def read_and_modify_sql(sql_file, schema_name): """Read SQL file and replace the schema name""" try: with open(sql_file, 'r') as file: sql_content = file.read() # Replace the hardcoded schema with the provided schema modified_sql = sql_content.replace("dcc.owner in ('RMS')", f"dcc.owner in ('{schema_name}')") return modified_sql except Exception as e: printf(f'Error reading/modifying SQL file: {e}') return None def execute_sql_to_csv(connection, sql_query, output_csv): """Execute SQL query and save results to CSV""" try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_query) # Get column names from cursor description columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description] # Write to CSV with open(output_csv, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: from csv import writer csv_writer = writer(csvfile) # Write header csv_writer.writerow(columns) # Write data rows for row in cursor: # Convert None to empty string and all other values to string csv_row = ['' if val is None else str(val) for val in row] csv_writer.writerow(csv_row) cursor.close() printf(f'Successfully created CSV file: {output_csv}') return True except Exception as e: printf(f'Error executing SQL and creating CSV: {e}') if 'cursor' in locals(): cursor.close() return False
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