a month ago
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Flawless Dice</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; } #numbers span { font-size: 1.5em; margin: 0 5px; } #dice { width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 20px auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-size: 2em; background: lightgrey; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 10px; } .rolled { color: green; } .duplicate { color: red; } .history-item { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 5px 0; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Flawless Dice</h1> <p>Starting Balance: $<span id="balance">10000</span></p> <p>Bet Amount: $<input type="number" id="betAmount" min="1" max="10000" value="100"></p> <button id="placeBetButton">Place Bet</button> <button id="rollDiceButton" disabled>Roll Dice</button> <button id="cashOutButton" disabled>Cash Out</button> <button id="autoBetButton">Auto Bet</button> <p>Auto Bet Games Left: <span id="autoBetGamesLeft">0</span></p> <div id="dice">1</div> <div id="numbers"> <span id="num1">1</span> <span id="num2">2</span> <span id="num3">3</span> <span id="num4">4</span> <span id="num5">5</span> <span id="num6">6</span> <span id="num7">7</span> <span id="num8">8</span> <span id="num9">9</span> <span id="num10">10</span> </div> <p>Potential Cash Out: $<span id="potentialCashOut">0</span></p> <p>Potential Next Roll Payout: $<span id="potentialNextRoll">0</span></p> <h2>Game History (last 10 games)</h2> <ul id="history"></ul> <script> let balance = 10000; let betAmount = 100; let gameHistory = []; let numbersRolled = new Set(); let highestRoll = 0; let gameOver = false; let firstRoll = false; let autoBetInterval; let remainingAutoBets = 0; document.getElementById('placeBetButton').addEventListener('click', placeBet); document.getElementById('rollDiceButton').addEventListener('click', rollDice); document.getElementById('cashOutButton').addEventListener('click', cashOut); document.getElementById('autoBetButton').addEventListener('click', toggleAutoBet); function updateBalance() { document.getElementById('balance').innerText = balance; } function updateHistory(result) { gameHistory.unshift(result); if (gameHistory.length > 10) gameHistory.pop(); document.getElementById('history').innerHTML = gameHistory.map(r => `<li class="history-item">${r}</li>`).join(''); } function placeBet() { if (!gameOver && numbersRolled.size > 0) { alert("Finish the current game by rolling or cashing out."); return; } betAmount = parseInt(document.getElementById('betAmount').value); if (betAmount > balance) { alert("Insufficient balance!"); return; } balance -= betAmount; updateBalance(); numbersRolled.clear(); highestRoll = 0; gameOver = false; firstRoll = false; document.querySelectorAll('#numbers span').forEach(span => span.classList.remove('rolled', 'duplicate')); document.getElementById('placeBetButton').disabled = true; document.getElementById('rollDiceButton').disabled = false; document.getElementById('cashOutButton').disabled = true; updatePotentialPayouts(); } function rollDice() { if (gameOver) return; const roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; document.getElementById('dice').innerText = roll; if (numbersRolled.has(roll)) { document.getElementById(`num${roll}`).classList.add('duplicate'); gameOver = true; document.getElementById('cashOutButton').disabled = true; document.getElementById('placeBetButton').disabled = false; document.getElementById('rollDiceButton').disabled = true; updateHistory(`Lost $${betAmount} (failed at ${numbersRolled.size + 1} roll)`); return; } numbersRolled.add(roll); highestRoll = Math.max(highestRoll, roll); document.getElementById(`num${roll}`).classList.add('rolled'); document.getElementById('cashOutButton').disabled = false; firstRoll = true; updatePotentialPayouts(); } function cashOut() { if (gameOver || !firstRoll) return; if (numbersRolled.size === 1) { balance += betAmount; // return the bet amount if only one roll updateHistory(`Cashed out after 1 roll (no loss or gain)`); } else if (numbersRolled.size > 1) { const payout = calculatePayout(numbersRolled.size); balance += payout; updateBalance(); updateHistory(`Won $${(payout - betAmount).toFixed(2)} with ${numbersRolled.size} unique rolls`); } else { updateHistory(`Lost $${betAmount} (no unique rolls)`); } gameOver = true; document.getElementById('placeBetButton').disabled = false; document.getElementById('rollDiceButton').disabled = true; document.getElementById('cashOutButton').disabled = true; updatePotentialPayouts(); } function calculatePayout(n) { const payouts = [1.11, 1.39, 1.98, 3.31, 6.61, 16.54, 55.11, 275.6, 2756]; return betAmount * payouts[n - 2]; // since payouts start from n=2 } function updatePotentialPayouts() { const uniqueCount = numbersRolled.size; const potentialPayout = uniqueCount > 1 ? calculatePayout(uniqueCount) : 0; document.getElementById('potentialCashOut').innerText = potentialPayout.toFixed(2); const nextRollPayout = uniqueCount > 0 && uniqueCount < 10 ? calculatePayout(uniqueCount + 1) : 0; document.getElementById('potentialNextRoll').innerText = nextRollPayout.toFixed(2); } function toggleAutoBet() { if (remainingAutoBets > 0) { stopAutoBet(); } else { const rollsPerTurn = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of rolls per turn:")); const numberOfTurns = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of turns to play:")); if (isNaN(rollsPerTurn) || isNaN(numberOfTurns) || rollsPerTurn <= 0 || numberOfTurns <= 0) { alert("Please enter positive integers."); return; } remainingAutoBets = numberOfTurns; document.getElementById('autoBetGamesLeft').innerText = remainingAutoBets; document.getElementById('autoBetButton').innerText = "Stop AutoBet"; autoBetTurn(rollsPerTurn); } } function autoBetTurn(rollsPerTurn) { if (remainingAutoBets <= 0) { stopAutoBet(); return; } placeBet(); let currentRoll = 0; const autoRollInterval = setInterval(() => { if (gameOver || currentRoll >= rollsPerTurn) { clearInterval(autoRollInterval); cashOut(); remainingAutoBets--; document.getElementById('autoBetGamesLeft').innerText = remainingAutoBets; return autoBetTurn(rollsPerTurn); } rollDice(); currentRoll++; }, 300); } function stopAutoBet() { clearInterval(autoBetInterval); remainingAutoBets = 0; document.getElementById('autoBetButton').innerText = "Auto Bet"; document.getElementById('autoBetGamesLeft').innerText = 0; } </script> </body> </html>
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