
2 months ago
1.1 kB
what does these means when using n video muted autoplay loop nocontrols playsinline

I am getting issue like when video is playing on iphone then at first time it is showing a thumbnail when we scroll down on page then goes back to that area the video play automatically on full screen

added this peice of code in video but then also im seing controls option and video shows sometimes thumbnail and sometime it plays automatically

added this peice of code in video but then also im seing controls option and video shows sometimes thumbnail and sometime it plays automatically

<div class="bx-hero-media-feature-wrap bx-hero-media-mob bx-hero-media-item__bg <?php echo wp_kses_post($ascpect_ratio_class); ?>">	
					<video loop autoplay muted nocontrols playsinline class="<?php if((!empty($teaserVideo) || !empty($backgroundVideoUrl)) && !empty($mobileImage)) {echo "bx-hero-media__teaser_video";} ?>">
						<source src="<?php echo esc_url($backgroundVideoUrl); ?>" type="video/mp4">
						<source src="<?php echo esc_url($backgroundVideoUrl); ?>" type="video/ogg">
						Your browser does not support the video tag.
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