Turtle programme
-- Variable Setup -- Command Line input Table local argTable = {...} -- Flag Variables: These are conditions for different features (all flags are named foo_bar, all other variables are named fooBar) local cmd_line = false local cmd_line_resume = false local cmd_line_cost_only = false local chain_next_shape = false -- This tells goHome() where to end, if true it goes to (0, 0, positionZ) if false it goes to (-1, -1, 0) local special_chain = false -- For certain shapes that finish where the next chained shape should start, goHome() will only turn to face 0 if true local cost_only = false local sim_mode = false local resupply = false local enderchest_refilling = false local can_use_gps = false local return_to_home = false -- whether the turtle shall return to start after build -- Record Keeping Variables: These are for recoding the blocks and fuel used local blocks = 0 local fuel = 0 -- Position Tracking Variables: These are for keeping track of the turtle's position local positionX = 0 local positionY = 0 local positionZ = 0 local facing = 0 local gpsPositionX = 0 local gpsPositionY = 0 local gpsPositionZ = 0 local gpsFacing = 0 -- General Variables: Other variables that don't fit in the other categories local choice = "" -- Progress Table: These variables are the tables that the turtle's progress is tracked in local tempProgTable = {} local progTable = {} --This is the LOCAL table! used for local stuff only, and is ONLY EVER WRITTEN when sim_mode is FALSE local progFileName = "ShapesProgressFile" -- Utility functions function writeOut(...) -- ... lets writeOut() pass any arguments to print(). so writeOut(1,2,3) is the same as print(1,2,3). previously writeOut(1,2,3) would have been the same as print(1) for i, v in ipairs(arg) do print(v) end end function getInput(inputType, message, option1, option2) local input = "" if inputType == "string" then writeOut(message.. "(" ..option1 .. " or "..option2..")" ) while true do input = io.read() input = string.lower(input) if input ~= option1 and input ~= option2 then writeOut("You didn't enter a valid option. Please try again.") else return input end end end if inputType == "int" then writeOut(message) while true do input = io.read() if tonumber(input) ~= nil then return tonumber(input) else writeOut("Need a number. Please try again") end end end end function wrapModules() -- checks for and wraps turtle modules local test = 0 if peripheral.getType("left" )== "resupply" then resupplymodule=peripheral.wrap("left") resupply = true elseif peripheral.getType("right") == "resupply" then resupplymodule=peripheral.wrap("right") resupply = true end if peripheral.getType("left") == "modem" then modem=peripheral.wrap("left") test, _, _ = gps.locate(1) if test ~= nil then can_use_gps = true end elseif peripheral.getType("right") == "modem" then modem=peripheral.wrap("right") test, _, _ = gps.locate(1) if test ~= nil then can_use_gps = true end end if resupply then return "resupply" end end function linkToRSStation() -- Links to resupply station if resupplymodule.link() then return true else writeOut("Please put Resupply Station to the left of the turtle and press Enter to continue") io.read() linkToRSStation() end end function compareResources() if (turtle.compareTo(1) == false) then turtle.drop() end end function firstFullSlot() for i = 1, 16 do if (turtle.getItemCount(i) > 1) then return i end end end function turtleEmpty() for i = 1, 16 do if (turtle.getItemCount(i) > 1) then return false end end return true end function checkResources() if resupply then if turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot) <= 1 then while not(resupplymodule.resupply(1)) do os.sleep(0.5) end end elseif enderchest_refilling then compareResources() while (turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot) <= 1) do if (activeSlot == 15) and (turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot)<=1) then turtle.select(16) turtle.digUp() for i = 1, 15 do turtle.select(i) turtle.drop() end turtle.select(16) turtle.placeUp() turtle.select(1) for i = 1, 15 do turtle.suckUp() end turtle.select(16) turtle.digUp() activeSlot = 1 turtle.select(activeSlot) else activeSlot = activeSlot + 1 -- writeOut("Turtle slot empty, trying slot "..activeSlot) turtle.select(activeSlot) end compareResources() os.sleep(0.2) end else compareResources() while (turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot) <= 1) do if turtleEmpty() then writeOut("Turtle is empty, please put building block in slots and press enter to continue") io.read() activeSlot = 1 turtle.select(activeSlot) else activeSlot = firstFullSlot() turtle.select(activeSlot) end compareResources() end end end function checkFuel() if (not(tonumber(turtle.getFuelLevel()) == nil)) then while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 50 do writeOut("Turtle almost out of fuel, pausing. Please drop fuel in inventory. And press enter.") io.read() turtle.refuel() end end end function placeBlock() blocks = blocks + 1 simulationCheck() if cost_only then return end if turtle.detectDown() and not turtle.compareDown() then