a year ago
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DATABASE schema 1. Address Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the address record - Country: The country of the address - Accessible Type: The type of entity that can access this address - Default: Indicates if this is the default address - Default Delivery Address: Indicates if this is the default address for delivery - Default Pickup Address: Indicates if this is the default address for pickup - Default Return Address: Indicates if this is the default address for returns - Name: The recipient's name associated with the address - State: - ID: The identifier of the state - Name: The name of the state - ID (VTP): The VTP identifier of the state - ID (GHN): The GHN identifier of the state - District: - ID: The identifier of the district - Name: The name of the district - ID (VTP): The VTP identifier of the district - ID (GHN): The GHN identifier of the district - Ward: - ID: The identifier of the ward - Name: The name of the ward - ID (VTP): The VTP identifier of the ward - ID (GHN): The GHN identifier of the ward - Street: The street address - Phone: The phone number associated with the address - Accessible ID: The identifier of the entity that can access this address - Created At: The timestamp when the address was created - Updated At: The timestamp when the address was last updated 2. App Users Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the app user. - User ID: The identifier of the corresponding user in the system. - Operating System (OS): The operating system used by the app user (e.g., IOS). - Device ID: The unique identifier of the user's device. - Firebase Token: The token associated with the user's Firebase instance. - Created At: The timestamp when the app user record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the app user record was last updated. - Status: The current status of the app user (e.g., offline). 3. Bank Information Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the bank record. - Bank Code: The code associated with the bank. - Bank Name: The name of the bank. - Logo Link: The link to the logo of the bank. - Bank Type: The type of the bank. - Display Order: The order in which the bank is displayed. - Created At: The timestamp when the bank record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the bank record was last updated. 4. Blog Hashtag Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the blog hashtag record. - Default Language: The default language for the blog hashtag (e.g., vi). - Deleted At: The timestamp indicating when the blog hashtag was deleted, if applicable (null if not deleted). - Is Active: Indicates whether the blog hashtag is active (true/false). - Name: The name of the blog hashtag. - Description: The description of the blog hashtag. - Language Translations: - English (en): Trending - Korean (ko): Trending - Created At: The timestamp when the blog hashtag record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the blog hashtag record was last updated. 5. Blog Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the blog record. - Template Name: The name of the template associated with the blog (null if not specified). - Hashtag IDs: List of IDs of hashtags associated with the blog. - Images: List of image links related to the blog. - Deleted At: The timestamp indicating when the blog was deleted, if applicable (null if not deleted). - Is Active: Indicates whether the blog is active (true/false). - Shorten Link: The shortened link for the blog. - Title: The title of the blog. - Description: The description or content of the blog. - Sections: List of sections within the blog: - Images: List of image links related to the section. - Product IDs: List of IDs of products associated with the section. - Sub Title: The subtitle of the section. - Description: The description of the section. - Index: The index of the section within the blog. - Created By: The user who created the blog. - Created At: The timestamp when the blog record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the blog record was last updated. 6. Body Shape Type Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the body shape type. - Body Type Name: The name of the body shape type. - Image: The ID of the image associated with the body shape type. - Description: A description of the body shape type. - Is Active: Indicates whether the body shape type is active (true/false). - Created At: The timestamp when the body shape type record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the body shape type record was last updated. - Address: The address field (if applicable). - Language Translations: - English (en): The name of the body shape type translation by English. - Korean (ko): The name of the body shape type translation by Korean. - Priority: The priority of the body shape type. 7. Cart Items Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the cart item. - Variant ID: The ID of the product variant associated with the cart item. - Product ID: The ID of the product associated with the cart item. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the cart item. - Quantity: The quantity of the product in the cart item (e.g., 1). - User ID: The ID of the user who owns the cart item. - Created At: The timestamp when the cart item record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the cart item record was last updated. 8. Category Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the category. - Category Name: The name of the category (e.g., Bidustyle). - Image: The ID of the image associated with the category. - Description: A description of the category (e.g., Danh mục thời trang Bidustyle). - Is Active: Indicates whether the category is active (true/false). - Created At: The timestamp when the category record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the category record was last updated. - Is Interest Showed: Indicates whether the category's interest is showed (true/false). - Image Type: - Male: The ID of the image associated with the category for males. - Female: The ID of the image associated with the category for females. 