3 years ago
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Node class to represent // a node of the linked list. class Node { public: int data; Node* next; // Default constructor Node() { data = 0; next = NULL; } // Parameterised Constructor Node(int data) { this->data = data; this->next = NULL; } }; // Linked list class to // implement a linked list. class Linkedlist { Node* head; public: // Default constructor Linkedlist() { head = NULL; } // Function to insert a // node at the end of the // linked list. void insertNode(int); // Function to print the // linked list. void printList(); // Function to delete the // node at given position int search(int); int ispresent(Linkedlist A,int); Linkedlist intersection(Linkedlist A, Linkedlist B); Linkedlist Uni(Linkedlist A, Linkedlist B); Linkedlist Comp(Linkedlist A, Linkedlist B);; }; // Function to insert a new node. void Linkedlist::insertNode(int data) { // Create the new Node. Node* newNode = new Node(data); // Assign to head if (head == NULL) { head = newNode; return; } // Traverse till end of list Node* temp = head; while (temp->next != NULL) { // Update temp temp = temp->next; } // Insert at the last. temp->next = newNode; } // Function to print the // nodes of the linked list. void Linkedlist::printList() { Node* temp = head; // Check for empty list. if (head == NULL) { cout << "List empty" << endl; return; } // Traverse the list. while (temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data << " "; temp = temp->next; } } int Linkedlist::search(int search) { Node* temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { if(temp->data!=search) { temp = temp->next; } else{ return 1; break; } } }; int Linkedlist::ispresent(Linkedlist A,int search) { Node *t1; t1=A.head; while(t1 != NULL) { if(t1->data!=search) { t1 = t1->next; } else{ return 1; } } }; Linkedlist Linkedlist ::intersection(Linkedlist A, Linkedlist B){ Node *t1,*t2; Linkedlist result; t1=A.head; //head of A t2=B.head; //head of B while(t2!=NULL) { t1=A.head; while(t1!=NULL) { if (t1->data==t2->data) { result.insertNode(t2->data); } t1=t1->next; } t2=t2->next; } return result; } Linkedlist Linkedlist ::Uni(Linkedlist A, Linkedlist B) { Linkedlist result; Node *t1,*t2; int flag=0; t1=A.head; t2=B.head; while(t1!=NULL) { result.insertNode(t1->data); t1=t1->next; } t1=A.head; while(t2!=NULL) { flag=0; t1=A.head; while(t1!=NULL) { if (t1->data==t2->data) { flag=1; } t1=t1->next; } if (flag!=1) { result.insertNode(t2->data); } t2=t2->next; } return result; } Linkedlist Linkedlist::Comp(Linkedlist All ,Linkedlist unin) { Linkedlist result; Node *t1,*t2; t1=All.head; t2=unin.head; int flag=0; while(t1!=NULL) { flag=0; t2=unin.head; while(t2!=NULL) { if (t1->data==t2->data) { flag=1; } t2=t2->next; } if (flag!=1) { result.insertNode(t1->data); } t1=t1->next; } return result; } // Driver Code int main() { Linkedlist total,vanila,butterscotch,intersection,uni,comp,int2; int t,v,b; cout<<"Enter total number of students: "; cin>>t; int x; cout<<"Enter roll number"; cin>>x; total.insertNode(x); for (int i=1; i<t; i++) { int y; cout<<"\nEnter roll number"; cin>>y; if(total.search(y)==1) { cout<<"roll number exists\n"; i-=1; } else{ total.insertNode(y); } } bool go=true; while(go){ cout<<"\nEnter total number of students who eat vanila "; cin>>v; if(v>t) { cout<<"total number of students who eat vanila cannot be greater than students present in class"; } else{ go=false; } } int a; bool goo=true; while(goo){ cout<<"Enter roll number"; cin>>a; if(vanila.ispresent(total,a)==1) { vanila.insertNode(a); goo=false; } else{ cout<<"roll number not present in class\n"; } } for(int i=1;i<v;i++) { int z; cout<<"Enter roll number : "; cin>>z; if(vanila.search(z)==1) { cout<<"Roll number already exists\n"; i-=1; } else{ if(vanila.ispresent(total,z)==1) { vanila.insertNode(z); } else{ cout<<"roll number not present in class\n"; i-=1; } } } bool bo=true; while(bo){ cout<<"\nEnter total number of students who eat butterscotch "; cin>>b; if(b>t) { cout<<"total number of students who eat butterscotch cannot be greater than students present in class"; } else{ bo=false; } } int q; bool boo=true; while(boo){ cout<<"Enter roll number"; cin>>q; if(butterscotch.ispresent(total,q)==1) { butterscotch.insertNode(q); boo=false; } else{ cout<<"roll number not present in class\n"; } } for(int i=1;i<b;i++) { int z; cout<<"Enter roll number : "; cin>>z; if(butterscotch.search(z)==1) { cout<<"Roll number already exists\n"; i-=1; } else{ if(butterscotch.ispresent(total,z)==1) { butterscotch.insertNode(z); } else{ cout<<"roll number not present in class\n"; i-=1; } } } cout<<"Students who like vanilla"; vanila.printList(); cout<<endl; cout<<"Students who like Butterscotch"; butterscotch.printList(); cout<<endl; intersection=intersection.intersection(vanila,butterscotch); cout<<"Students who like both Vanilla and Butterscotch : "; intersection.printList(); cout<<endl; uni=uni.Uni(vanila,butterscotch); int2=int2.Comp(uni,intersection); cout<<"Students who like either Vanilla or Butterscotch : "; int2.printList(); cout<<endl; comp=comp.Comp(total,uni); cout<<"Students who like neither : "; comp.printList(); return 0; }
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