turtle.digDown() end checkResources() turtle.placeDown() progressUpdate() end function round(toRound, decimalPlace) -- Needed for Polygons local mult = 10 ^ (decimalPlace or 0) local sign = toRound / math.abs(toRound) return sign * math.floor(((math.abs(toRound) * mult) + 0.5)) / mult end -- Navigation functions -- Allow the turtle to move while tracking its position -- This allows us to just give a destination point and have it go there function turnRightTrack() simulationCheck() facing = facing + 1 if facing >= 4 then facing = 0 end progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end turtle.turnRight() end function turnLeftTrack() simulationCheck() facing = facing - 1 if facing < 0 then facing = 3 end progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end turtle.turnLeft() end function turnAroundTrack() turnLeftTrack() turnLeftTrack() end function turnToFace(direction) if (direction < 0) then return false end direction = direction % 4 while facing ~= direction do turnRightTrack() end return true end function safeForward() simulationCheck() if facing == 0 then positionY = positionY + 1 elseif facing == 1 then positionX = positionX + 1 elseif facing == 2 then positionY = positionY - 1 elseif facing == 3 then positionX = positionX - 1 end fuel = fuel + 1 progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end checkFuel() local success = false local tries = 0 while not success do success = turtle.forward() if not success then while (not success) and tries < 6 do tries = tries + 1 turtle.dig() success = turtle.forward() sleep(0.3) end if not success then writeOut("Blocked attempting to move forward.") writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.") io.read() end end end end function safeBack() simulationCheck() if facing == 0 then positionY = positionY - 1 elseif facing == 1 then positionX = positionX - 1 elseif facing == 2 then positionY = positionY + 1 elseif facing == 3 then positionX = positionX + 1 end fuel = fuel + 1 progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end checkFuel() local success = false local tries = 0 while not success do success = turtle.back() if not success then turnAroundTrack() while turtle.detect() and tries < 6 do tries = tries + 1 if turtle.dig() then break end sleep(0.3) end turnAroundTrack() success = turtle.back() if not success then writeOut("Blocked attempting to move back.") writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.") io.read() end end end end function safeUp() simulationCheck() positionZ = positionZ + 1 fuel = fuel + 1 progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end checkFuel() local success = false while not success do success = turtle.up() if not success then while turtle.detectUp() do if not turtle.digUp() then writeOut("Blocked attempting to move up.") writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.") io.read() end end end end end function safeDown() simulationCheck() positionZ = positionZ - 1 fuel = fuel + 1 progressUpdate() if cost_only then return end checkFuel() local success = false while not success do success = turtle.down() if not success then while turtle.detectDown() do if not turtle.digDown() then writeOut("Blocked attempting to move down.") writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.") io.read() end end end end end function moveY(targetY) if targetY == positionY then return end if (facing ~= 0 and facing ~= 2) then -- Check axis turnRightTrack() end while targetY > positionY do if facing == 0 then safeForward() else safeBack() end end while targetY < positionY do if facing == 2 then safeForward() else safeBack() end end end function moveX(targetX) if targetX == positionX then return end if (facing ~= 1 and facing ~= 3) then -- Check axis turnRightTrack() end while targetX > positionX do if facing == 1 then safeForward() else safeBack() end end while targetX < positionX do if facing == 3 then safeForward() else safeBack() end end end function moveZ(targetZ) if targetZ == positionZ then return end while targetZ < positionZ do safeDown() end while targetZ > positionZ do safeUp() end end -- I *HIGHLY* suggest formatting all shape subroutines to use the format that dome() uses; specifically, navigateTo(x,y,[z]) then placeBlock(). This should ensure proper "data recording" and also makes readability better function navigateTo(targetX, targetY, targetZ, move_z_first) targetZ = targetZ or positionZ -- If targetZ isn't used in the function call, it defaults to its current z position, this should make it compatible with all previous implementations of navigateTo() move_z_first = move_z_first or false -- Defaults to moving z last, if true is passed as 4th argument, it moves vertically first if move_z_first then moveZ(targetZ) end if facing == 0 or facing == 2 then -- Y axis moveY(targetY) moveX(targetX) else moveX(targetX) moveY(targetY) end if not move_z_first then moveZ(targetZ) end end function goHome() if chain_next_shape then if not special_chain then navigateTo(0, 0) -- So another program can chain multiple shapes together to create bigger structures end else