9. Comment Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the comment. - User Comment ID: The ID of the user who made the comment. - Post ID: The ID of the post that the comment belongs to. - Content: The content of the comment (e.g., "She is so cute!"). - Is Active: Indicates whether the comment is active (true/false). - Created At: The timestamp when the comment was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the comment was last updated. - Is Edited: Indicates whether the comment has been edited (true/false). - Like Count: The number of likes received by the comment. - Reply Count: The number of replies to the comment. - Depth: The depth or level of the comment within the comment thread. - Mentions: List of mentions or references within the comment. 10. Data Cities Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the data cities record. - Districts: List of districts within the city: - Id: The identifier of the district. - Name: The name of the district. - Wards: List of wards within the district: - Id: The identifier of the ward. - Name: The name of the ward. - id_vtp: The VTP identifier of the ward. - id_ghn: The GHN identifier of the ward. - id_vtp: The VTP identifier of the district. - id_ghn: The GHN identifier of the district. - Id: The identifier of the city. - Name: The name of the city. - id_vtp: The VTP identifier of the city. - id_ghn: The GHN identifier of the city. - Created At: The timestamp when the data cities record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the data cities record was last updated. 11. User Device Information Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the user device information record. - Device ID: The unique identifier of the device. - Device Name: The name of the device (e.g., "iPhone8"). - Device Type: The type of device (e.g., "IOS"). - OS Version: The version of the operating system (e.g., "14.1"). - App Version: The version of the app installed on the device. - App Build Number: The build number of the app. - Created At: The timestamp when the user device information record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the user device information record was last updated. 12. Banners Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the banner. - Promo Link: The link associated with the banner. - Products: List of product IDs associated with the banner. - Order: The order of the banner (if applicable). - Is Active: Indicates whether the banner is active (true/false). - Classify: The classification of the banner. - Vouchers: List of voucher IDs associated with the banner. - Name: The name of the banner. - Image: The link to the image for the banner. - Start Time: The start timestamp of the banner. - End Time: The end timestamp of the banner. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the banner. - Images: List of additional images associated with the banner. - Created At: The timestamp when the banner record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the banner record was last updated. - Description: The description of the banner. - Position: The position of the banner. - Priority: The priority of the banner. - Shorten Link: The shortened link associated with the banner. 13. ECategories Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the product category. - Name: The name of the product category. - Priority: The priority of the product category. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the product category (if applicable). - Parent ID: The ID of the parent category of this category. - Permalink: The permalink or URL-friendly version of the category name. - Created At: The timestamp when the product category record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the product category record was last updated. - Is Active: Indicates whether the product category is active (true/false). - Type: The type of category (e.g., "product"). 14. Feedback Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the feedback record. - Medias: List of media URLs associated with the feedback. - Is Approved: Indicates whether the feedback is approved (true/false). - Is Public: Indicates whether the feedback is public (true/false). - Target ID: The ID of the target (e.g., product ID) associated with the feedback. - Target Type: The type of the target (e.g., "Product"). - Content: The content of the feedback. - Vote Star: The star rating given in the feedback. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the feedback. - User ID: The ID of the user who provided the feedback. - Order ID: The ID of the order associated with the feedback. - Created At: The timestamp when the feedback record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the feedback record was last updated. - Is Show Body Shape: Indicates whether the body shape information is shown in the feedback (true/false). - User Liked: List of user IDs who liked the feedback. - Medias Backup: List of backup media URLs associated with the feedback. 15. Follow Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the follow record. - User ID: The ID of the user who is performing the follow action. - Follower ID: The ID of the follower user. - Action Follow: The action associated with the follow (e.g., "1" for follow). - Followed Date: The timestamp when the follow action was performed. - Created At: The timestamp when the follow record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the follow record was last updated. 16. Gallery Images Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the image. - Mime Type: The MIME type of the image (e.g., "image"). - Gallery Image Able ID: The ID of the entity that the image is associated with. - Gallery Image Able Type: The type of the entity that the image is associated with (e.g., "1"). - URL: The URL of the image. - Is Active: Indicates whether the image is active (true/false). - Created At: The timestamp when the image record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the image record was last updated. - Products: List of product IDs associated with the image. - X Percent Offset: The horizontal offset percentage of the image. - Y Percent Offset: The vertical offset percentage of the image. 17. Video Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the video. - Mime Type: The MIME type of the video (e.g., "video"). - URL: The URL of the video. - User Upload: The ID of the user who uploaded the video. - Dimensions: - Height: The height of the video in pixels. - Width: The width of the video in pixels. - Is Active: Indicates whether the video is active (true/false). - Created At: The timestamp when the video record was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the video record was last updated. - Gallery Video Able ID: The ID of the entity that the video is associated with. - Gallery Video Able Type: The type of the entity that the video is associated with (e.g., "1"). - Products: List of product IDs associated with the video. 