" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=l2qx2.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:30" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=apd-pcdnwxnat.teg.tencent-cloud.net. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:30" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=premiumauthzp.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=91ms last=107ms mov_avg=93ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=104ms last=132ms mov_avg=110ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:32" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=datacenter.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:33" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=gboperation.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=emapm.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: emapm.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: emapm.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: emapm.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: emapm.eastmoney.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:03:35" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=probe.eastmoney.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="aa:16:09:56:5d:2f" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=128ms last=148ms mov_avg=137ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=130ms last=153ms mov_avg=139ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=137ms last=157ms mov_avg=147ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=148ms last=162ms mov_avg=151ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:46" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=253ms last=247ms mov_avg=246ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:47" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=265ms last=249ms mov_avg=255ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=info msg="[ALIVE --tcp4-> NOT ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:03:59" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=181ms last=169ms mov_avg=171ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:01" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=94ms last=110ms mov_avg=101ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=105ms last=112ms mov_avg=111ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:02" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=skydrive.wns.windows.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=client.wns.windows.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="skydrive.wns.windows.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=info msg=" <-> skydrive.wns.windows.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=skydrive.wns.windows.com time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="client.wns.windows.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:11" level=info msg=" <-> client.wns.windows.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=client.wns.windows.com time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.msftconnecttest.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.msftconnecttest.com:80" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <-> www.msftconnecttest.com:80" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.msftconnecttest.com time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=prod-eastasia.access-point.cloudmessaging.edge.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="prod-eastasia.access-point.cloudmessaging.edge.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <-> prod-eastasia.access-point.cloudmessaging.edge.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=prod-eastasia.access-point.cloudmessaging.edge.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <-> kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dsm01pap009.storage.live.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="dsm01pap009.storage.live.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <-> dsm01pap009.storage.live.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=dsm01pap009.storage.live.com time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: client.wns.windows.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="client.wns.windows.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:12" level=info msg=" <-> client.wns.windows.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=client.wns.windows.com time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=edge.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="edge.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <-> edge.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=edge.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.onedrive.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="api.onedrive.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <-> api.onedrive.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=api.onedrive.com time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=geo.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="geo.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:13" level=info msg=" <-> geo.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=geo.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=126ms last=112ms mov_avg=124ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=129ms last=121ms mov_avg=130ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=145ms last=122ms mov_avg=137ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=137ms last=141ms mov_avg=144ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=info msg=" <-> kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=kv801.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=settings-win.data.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="settings-win.data.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:14" level=info msg=" <-> settings-win.data.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=settings-win.data.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:16" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dns.msftncsi.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.msftncsi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.msftncsi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=263ms last=246ms mov_avg=250ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:17" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=253ms last=256ms mov_avg=251ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 美国 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:19" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.msftncsi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:19" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.msftncsi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:19" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: dns.msftncsi.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.msftconnecttest.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.msftconnecttest.com:80" time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=info msg=" <-> www.msftconnecttest.com:80" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.msftconnecttest.com time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.msftconnecttest.com:80" time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=info msg=" <-> www.msftconnecttest.com:80" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.msftconnecttest.com time="Feb 05 12:04:20" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=ipv6.msftconnecttest.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:23" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=sslvpn.jxust.edu.cn. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:23" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: sslvpn.jxust.edu.cn. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=self.events.data.microsoft.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:27" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="self.events.data.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:27" level=info msg=" <-> self.events.data.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=self.events.data.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=s1.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:27" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=www.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i0.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i1.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:28" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i2.hdslb.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: s1.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=180ms last=176ms mov_avg=173ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: s1.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=1.417s last=191ms mov_avg=2.64s network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=info msg="[NOT ALIVE --tcp4-> ALIVE]" dialer="1.日用 专线 日本 [0.2]" group=proxy time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=passport.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: s1.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=cm.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:29" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.vc.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:30" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: edge.microsoft.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:30" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="edge.microsoft.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:30" level=info msg=" <-> edge.microsoft.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=edge.microsoft.com time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=api.live.