navigateTo(-1, -1, 0) -- So the user can collect the turtle when it is done, not 0,0,0 because some shapes use the 0,0 column end turnToFace(0) end -- Shape Building functions function drawLine(endX, endY, startX, startY) startX = startX or positionX startY = startY or positionY deltaX = math.abs(endX - startX) deltaY = math.abs(endY - startY) errorVar = 0 if deltaX >= deltaY then deltaErr = math.abs(deltaY/deltaX) if startX < endX then if startY < endY then counterY = startY for counterX = startX, endX do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterY = counterY + 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end else counterY = startY for counterX = startX, endX do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterY = counterY - 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end end else if startY < endY then counterY = startY for counterX = startX, endX, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterY = counterY + 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end else counterY = startY for counterX = startX, endX, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterY = counterY - 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end end end else deltaErr = math.abs(deltaX/deltaY) if startY < endY then if startX < endX then counterX = startX for counterY = startY, endY do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterX = counterX + 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end else counterX = startX for counterY = startY, endY do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterX = counterX - 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end end else if startX < endX then counterX = startX for counterY = startY, endY, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterX = counterX + 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end else counterX = startX for counterY = startY, endY, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() errorVar = errorVar + deltaErr if errorVar >= 0.5 then counterX = counterX - 1 errorVar = errorVar - 1 end end end end end end function rectangle(width, depth, startX, startY) startX = startX or positionX startY = startY or positionY endX = startX + width - 1 endY = startY + depth - 1 drawLine(startX, endY, startX, startY) drawLine(endX, endY, startX, endY) drawLine(endX, startY, endX, endY) drawLine(startX, startY, endX, startY) end function square(length, startX, startY) startX = startX or positionX startY = startY or positionY rectangle(length, length, startX, startY) end function wall(depth, height) for i = 1, depth do for j = 1, height do placeBlock() if j < height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end if (i ~= depth) then navigateTo(positionX, positionY + 1, 0) end end end function platform(width, depth, startX, startY) startX = startX or positionX startY = startY or positionY endX = startX + width - 1 endY = startY + depth - 1 forward = true for counterY = startY, endY do if forward then for counterX = startX, endX do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() end else for counterX = endX, startX, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() end end forward = not forward end end function cuboid(width, depth, height, hollow) for i = 0, height - 1 do navigateTo(0, 0, i) if (hollow == "n") then platform(width, depth, 0, 0) else rectangle(width, depth, 0, 0) end end end function pyramid(length, hollow) -- local height = math.ceil(length / 2) - 1 i = 0 while (length > 0) do navigateTo(i, i, i) if (hollow == "y") then rectangle(length, length, i, i) else platform(length, length, i, i) end i = i + 1 length = length - 2 end end function stair(width, height, startX, startY) -- Last two might be able to be used to make a basic home-like shape later? startX = startX or positionX startY = startY or positionY endX = startX + width - 1 endY = startY + height - 1 forward = true for counterY = startY, endY do if forward then for counterX = startX, endX do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() end else for counterX = endX, startX, -1 do navigateTo(counterX, counterY) placeBlock() end end if counterY ~= endY then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) forward = not forward end end end function circle(diameter) odd = not (math.fmod(diameter, 2) == 0) radius = diameter / 2 if odd then width = (2 * math.ceil(radius)) + 1 offset = math.floor(width/2) else width = (2 * math.ceil(radius)) + 2 offset = math.floor(width/2) - 0.5 end --diameter --radius * 2 + 1 sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5 boundaryRadius = radius + 1.0 boundary2 = boundaryRadius ^ 2 radius2 = radius ^ 2 z = math.floor(radius) cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2 limitOffsetY = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5 maxOffsetY = math.ceil(limitOffsetY) -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient for side = 0,1 do -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed -- This makes us travel clockwise (from below) around each layer if (side == 0) then yStart = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetY yEnd = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetY yStep = 1 else yStart = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetY yEnd = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetY yStep = -1 end for y = yStart,yEnd,yStep do cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2 remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) if remainder2 >= 0 then -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius maxOffsetX = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5) -- Only do either the +x or -x side if (side == 0) then -- +x side xStart = math.floor(radius) xEnd = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetX else -- -x side xStart = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetX xEnd = math.floor(radius) - 1 end -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side if y > math.floor(radius) then temp = xStart xStart = xEnd xEnd = temp xStep = -1 else xStep = 1 end for x = xStart,xEnd,xStep do -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible if isSphereBorder(offset, x, y, z, radius2) then navigateTo(x, y) placeBlock() end end end end end end function blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y, z, radiusSq) x = x - offset y = y - offset z = z - offset x = x ^ 2 y = y ^ 2 z = z ^ 2 return x + y + z <= radiusSq end function isSphereBorder(offset, x, y, z, radiusSq) spot = blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y, z, radiusSq) if spot then spot = not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y - 1, z, radiusSq) or not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y + 1, z, radiusSq) or not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x - 1, y, z, radiusSq) or not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x + 1, y, z, radiusSq) or not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y, z - 1, radiusSq) or not blockInSphereIsFull(offset, x, y, z + 1, radiusSq) end return spot end function dome(typus, diameter) -- Main dome and sphere building routine odd = not (math.fmod(diameter, 2) == 0) radius = diameter / 2 if odd then width = (2 * math.ceil(radius)) + 1 offset = math.floor(width/2) else width = (2 * math.ceil(radius)) + 2 offset = math.floor(width/2) - 0.5 end --diameter --radius * 2 + 1 sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5 boundaryRadius = radius + 1.0 boundary2 = boundaryRadius ^ 2 radius2 = radius ^ 2 if typus == "dome" then zstart = math.ceil(radius) elseif typus == "sphere" then zstart = 1 elseif typus == "bowl" then zstart = 1 end if typus == "bowl" then zend = math.floor(radius) else zend = width - 1 end -- This loop is for each vertical layer through the sphere or dome. for z = zstart,zend do if not cost_only and z ~= zstart then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end --writeOut("Layer " .. z) cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2 limitOffsetY = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5 maxOffsetY = math.ceil(limitOffsetY) -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient for side = 0,1 do -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed -- This makes us travel clockwise (from below) around each layer if (side == 0) then yStart = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetY yEnd = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetY yStep = 1 else yStart = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetY yEnd = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetY yStep = -1 end for y = yStart,yEnd,yStep do cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2 remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) if remainder2 >= 0 then -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius maxOffsetX = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5) -- Only do either the +x or -x side if (side == 0) then -- +x side xStart = math.floor(radius) xEnd = math.floor(radius) + maxOffsetX else -- -x side xStart = math.floor(radius) - maxOffsetX xEnd = math.floor(radius) - 1 end -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side if y > math.floor(radius) then temp = xStart xStart = xEnd xEnd = temp xStep = -1 else xStep = 1 end for x = xStart,xEnd,xStep do -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible if isSphereBorder(offset, x, y, z, radius2) then navigateTo(x, y) placeBlock() end end end end end end end function cylinder(diameter, height) for i = 1, height do circle(diameter) if i ~= height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end end function isINF(value) return (value == math.huge or value == -math.huge) end function isNAN(value) return value ~= value end polygonCornerList = {} -- Public list of corner coords for n-gons, will be used for hexagons, octagons, and future polygons. -- It should be a nested list eg. {{x0,y0},{x1,y1},{x2,y2}...