18. Group Buy System Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the group buy system. - Name: The name of the group buy. - Status: The status of the group buy (e.g., "approved"). - Start Time: The start time of the group buy. - End Time: The end time of the group buy. - Products: List of product details participating in the group buy. - Image: The image URL of the product. - Quantity: The total quantity of the product. - Variant Quantity: The quantity of variants for the product. - Discount Type: The type of discount applied (e.g., "percent"). - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the product. - Groups: List of group details for the product. - Number of Member: The number of members required for the group. - Discount: The discount applied for the group. - Group Buy Price: The price for the group buy. - Variants: List of variant details for the group. - Sold: The quantity of variants sold. - Variant ID: The ID of the variant. - Discount: The discount applied for the variant. - Group Buy Price: The price for the variant in the group buy. - Quantity: The quantity of the variant. - Created At: The timestamp when the group buy system was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the group buy system was last updated. 19. Group Orders Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the group order. - Orders: List of individual orders within the group order. - Refund Information: Details related to refunds for the order. - Request Reason: Information about the refund request reason. - Reject Reason: Information about the reason for rejection. - Status: The status of the refund request (e.g., "requested"). - Refund Money Status: The status of refund money (e.g., "pending"). - Seller Confirm Received Time: Timestamp when the seller confirms received. - Approved Time: Timestamp when the refund is approved. - Closed Time: Timestamp when the refund is closed. - Order Number: The unique order number. - Payment Status: The payment status of the order (e.g., "pending"). - Shipping Status: The shipping status of the order (e.g., "pending"). - Vouchers: List of vouchers applied to the order. - Classify: The classification of the voucher (e.g., "discount"). - Discount: The discount value of the voucher. - Cancel Reason: The reason for canceling the order. - Cancel Type: The type of cancellation. - Cancel By: The entity that canceled the order. - Cancel Time: Timestamp when the order was canceled. - Seller Note: Additional note from the seller. - Approved Time: Timestamp when the order is approved. - Total Price: The total price of the order. - Payment Method ID: The ID of the payment method. - User ID: The ID of the user who placed the order. - Handle By: The entity that handled the order. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the order. - Address: The shipping address details. - Total Value Items: The total value of the items in the order. - Shipping Fee: The shipping fee of the order. - Shipping Discount: The discount applied to shipping. - Voucher Discount: The discount applied from vouchers. - Note: Additional note for the order. - Shipping Method ID: The ID of the shipping method. - Pick Address: The pick-up address details. - Group Order ID: The ID of the group order. - Pick Status: Status related to the pick-up process. - Created At: Timestamp when the group order was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the group order was last updated. - Items: List of items within the order. - Quantity: The quantity of the item. - Images: List of images related to the item. - Product ID: The ID of the product. - Variant: Details about the product variant. - Product: Details about the product. - Created At: Timestamp when the item was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the item was last updated. - User ID: The ID of the user who placed the group order. - Total Price: The total price of the group order. - Created At: Timestamp when the group order was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the group order was last updated. 20. ID Card Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the ID card. - IsActive: Indicates whether the ID card is active. - UserId: The ID of the user associated with the ID card. - IsVerified: Indicates whether the ID card is verified. - Info Back: Information from the back side of the ID card. - Religion: The religion of the card holder. - Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the card holder. - Features: Special features or marks on the card holder. - Issue Date: The date when the ID card was issued. - Issue Location: The location where the ID card was issued. - Image: URL to the image of the back side of the ID card. - Info Front: Information from the front side of the ID card. - ID: The identification number on the ID card. - Name: The full name of the card holder. - DOB: Date of birth of the card holder. - Sex: Gender of the card holder. - Nationality: Nationality of the card holder. - Home: Home town information of the card holder. - Address: Address of the card holder. - Address Entities: Detailed address entities (province, district, ward, street). - DOE: Date of expiration of the ID card. - Image: URL to the image of the front side of the ID card. - Created At: Timestamp when the ID card was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the ID card was last updated. 21. Notification Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the notification. - IsRead: Indicates whether the notification has been read. - Type: The type of the notification (e.g., FOLLOW, LIKE, COMMENT, etc.). - Created By: The user who created the notification. - Targeted By: The user who is the target of the notification. - Created At: Timestamp when the notification was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the notification was last updated. - ContentType: The content type associated with the notification. 