public without sharing class LightningScenarioHandler { @AuraEnabled public static String getScenarioItems(String recordId) { // Local vars List<Id> depositAccountList = new List<Id>(); List<LLC_BI__Scenario_Item__c> scenarioItemList = new List<LLC_BI__Scenario_Item__c>(); Set<String> feeCodeSet = new Set<String>(); Set<id> productIdSet = new Set<id>(); Map<String, TS_COA_Actual_Volumes__c> actualVolumeMap = new Map<String, TS_COA_Actual_Volumes__c>(); Boolean isChanged = false; Map<String, LLC_BI__Bill_Point__c> billPointMap = new Map<String, LLC_BI__Bill_Point__c>(); try { // Retrieve current Scenario record LLC_BI__Scenario__c scenario = [ SELECT Id, WMX_Proposed_Month__c, LLC_BI__Earnings_Credit_Allowance__c, LLC_BI__Average_Ledger_Balance__c, TS_COA_Effective_Date__c, WMX_Deposit_Account__c, WMX_Deposit_Account_2__c, WMX_Deposit_Account_3__c, WMX_Deposit_Account_4__c, WMX_Deposit_Account_5__c FROM LLC_BI__Scenario__c WHERE Id = :recordId ]; System.debug('Retrieved Scenario: ' + scenario); // Ensure Proposed Month and Deposit Account are not null if (scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account__c == null || scenario.WMX_Proposed_Month__c == null) { return 'Lead Account and Proposed Month are required to import actual volumes.'; } // Retrieve existing Scenario Items for the proposed month List<LLC_BI__Scenario_Item__c> oldSeneriosList = [ SELECT id, LLC_BI__Is_Monthly__c, WMX_Proposed_Month__c FROM LLC_BI__Scenario_Item__c WHERE LLC_BI__Scenario__c = :recordId AND TS_COA_Imported_Volume__c = TRUE ]; System.debug('Existing Scenario Items: ' + oldSeneriosList.size()); Boolean isReturnMsg = false; for (LLC_BI__Scenario_Item__c sItem : oldSeneriosList) { if (sItem.WMX_Proposed_Month__c == scenario.WMX_Proposed_Month__c) { isReturnMsg = true; } } if (isReturnMsg) { return 'Volumes for the month of ' + scenario.WMX_Proposed_Month__c + ' have already been imported. Please change the Proposed Month and try again.'; } else if (oldSeneriosList.size() > 0) { delete oldSeneriosList; System.debug('Deleted old Scenario Items for the Proposed Month'); } // Add all Deposit Accounts tied to this Proforma in a list depositAccountList.add(scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account__c); depositAccountList.add(scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account_2__c); depositAccountList.add(scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account_3__c); depositAccountList.add(scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account_4__c); depositAccountList.add(scenario.WMX_Deposit_Account_5__c); System.debug('Deposit Accounts List: ' + depositAccountList); // Loop through the Deposit Accounts and get the lowest Earnings Credit Rate and a Sum of all Amounts Decimal lowestEarningsCreditRate = 0.0; Decimal totalAmount = 0.0; isChanged = false; for (LLC_BI__Deposit__c depositAccount : [ SELECT TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c, LLC_BI__Amount__c FROM LLC_BI__Deposit__c WHERE Id IN :depositAccountList ]) { System.debug('Processing Deposit Account: ' + depositAccount.Id); if ((lowestEarningsCreditRate == 0.0) && (depositAccount.TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c != null)) { lowestEarningsCreditRate = Decimal.valueOf(depositAccount.TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c); } else if ( (depositAccount.TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c != null) && (Decimal.valueOf(depositAccount.TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c) < lowestEarningsCreditRate) ) { lowestEarningsCreditRate = Decimal.valueOf(depositAccount.TS_COA_Earnings_Credit_Rate__c); } if (depositAccount.LLC_BI__Amount__c != null) { totalAmount += depositAccount.LLC_BI__Amount__c; } } System.debug('Lowest Earnings Credit Rate: ' + lowestEarningsCreditRate); System.debug('Total Amount: ' + totalAmount); // Copy the lowest earnings credit rate from the deposit accounts and total amount to the Scenario record if (lowestEarningsCreditRate > 0.0) { scenario.LLC_BI__Earnings_Credit_Allowance__c = lowestEarningsCreditRate; isChanged = true; } // Update Scenario record if needed if (isChanged) { update scenario; System.debug('Updated Scenario with new Earnings Credit Allowance'); } // Loop through all Actual Volume records for (TS_COA_Actual_Volumes__c actualVolume : [ SELECT TS_COA_Fee_Code__c, TS_COA_Net_Fee_Amount__c, TS_COA_S_C_Date__c, TS_COA_Counter__c FROM TS_COA_Actual_Volumes__c WHERE TS_COA_Proposed_Month_Name__c = :scenario.WMX_Proposed_Month__c AND TS_COA_Deposit_Account__c IN :depositAccountList ]) { if (actualVolume.TS_COA_Fee_Code__c == null) { System.debug('Skipped Actual Volume with null Fee Code: ' + actualVolume.Id); continue; } if (!actualVolumeMap.containsKey(actualVolume.TS_COA_Fee_Code__c)) { actualVolumeMap.put(actualVolume.TS_COA_Fee_Code__c, actualVolume); } } System.debug('Actual Volumes Processed: ' + actualVolumeMap.size()); // Additional mappings and item creations here... } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Exception occurred: ' + e.getMessage()); return e.getMessage(); } return 'Success'; } }
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