} function constructPolygonFromList() -- Uses polygonCornerList to draw sides between each point if #polygonCornerList == 0 then return false end for i = 1, #polygonCornerList do if (isINF(polygonCornerList[i][1]) or isNAN(polygonCornerList[i][1])) then polygonCornerList[i][1] = 0 end if (isINF(polygonCornerList[i][2]) or isNAN(polygonCornerList[i][2])) then polygonCornerList[i][2] = 0 end end for i = 1, #polygonCornerList do startX = polygonCornerList[i][1] startY = polygonCornerList[i][2] if i == #polygonCornerList then j = 1 else j = i + 1 end stopX = polygonCornerList[j][1] stopY = polygonCornerList[j][2] drawLine(stopX, stopY, startX, startY) end return true end function circleLikePolygon(numSides, diameter, offsetAngle) -- works like the circle code, allows building a circle with the same diameter from the same start point to inscribe the polygon. offSetAngle is optional, defaults to 0. radius = diameter / 2 if (numSides % 2 == 1) then -- if numSides is odd startAngle = math.pi / 2 -- always have a vertex at 90 deg (+y) and at least one grid aligned edge. Before offSetAngle else -- if numSides is even startAngle = (math.pi / 2) + (math.pi / numSides) -- always have at least two grid aligned edges. Before offSetAngle end startAngle = startAngle + (math.rad(offsetAngle or 0)) -- offsetAngle will be in degrees for i = 1, numSides do polygonCornerList[i] = {radius * math.cos(startAngle + ((i - 1) * ((math.pi * 2) / numSides))), radius * math.sin(startAngle + ((i - 1) * ((math.pi * 2) / numSides)))} end for i = 1, #polygonCornerList do polygonCornerList[i][1] = round(polygonCornerList[i][1] + radius + 1) polygonCornerList[i][2] = round(polygonCornerList[i][2] + radius + 1) end if not constructPolygonFromList() then error("This error should never happen.") end end function polygon(numSides, sideLength, offsetAngle) -- offSetAngle is optional, defaults to 0. currentAngle = 0 + (math.rad(offsetAngle or 0)) -- start at 0 or offset angle. offsetAngle will be in degrees addAngle = ((math.pi * 2) / numSides) pointerX, pointerY = 0, 0 sideLength = sideLength - 1 for i = 1, numSides do polygonCornerList[i] = {pointerX, pointerY} pointerX = sideLength * math.cos(currentAngle) + pointerX pointerY = sideLength * math.sin(currentAngle) + pointerY currentAngle = currentAngle + addAngle end minX, minY = 0, 0 for i = 1, #polygonCornerList do -- find the smallest x and y if (polygonCornerList[i][1] <= minX) then minX = polygonCornerList[i][1] end if (polygonCornerList[i][2] <= minY) then minY = polygonCornerList[i][2] end end minX = math.abs(minX) -- should eventually calculate the difference between minX and 0 minY = math.abs(minY) -- should eventually calculate the difference between minY and 0 for i = 1, #polygonCornerList do -- make it bounded to 0, 0 polygonCornerList[i][1] = round(polygonCornerList[i][1] + minX) polygonCornerList[i][2] = round(polygonCornerList[i][2] + minY) end if not constructPolygonFromList() then error("This error should never happen.") end end function circleLikePolygonPrism(numSides, diameter, height, offSetAngle) offSetAngle = offSetAngle or 0 for i = 1, height do circleLikePolygon(numSides, diameter, offsetAngle) if i ~= height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end end function polygonPrism(numSides, sideLength, height, offSetAngle) offSetAngle = offSetAngle or 0 for i = 1, height do polygon(numSides, sideLength, offSetAngle) if i ~= height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end end function hexagon(sideLength) -- Deprecated, please use polygon(6, sideLength, 0). Fills out polygonCornerList with the points for a hexagon. sideLength = sideLength - 1 local changeX = sideLength / 2 local changeY = round(math.sqrt(3) * changeX, 0) changeX = round(changeX, 0) polygonCornerList[1] = {changeX, 0} polygonCornerList[2] = {(changeX + sideLength), 0} polygonCornerList[3] = {((2 * changeX) + sideLength), changeY} polygonCornerList[4] = {(changeX + sideLength), (2 * changeY)} polygonCornerList[5] = {changeX, (2 * changeY)} polygonCornerList[6] = {0, changeY} if not constructPolygonFromList() then error("This error should never happen.") end end function octagon(sideLength) -- Deprecated, please use polygon(8, sideLength, 0). Fills out polygonCornerList with the points for an octagon sideLength = sideLength - 1 local change = round((sideLength - 1) / math.sqrt(2), 0) polygonCornerList[1] = {change, 0} polygonCornerList[2] = {(change + sideLength), 0} polygonCornerList[3] = {((2 * change) + sideLength), change} polygonCornerList[4] = {((2 * change) + sideLength), (change + sideLength)} polygonCornerList[5] = {(change + sideLength), ((2 * change) + sideLength)} polygonCornerList[6] = {change, ((2 * change) + sideLength)} polygonCornerList[7] = {0, (change + sideLength)} polygonCornerList[8] = {0, change} if not constructPolygonFromList() then error("This error should never happen.") end end function hexagonPrism(length, height) -- Deprecated, please use polygonPrism(6, sideLength, height, 0). for i = 1, height do hexagon(length) if i ~= height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end end function octagonPrism(length, height) -- Deprecated, please use polygonPrism(8, sideLength, height, 0). for i = 1, height do octagon(length) if i ~= height then navigateTo(positionX, positionY, positionZ + 1) end end end -- Previous