22. Notification Campaign Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the notification campaign. - Receivers: List of users or receivers who will receive the notification campaign. - Topic: List of topics related to the campaign (if applicable). - Type: The type of the notification campaign (e.g., PROMOTIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, etc.). - Title: The title of the notification campaign. - Description: Additional description or information about the campaign. - Content: The content or message of the campaign. - Schedule: The schedule or timing for sending the campaign (e.g., "now" | "schedule"). - Image: URL of the image associated with the campaign. - Created By: The user who created the campaign. - Created At: Timestamp when the campaign was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the campaign was last updated. 23. Option Type Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the option type. - Name: The name of the option type (e.g., "Color", "Size", etc.). - Description: Additional description or information about the option type. - Product ID: The ID of the product associated with this option type. - Created At: Timestamp when the option type was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the option type was last updated. 24. Option Values Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the option value. - Image: An optional image associated with the option value. - Name: The name or value of the option (e.g., "M", "Red", "XL", etc.). - Option Type ID: The ID of the option type to which this option value belongs. - Created At: Timestamp when the option value was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the option value was last updated. 25. Order Items Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the order item. - Quantity: The quantity of the product variant ordered. - Images: An array of image URLs associated with the product variant. - Order ID: The ID of the order to which this item belongs. - Product ID: The ID of the product to which this item belongs. - Variant: Details about the selected variant of the product. - Is Master: Whether this variant is the master variant. - Option Values: An array of option values for the variant. - SKU: Stock Keeping Unit, a unique identifier for the variant. - Quantity: Available quantity of the variant. - Before Sale Price: Original price of the variant before any sale. - Sale Price: Price of the variant after sale. - Created At: Timestamp when the variant was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the variant was last updated. - Product: Details about the product associated with the order item. - Sale Price: Price of the product. - Quantity: Available quantity of the product. - Allow to Sell: Whether the product is allowed to be sold. - Is Approved: Approval status of the product. - Is Pre-Order: Whether the product is available for pre-order. - Images: An array of image URLs associated with the product. - List Category ID: An array of category IDs to which the product belongs. - Limit Sale Price Order: Limit on the number of items that can be purchased at a sale price. - Sale Price Order Available: Number of items available for purchase at a sale price. - Shipping Information: Information about shipping the product. - Delivery Instruction: Instructions for delivery of the product. - Exchange Information: Information about exchanging the product. - Allow Refund: Whether refunds are allowed for the product. - Other product details... - Created At: Timestamp when the order item was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the order item was last updated. 26. Order Payment Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the order payment. - Order ID: The ID of the order for which the payment was made. - User ID: The ID of the user who made the payment. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the order. - Price: The total amount paid for the order. - Type: The payment method used (e.g., MOMO, credit card, etc.). - Code: A code associated with the payment (if applicable). - Payment Info: Details about the payment transaction. - Partner Code: Partner code associated with the payment provider. - Order ID: The unique order ID associated with the payment. - Request ID: Unique request ID for the payment. - Amount: The amount paid. - Order Info: Information about the order associated with the payment. - Order Type: Type of the order for payment. - Trans ID: Transaction ID associated with the payment. - Result Code: Code indicating the result of the payment. - Message: Message indicating the status of the payment transaction. - Pay Type: Type of payment (e.g., webApp, mobileApp, etc.). - Response Time: Timestamp of the payment response. - Extra Data: Additional data related to the payment (if any). - Signature: Signature for authentication and verification of the payment. - Created At: Timestamp when the payment was created. - Updated At: Timestamp when the payment information was last updated. 27. Order Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the order. - Order Number: The unique number associated with the order. - Payment Status: The status of payment for the order (e.g., paid, pending, etc.). - Shipping Status: The status of shipping for the order (e.g., shipped, pending, etc.). - Vouchers: List of vouchers applied to the order, each containing: - Classify: The classification of the voucher (e.g., discount, free_shipping, etc.). - ID: The ID of the voucher. - Discount: The discount amount. - Cancel Reason: The reason for order cancellation (if applicable). - Cancel Type: The type of order cancellation (if applicable). - Cancel By: The entity that initiated the cancellation (if applicable). - Cancel Time: The timestamp when the order was canceled (if applicable). - Seller Note: Notes provided by the seller regarding the order. - Approved Time: The timestamp when the order was approved. - Total Price: The total price of the order. - Payment Method ID: The ID of the payment method used for the order. - User ID: The ID of the user who placed the order. - Handle By: The entity responsible for handling the order (if applicable). - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the order. - Address: The shipping address associated with the order, containing details like: - Name - State - District - Ward - Street - Phone - Total Value Items: The total value of the items in the order. - Shipping Fee: The shipping fee for the order. - Shipping Discount: Discount applied to the shipping fee. - Voucher Discount: Discount applied through vouchers. - Note: Additional notes regarding the order. - Shipping Method ID: The ID of the shipping method used for the order. - Pick Address: The address for order pick-up (if applicable). - Name - State - District - Ward - Street - Phone - Group Order ID: The ID of the group order (if applicable). - Pick Status: The status of the pick-up process (if applicable). - Created At: The timestamp when the order was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the order information was last updated. - Refund Information: Information related to order refunds. - Delete At: The timestamp when the order was deleted (if applicable). 