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=message.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="Head "http://cp.cloudflare.com": EOF" network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=92ms last=80ms mov_avg=91ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:31" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=102ms last=80ms mov_avg=95ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:32" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err=EOF network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:35" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:36" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:36" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: s1.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:36" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: s1.hdslb.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:36" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:37" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=osfsr.lenovomm.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:38" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.bilibili.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:38" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=message.bilibili.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:40" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=cn.bing.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.youtube.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: www.youtube.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="www.youtube.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <-> www.youtube.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=www.youtube.com time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=fonts.gstatic.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=fonts.googleapis.com. dialer=direct dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="udp4(DNS)" outbound=direct pid=0 pname= policy=fixed qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=dns.msftncsi.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <->" _qname=i.ytimg.com. dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network="tcp4(DNS)" outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min qtype=A time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: i.ytimg.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=debug msg="Rewrite dial target to domain" from="" to="i.ytimg.com:443" time="Feb 05 12:04:42" level=info msg=" <-> i.ytimg.com:443" dialer="1.日用 专线 香港 [0.2]" dscp=0 ip="" mac="ac:12:03:e3:45:bd" network=tcp4 outbound=proxy pid=0 pname= policy=min sniffed=i.ytimg.com time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check Failed" err="unknown network unsupported tunnel type: simpleobfs+udp" network="udp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=127ms last=105ms mov_avg=118ms network="tcp6(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=125ms last=112ms mov_avg=118ms network="tcp4(DNS)" node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=135ms last=120ms mov_avg=132ms network=tcp4 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="Connectivity Check" avg_10=143ms last=129ms mov_avg=133ms network=tcp6 node="1.日用 专线 狮城 [0.2]" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=debug msg="UDP(DNS) <-> Cache: yt3.ggpht.com. A" time="Feb 05 12:04:44" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to GetOrCreate: failed to select dialer from group proxy (udp4, dns?:false,from: no alive dialer" time="2024-02-05T12:04:49Z" level=info msg="Loading eBPF programs and maps into the kernel..." time="2024-02-05T12:04:49Z" level=info msg="The loading process takes about 120MB free memory, which will be released after loading. Insufficient memory will cause loading failure." time="2024-02-05T12:05:06Z" level=info msg="Loaded eBPF programs and maps" time="2024-02-05T12:05:06Z" level=info msg="Routing match set len: 1/64" time="2024-02-05T12:05:06Z" level=warning msg="[Reload] Received reload signal; prepare to reload" time="Feb 05 12:05:06" level=warning msg="[Reload] Load new control plane" time="Feb 05 12:05:06" level=debug time="Feb 05 12:05:06" level=info msg="Waiting for network..." time="Feb 05 12:05:06" level=info msg=Ready time="Feb 05 12:05:11" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:11Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:57126: i/o timeout" time="Feb 05 12:05:16" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://edge.microsoft.com/captiveportal/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:16Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:37856: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:16Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:44617: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:16Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:39423: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:16Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:56848: i/o timeout" time="Feb 05 12:05:21" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:39001: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:35555: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:56554: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:41360: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:43538: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:51294: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54644: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:48024: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:57129: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:21Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:33693: i/o timeout" time="Feb 05 12:05:26" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54494: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:59097: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:37657: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:48790: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:60818: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:37044: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:45001: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38067: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:59478: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:52114: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:57032: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:59692: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:60529: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38871: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:35329: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:26Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:35092: i/o timeout" time="Feb 05 12:05:31" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://edge.microsoft.com/captiveportal/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:37185: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54793: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:52127: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54531: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:46424: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:45729: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:37613: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54276: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:45874: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:58385: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:57390: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38478: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38370: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:54343: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38594: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:43282: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:47839: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:40110: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:43951: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:51415: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:56532: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:31Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:39389: i/o timeout" time="Feb 05 12:05:36" level=debug msg="CheckNetwork: Get "http://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:44927: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:52029: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:45743: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:59590: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:52634: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:51570: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:52365: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38020: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:33683: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:43353: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:53911: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:38947: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:36959: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:56061: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:50651: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:35221: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:45211: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:42793: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:51623: i/o timeout" time="2024-02-05T12:05:36Z" level=warning msg="handlePkt: failed to read from: (dialer: direct): read udp [::]:34965: i/o timeout"
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