28. Order Shipping Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the order shipping. - User Confirm Shipped Time: The timestamp when the user confirms shipment (if applicable). - History: List of historical events related to the order shipping. - Shipping Info: Details related to the shipping process, including: - Partner ID: The ID of the shipping partner. - Label: The shipping label. - Area: The shipping area code. - Fee: The shipping fee. - Insurance Fee: The fee for shipping insurance. - Estimated Pick Time: Estimated time for order pick-up. - Estimated Deliver Time: Estimated time for order delivery. - Products: List of products in the shipment. - Status ID: The status code of the shipment. - Tracking ID: The tracking ID of the shipment. - Sorting Code: The sorting code of the shipment. - Is XFast: Indicator for expedited shipping (0 or 1). - Shipping Status: The current shipping status (e.g., "Chưa tiếp nhận"). - Order ID: The ID of the order associated with the shipping. - User ID: The ID of the user associated with the shipping. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the shipping. - Created At: The timestamp when the shipping information was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the shipping information was last updated. - Assign to Shipping Unit Time: The timestamp when the shipping was assigned to a shipping unit. 29. Payment Method Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the payment method. - Name: The name of the payment method (e.g., "VNPAY", "MOMO"). - Option: Additional options or settings for the payment method (if applicable). - Name Query: A queryable name for the payment method (e.g., "VNPAY"). - Is Active: Indicator of whether the payment method is active (true or false). - Priority: The priority or order in which the payment method is displayed or processed. 30. Permission Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the permission. - Is Active: Indicator of whether the permission is active (true or false). - Order: The order or priority of the permission (if applicable). - Permissions: A list of specific permissions associated with this permission. - Name: The name of the permission (e.g., "Transaction"). - Name Query: A queryable name for the permission (e.g., "transaction"). - Title: The title or display name of the permission (e.g., "Transaction"). - Description: A brief description of the permission. - Short ID: A shorter version of the permission's ID. - Parent ID: The ID of the parent permission (if applicable). - Created At: The timestamp when the permission was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the permission was last updated. 31. Post Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the post. - FileImage: A list of IDs referring to image files associated with the post. - CategoryID: A list of category IDs associated with the post. - Like Count: The number of likes received by the post. - Comment Count: The number of comments on the post. - View Count: The number of times the post has been viewed. - Share Count: The number of times the post has been shared. - Content Organizer: Contains organized content information. - Content: The actual content of the post. - Unsigned Content: A version of the content without any special characters or formatting. - User Post ID: The ID of the user who created the post. - Post Type: The type of the post (e.g., "2"). - Is Active: Indicator of whether the post is active (true or false). - Created At: The timestamp when the post was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the post was last updated. - Hashtags: A list of hashtags used in the post. - Mentions: A list of user mentions in the post. - Body Type IDs: A list of body type IDs associated with the post. - Shorten Link: A shortened link associated with the post. 32. Product Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the product. - Sale Price: The price at which the product is sold. - Quantity: The available quantity of the product. - Allow to Sell: Indicates whether the product is allowed to be sold (true or false). - Is Approved: The approval status of the product. - Is Pre Order: Indicates whether the product is available for pre-order (true or false). - Images: A list of image URLs associated with the product. - List Category ID: A list of category IDs associated with the product. - Limit Sale Price Order: The maximum number of sale price orders allowed. - Sale Price Order Available: The number of available sale price orders. - Shipping Information: Information about shipping the product. - Delivery Instruction: Instructions for product delivery. - Exchange Information: Information about product exchanges. - Allow Refund: Indicates whether refunds are allowed for the product (true or false). - Name: The name of the product. - Description: The detailed description of the product. - Friendly URL: A user-friendly URL for the product. - Weight, Width, Height, Length: Dimensions and weight of the product. - Before Sale Price: The price of the product before any sale. - Detail Size: Detailed size information for the product. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the product. - Category ID: The ID of the category associated with the product. - Created At: The timestamp when the product was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the product was last updated. - Short Description: A brief description of the product. - Duration Refund: The refund duration in days. - Refund Conditions: A list of refund conditions associated with the product. - Description Images: Images related to the product description. - Deleted At: The timestamp when the product was deleted (if applicable). - Popular Mark: The popularity ranking of the product. - Is Suggested: Indicates whether the product is suggested (true or false). - Is Genuine Item: Indicates whether the product is a genuine item (true or false). - Is Guaranteed Item: Indicates whether the product is guaranteed (true or false). - Top Photo Display Full Mode: Indicates whether the top photo is displayed in full mode (true or false). - Is Sold Out: Indicates whether the product is sold out (true or false). - Next Date Update Price: The next date for updating the product price. - Update Price Remaining: The remaining number of price updates. - Bidu Air: Indicates whether Bidu Air is enabled for the product (true or false). 33. Promotion Program Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the promotion program. - Products: A list of products associated with the promotion program. - Is Valid: Indicates whether the promotion program is valid (true or false). - Is Reset: Indicates whether the promotion program should be reset (true or false). - Name: The name of the promotion program. - Start Time: The start time of the promotion program. - End Time: The end time of the promotion program. - Discount: The discount percentage applied in the promotion. - Limit Quantity: The maximum quantity of items that can be purchased under the promotion. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the promotion program. - Created At: The timestamp when the promotion program was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the promotion program was last updated. 34. Referral Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the referral. - User ID: The ID of the user who initiated the referral. - Referred ID: The ID of the user who was referred. - Code: The referral code associated with the referral. - Created At: The timestamp when the referral was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the referral was last updated. 35. Report Livestream Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the livestream report. - Reasons: List of reasons provided for the report. - Is Solved: Indicates whether the reported issue has been solved or not. - User Report ID: The ID of the user who made the report. - Stream Session ID: The ID of the livestream session being reported. - Owner ID: The ID of the owner or host of the livestream session. - Time Report: The timestamp when the report was submitted. - Created At: The timestamp when the report document was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the report document was last updated. 36. Role Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the role. - Role Name: The name of the role, e.g., "ADMIN". - Description: A description of the role, e.g., "ADMIN". - Is Active: Indicates whether the role is active or not. - Rights: List of rights associated with the role. Each item contains the ID of a specific right. - Updated At: The timestamp when the role document was last updated. 37. Room Chat Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the chat room. - Creator ID: The ID of the user who created the chat room. - Is Group: Indicates whether the chat room is a group chat. - Messages: List of messages exchanged in the chat room. - Users: List of users participating in the chat room. Each user item contains information like ID, username, avatar, email, gender, online status, and more. - File Storages: List of files stored in the chat room. - Type: The type of chat room, e.g., "LIVE STREAM", "CHAT". - Name: The name of the chat room (if applicable). - Created At: The timestamp when the chat room document was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the chat room document was last updated. 38. Search Keyword Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the search keyword entry. - Count Number: The number of times the keyword has been searched. - Keyword: The search keyword that users entered. - Shop ID: The ID of the shop related to the keyword (if applicable). - Created At: The timestamp when the search keyword entry was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the search keyword entry was last updated. 39. Seller Signup Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the seller signup entry. - Status: The status of the seller signup process (e.g., "pending", "approved", "rejected"). - Approved Time: The timestamp when the seller signup was approved (if applicable). - Rejected Time: The timestamp when the seller signup was rejected (if applicable). - Shop ID: The ID of the shop associated with the seller signup. - User Mapped: An array of user IDs associated with the seller signup. - Personal Info: Information about the individual applying for seller signup. - Tax Code: The tax code of the individual. - Country: The country of the individual. - Email: The email address of the individual. - Card Number: The card number of the individual. - Phone Number: The phone number of the individual. - Full Name: The full name of the individual. - Shop Info: Information about the shop being created. - Description: Description of the shop. - Categories: An array of categories the shop belongs to. - Address: Address information of the shop. - State: State information. - District: District information. - Ward: Ward information. - Street: Street address. - Social Business: An array of social media and online platform channels. - Is Has Business: Indicates whether the shop has an existing business ("true" or "false"). - Shop Name: The name of the shop. - Created At: The timestamp when the seller signup entry was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the seller signup entry was last updated. 40. Shipping Method Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the shipping method. - Name: The name of the shipping method (e.g., "Giao hàng tiết kiệm"). - Type: The type of the shipping method (e.g., "third_party"). - Shipping Fee: The shipping fee associated with the shipping method. - Option: Additional options or settings related to the shipping method. - Name Query: A query-friendly version of the shipping method's name. - Is Active: Indicates whether the shipping method is currently active ("true" or "false"). - Created At: The timestamp when the shipping method was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the shipping method was last updated. 41. Shop Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the shop. - Shop Type: The type of the shop (e.g., 1). - Refund Money Mode: Indicates whether the shop has refund money mode enabled ("true" or "false"). - Refund Money Regulations: Regulations related to refunding money. - Pause Mode: Indicates whether the shop is in pause mode ("true" or "false"). - Country: The country associated with the shop (e.g., "KO"). - Name: The name of the shop (e.g., "My Shop"). - Description: Description or information about the shop. - User ID: The unique identifier of the user associated with the shop. - Shipping Methods: An array of shipping methods available for the shop. - Created At: The timestamp when the shop was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the shop was last updated. - Refund Conditions: An array of refund conditions for the shop. - Is Approved: Indicates whether the shop is approved ("true" or "false"). - Ranking Today: The ranking of the shop for today. - Ranking Yesterday: The ranking of the shop for yesterday. - Shorten Link: A shortened link associated with the shop. - Average Rating: The average rating of the shop. - Allow Show on Top: Indicates whether the shop is allowed to be shown on top ("true" or "false"). - Average Time Delivery: The average time for order delivery. - Average Time Prepare Order: The average time for preparing an order. - Biggest Price: The biggest price associated with the shop. - Group Buy List: List of items available for group buy in the shop. 42. Story Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the story. - File: An array of files associated with the story, including images and videos. - Like Count: The count of likes received by the story. - Public: Indicates the privacy setting of the story (0 for private). - IsActive: Indicates whether the story is active ("true" or "false"). - User Post ID: The unique identifier of the user who posted the story. - Created At: The timestamp when the story was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the story was last updated. 43. Stream Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the stream. - Description: The description or details of the stream. - RTMP Link: The RTMP link for the stream. - HLS Link: The HLS link for the stream. - Name: The name of the stream. - User ID: The unique identifier of the user associated with the stream. - Shop ID: The unique identifier of the shop associated with the stream. - Created At: The timestamp when the stream was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the stream was last updated. 44. Stream Session Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the stream session. - Session Number: The session number associated with the stream session. - Image: The image associated with the stream session. - Is Approved: Indicates whether the stream session is approved or not. - Status: The current status of the stream session. - List ID Product: A list of product IDs associated with the stream session. - View: The number of views for the stream session. - Heart: The number of hearts (likes) received for the stream session. - Pin Message: The pinned message for the stream session. - Time Will Start: The estimated time when the stream session will start. - Time Start: The actual time when the stream session started. - Time End: The time when the stream session ended. - Active: Indicates whether the stream session is active or not. - Archive Links: Links to archived videos of the stream session. - Check Disconnect: The number of times the stream session was disconnected. - View Max: The maximum number of viewers allowed for the stream session. - Stream ID: The unique identifier of the associated stream. - Shop ID: The unique identifier of the shop associated with the stream session. - User ID: The unique identifier of the user associated with the stream session. - Room Chat ID: The unique identifier of the associated chat room. - Name: The name of the stream session. - Type: The type of the stream session (e.g., "Live cơ bản"). - Type of Viewer: The type of viewer mode (e.g., "Chế độ công khai"). - Created At: The timestamp when the stream session was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the stream session was last updated. 45. System Setting Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the system setting. - Created At: The timestamp when the system setting was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the system setting was last updated. - Version Production: The version number of the production environment. - Version Staging: The version number of the staging environment. - Approved Order: Indicates whether orders are approved. - Sensitive Content: List of sensitive content keywords. - Target New Shop: The target number of new shops. - Target Transaction: The target number of transactions. - Version Production Android: The version number for Android in production. - Version Staging Android: The version number for Android in staging. - Allow Edit Product Price: Indicates whether editing product prices is allowed. - Cancel Order Approved Time: Time in hours for canceling an approved order. - Job Settings: Settings for various background jobs. - App Version: Version information for iOS and Android apps. - Is Allow Edit Product Price: Indicates whether editing product prices is allowed. - Refresh Cache Product Store: Indicates whether to refresh the cache for the product store. - Job Working: List of background jobs and their status. - Black List: List of blacklisted phone numbers and emails. - Is Allow Prepare Order Group Buy: Indicates whether preparing group buy orders is allowed. - Shop for Suggest Product: List of shop IDs for suggesting products. - Job Time Working: Time settings for various background jobs. - Group Buy System Current Start At: The timestamp when the group buy system starts. - Is Allow Prepare Order: Indicates whether preparing orders is allowed. - Shipment: Shipping related settings. 46. Tag of Post Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the tag. - IsActive: Indicates whether the tag is active. - TagName: The name of the tag. - Count: The count of how many times the tag has been used. - Created At: The timestamp when the tag was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the tag was last updated. 47. Tracking Activity Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the tracking activity. - Visited Ats: An array of timestamps representing when the activity was visited. - Target ID: The ID of the target object (e.g., product) that the activity is related to. - Target Type: The type of the target object (e.g., "Product"). - Actor ID: The ID of the actor (e.g., user) who performed the activity. - Actor Type: The type of the actor (e.g., "User"). - Action Type: The type of action performed (e.g., "view_product"). - Count Number: The count of how many times the activity has occurred. - Created At: The timestamp when the tracking activity was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the tracking activity was last updated. 48. Log User Post Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the log entry. - User ID: The ID of the user who performed the interaction. - Post ID: The ID of the post that the user interacted with. - Type of Interaction: The type of interaction that occurred (e.g., "LIKE_POST"). - IsActive: A flag indicating whether the log entry is active or not. - Created At: The timestamp when the log entry was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the log entry was last updated. - Count: The count of how many times the interaction has occurred. 49. Report Post Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the report entry. - Reasons: An array of reasons for reporting the post. - Is Solved: A flag indicating whether the reported issue has been solved (1 for solved, 0 for unsolved). - IsActive: A flag indicating whether the report entry is active or not. - Type: The type of report (e.g., "REPORT_POST"). - Created By: The ID of the user who created the report. - Content: The content or description related to the report. - Report To: The ID of the post being reported. - Created At: The timestamp when the report entry was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the report entry was last updated. 50. User Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the user. - Follow Count: The number of users following this user. - Avatar: The ID of the user's avatar image. - Name Organizer: The name of the user, including both signed and unsigned versions. - Email: The email address of the user. - Password: The hashed password of the user. - Role ID: The ID of the role assigned to the user. - IsActive: A flag indicating whether the user's account is active or not. - Created At: The timestamp when the user account was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the user account was last updated. - Following Count: The number of users this user is following. - Total Posts: The total number of posts made by this user. - Gender: The gender of the user (e.g., 3 could represent "Other"). - Receive Notifications: An object indicating the types of notifications the user receives. - Is Verified: A flag indicating whether the user's account is verified. - Is Interest Showed: A flag indicating whether the user's interest is shown. - Last Activity At: The timestamp of the user's last activity. - Body Measurement: The user's body measurements (height, weight, etc.). - Body Shape Type: The ID representing the user's body shape type. - Account Level: The user's account level. - Area Code: The area code associated with the user. - Email Verify: An object indicating email verification status. - Phone Verify: An object indicating phone number verification status. - Favorite Products: An array of IDs representing the user's favorite products. - Phone Number: The user's phone number. - Is Newbie: A flag indicating whether the user is a newbie. - Shorten Link: A shortened link associated with the user's profile. - Group Roles: An array of group roles associated with the user. - Permissions: An array of permissions associated with the user. - Type Role: The type of user role (e.g., "USER"). - Last Login At: The timestamp of the user's last login. - Favorite Blogs: An array of IDs representing the user's favorite blogs. - Member Type: The type of membership for the user (e.g., "white"). - Saved Vouchers: An array of IDs representing the vouchers saved by the user. 51. Variants Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the variant. - Is Master: A flag indicating whether the variant is the master variant. - Option Values: An array of objects representing the option values for the variant. - Name: The name of the option value (e.g., "Trắng"). - Deleted At: The timestamp when the variant was deleted (null if not deleted). - SKU: The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the variant. - Quantity: The quantity available for the variant. - Before Sale Price: The price of the variant before any sale. - Sale Price: The sale price of the variant. - Product ID: The ID of the product associated with the variant. - Created At: The timestamp when the variant was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the variant was last updated. 52. Vouchers Document: - ID: The unique identifier of the voucher. - Target: The target for which the voucher is applicable (e.g., "introduce"). - Type: The type of voucher (e.g., "price"). - Value: The value of the voucher (e.g., 100000). - Max Discount Value: The maximum discount value that can be applied using the voucher. - Display Mode: The display mode of the voucher (e.g., "all"). - Products: An array of product IDs for which the voucher is applicable. - Shops: An array of shop IDs for which the voucher is applicable. - Users: An array of user IDs who can use the voucher. - Labels: An array of labels associated with the voucher. - Approve Status: The approval status of the voucher (e.g., "approved"). - Name: The name of the voucher. - Code: The code of the voucher. - Start Time: The start time when the voucher becomes valid. - End Time: The end time when the voucher expires. - Save Quantity: The quantity of vouchers saved. - Use Quantity: The quantity of vouchers used. - Available Quantity: The available quantity of vouchers. - Min Order Value: The minimum order value required to use the voucher. - Classify: The classification of the voucher (e.g., "discount"). - Created At: The timestamp when the voucher was created. - Updated At: The timestamp when the voucher was last updated. - Discount by Range Price: An array of discount values based on range prices. - Used By: A map containing user IDs and the count of times they used the voucher. - Is Public: A flag indicating whether the voucher is public.