Progress Resuming, Simulation functions, Command Line, and File Backend -- Will check for a "progress" file. function CheckForPrevious() if fs.exists(progFileName) then return true else return false end end -- Creates a progress file, containing a serialized table consisting of the shape type, shape input params, and the last known x, y, and z coords of the turtle (beginning of build project) function ProgressFileCreate() if not CheckForPrevious() then fs.makeDir(progFileName) return true else return false end end -- Deletes the progress file (at the end of the project, or at beginning if user chooses to delete old progress) function ProgressFileDelete() if fs.exists(progFileName) then fs.delete(progFileName) return true else return false end end -- To read the shape params from the file. Shape type, and input params (e.g. "dome" and radius) function ReadShapeParams() -- TODO. Unneeded for now, can just use the table elements directly end function WriteShapeParams(...) -- The ... lets it take any number of arguments and stores it to the table arg{} | This is still unused anywhere local paramTable = arg local paramName = "param" local paramName2 = paramName for i, v in ipairs(paramTable) do -- Iterates through the args passed to the function, ex. paramTable[1] i = 1 so paramName2 should be "param1", tested and works! paramName2 = paramName .. i tempProgTable[paramName2] = v progTable[paramName2] = v end end -- function to write the progress to the file (x, y, z) function writeProgress() local progFile local progString = "" if not (sim_mode or cost_only) then progString = textutils.serialize(progTable) -- Put in here to save processing time when in cost_only progFile = fs.open(progFileName, "w") progFile.write(progString) progFile.close() end end -- Reads progress from file (shape, x, y, z, facing, blocks, param1, param2, param3) function readProgress() local progFile = fs.open(progFileName, "r") local readProgTable = textutils.unserialize(progFile.readAll()) progFile.close() return readProgTable end -- compares the progress read from the file to the current sim progress. needs all four params function compareProgress() local progTableIn = progTable local readProgTable = readProgress() if (progTableIn.shape == readProgTable.shape and progTableIn.x == readProgTable.x and progTableIn.y == readProgTable.y and progTableIn.blocks == readProgTable.blocks and progTableIn.facing == readProgTable.facing) then writeOut("All caught up!") return true -- We're caught up! else return false -- Not there yet... end end function getGPSInfo() -- TODO: finish this position = gps.locate() gpsPositionX = position.x gpsPositionZ = position.y gpsPositionY = position.z end function setSimFlags(b) sim_mode = b cost_only = b if cmd_line_cost_only then cost_only = true end end function simulationCheck() -- checks state of the simulation if sim_mode then if compareProgress() then setSimFlags(false) -- If we're caught up, un-set flags else setSimFlags(true) -- If not caught up, just re-affirm that the flags are set end end end function continueQuery() if cmd_line_resume then return true else if not cmd_line then writeOut("Do you want to continue the last job?") local yes = io.read() if yes == "y" then return true else return false end end end end function progressUpdate() -- This ONLY updates the local table variable. Writing is handled above. -- I want to change this to allow for any number of params progTable = {shape = choice, enderchest_refilling = tempProgTable.enderchest_refilling, param1 = tempProgTable.param1, param2 = tempProgTable.param2, param3 = tempProgTable.param3, param4 = tempProgTable.param4, x = positionX, y = positionY, z = positionZ, facing = facing, blocks = blocks} if not sim_mode then writeProgress() end end -- Command Line function checkCommandLine() --True if arguments were passed if #argTable > 0 then cmd_line = true return true else cmd_line = false return false end end function needsHelp() -- True if -h is passed for i, v in pairs(argTable) do if v == "-h" or v == "-help" or v == "--help" then return true else return false end end end function setFlagsFromCommandLine() -- Sets count_only, chain_next_shape, and sim_mode for i, v in pairs(argTable) do if v == "-c" or v == "-cost" or v == "--cost" then cost_only = true cmd_line_cost_only = true writeOut("Cost Only Mode") end if v == "-z" or v == "-chain" or v == "--chain" then chain_next_shape = true writeOut("Chained Shape Mode") end if v == "-r" or v == "-resume" or v == "--resume" then cmd_line_resume = true writeOut("Resuming") end if v == "-e" or v == "-ender" or v == "--ender" then enderchest_refilling = true tempProgTable.enderchest_refilling = true writeOut("Enderchest Mode") end if v == "-g" or v == "-home" or v == "--home" then return_to_home = true writeOut("Will return home") end end end function setTableFromCommandLine() -- Sets progTable and tempProgTable from command line arguments progTable.shape = argTable[1] tempProgTable.shape = argTable[1] local paramName = "param" local paramName2 = paramName for i = 2, #argTable do local addOn = tostring(i - 1) paramName2 = paramName .. addOn progTable[paramName2] = argTable[i] tempProgTable[paramName2] = argTable[i] end end -- Menu, Drawing and Main functions function choiceIsValidShape(choice) local validShapes = {"rectangle", "square", "line", "wall", "platform", "stair", "stairs", "cuboid", "1/2-sphere", "1/2 sphere", "half-sphere", "half sphere", "dome", "bowl", "sphere", "circle", "cylinder", "pyramid", "polygon", "polyprism", "polygonc", "polyprismc"} for i = 1, #validShapes do if choice == validShapes[i] then return true end end return false end function choiceFunction() if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then -- If we are NOT resuming progress local page = 1 choice = io.read() choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are against lower case words so this is to ensure that while ((choice == "next") or (choice == "back")) do if (choice == "next") then if page == 1 then writeMenu2() page = 2 else writeMenu() page = 1 end end if (choice == "back") then if page == 1 then writeMenu2() page = 2 else writeMenu() page = 1 end end choice = io.read() choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that end if choice == "end" or choice == "exit" then writeOut("Goodbye.") return end if choice == "help" then getHelp() return end if choice == "credits" then showCredits() return end tempProgTable = {shape = choice} progTable = {shape = choice} if not choiceIsValidShape(choice) then writeOut(choice .. " is not a valid shape choice.") return end writeOut("Building a "..choice) local yes = getInput("string","Want to just calculate the cost?","y","n") if yes == 'y' then cost_only = true end local yes = getInput("string","Want turtle to return to start after build?","y","n") if yes == 'y' then return_to_home = true end local yes = getInput("string","Want the turtle to refill from enderchest (slot 16)?","y","n") if yes == 'y' then enderchest_refilling = true tempProgTable.enderchest_refilling = true end elseif sim_mode == true then -- If we ARE resuming progress tempProgTable = readProgress() choice = tempProgTable.shape choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that enderchest_refilling = tempProgTable.enderchest_refilling elseif cmd_line == true then -- If running from command line if needsHelp() then showCmdLineHelp() return end choice = tempProgTable.shape choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that enderchest_refilling = tempProgTable.enderchest_refilling writeOut("Building a "..choice) end if not cost_only then turtle.select(1) activeSlot = 1 if turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot) == 0 then if resupply then writeOut("Please put building blocks in the first slot.") else writeOut("Please put building blocks in the first slot (and more if you need them)") end while turtle.getItemCount(activeSlot) <= 1 do os.sleep(.1) end end else activeSlot = 1 end -- Shape selection if cascade -- Line based shapes if choice == "rectangle" then local depth = 0 local width = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?") depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then width = tempProgTable.param1 depth = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = width tempProgTable.param2 = depth progTable = {param1 = width, param2 = depth} -- THIS is here because we NEED to update the local table! rectangle(width, depth) end if choice == "square" then local sideLength if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then sideLength = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then sideLength = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = sideLength progTable = {param1 = sideLength} square(sideLength) end if choice == "line" then local startX = 0 local startY = 0 local endX = 0 local endY = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then writeOut("Note that the turtle's starting position is 0, 0.") startX = getInput("int","Where does the start X need to be?") startY = getInput("int","Where does the start Y need to be?") endX = getInput("int","Where does the end X need to be?") endY = getInput("int","Where does the end Y need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then startX = tempProgTable.param1 startY = tempProgTable.param2 endX = tempProgTable.param3 endY = tempProgTable.param4 end tempProgTable.param1 = startX tempProgTable.param2 = startY tempProgTable.param3 = endX tempProgTable.param4 = endY progTable = {param1 = startX, param2 = startY, param3 = endX, param4 = endY} drawLine(endX, endY, startX, startY) end if choice == "wall" then local depth = 0 local height = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then depth = tempProgTable.param1 height = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = depth tempProgTable.param2 = height progTable = {param1 = depth, param2 = height} wall(depth, height) end if choice == "platform" then local width = 0 local depth = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?") depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then width = tempProgTable.param1 depth = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = width tempProgTable.param2 = depth progTable = {param1 = width, param2 = depth} platform(width, depth) end if choice == "stair" or choice == "stairs" then local width = 0 local height = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then width = tempProgTable.param1 height = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = width tempProgTable.param2 = height progTable = {param1 = width, param2 = height} stair(width, height) special_chain = true end if choice == "cuboid" then local width = 0 local depth = 0 local height = 0 local hollow = "" if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?") depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") hollow = getInput("string","Does it need to be hollow?","y","n") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then width = tempProgTable.param1 depth = tempProgTable.param2 height = tempProgTable.param3 hollow = tempProgTable.param4 end tempProgTable.param1 = width tempProgTable.param2 = depth tempProgTable.param3 = height tempProgTable.param4 = hollow progTable = {param1 = width, param2 = depth, param3 = height} cuboid(width, depth, height, hollow) end if choice == "pyramid" then local length = 0 local hollow = "" if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then length = getInput("int","How long does each side of the base layer need to be?") hollow = getInput("string","Does it need to be hollow?","y","n") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then length = tempProgTable.param1 hollow = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = length tempProgTable.param2 = hollow progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = hollow} pyramid(length, hollow) end -- Circle based shapes if choice == "1/2-sphere" or choice == "1/2 sphere" then local diameter = 0 local half = "" if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") half = getInput("string","What half of the sphere does it need to be?","bottom","top") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 half = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter tempProgTable.param2 = half progTable = {param1 = diameter, param2 = half} if half == "bottom" then dome("bowl", diameter) elseif half == "top" then dome("dome", diameter) end end if choice == "dome" then local diameter = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter progTable = {param1 = diameter} dome("dome", diameter) end if choice == "bowl" then local diameter = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter progTable = {param1 = diameter} dome("bowl", diameter) end if choice == "sphere" then local diameter = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter progTable = {param1 = diameter} dome("sphere", diameter) end if choice == "circle" then local diameter = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter progTable = {param1 = diameter} circle(diameter) end if choice == "cylinder" then local diameter = 0 local height = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then diameter = tempProgTable.param1 height = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = diameter tempProgTable.param2 = height progTable = {param1 = diameter, param2 = height} cylinder(diameter, height) end -- Polygon shapes if choice == "hexagon" then local length = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then length = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = length progTable = {param1 = length} hexagon(length) end if choice == "octagon" then local length = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then length = tempProgTable.param1 end tempProgTable.param1 = length progTable = {param1 = length} octagon(length) end if choice == "polygon" then local numSides = 3 local length = 0 local offSetAngle = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then numSides = getInput("int","How many sides to build?") length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") offSetAngle = getInput("int","What offset angle does it need to be, in degrees? (usually 0)") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then numSides = tempProgTable.param1 length = tempProgTable.param2 offSetAngle = tempProgTable.param3 end tempProgTable.param1 = numSides progTable = {param1 = numSides} tempProgTable.param2 = length progTable = {param2 = length} tempProgTable.param3 = offSetAngle progTable = {param3 = offSetAngle} polygon(numSides, length, offSetAngle) end if choice == "polygonc" then local numSides = 3 local diameter = 0 local offSetAngle = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then numSides = getInput("int","How many sides to build?") diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") offSetAngle = getInput("int","What offset angle does it need to be, in degrees? (usually 0)") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then numSides = tempProgTable.param1 diameter = tempProgTable.param2 offSetAngle = tempProgTable.param3 end tempProgTable.param1 = numSides progTable = {param1 = numSides} tempProgTable.param2 = diameter progTable = {param2 = diameter} tempProgTable.param3 = offSetAngle progTable = {param3 = offSetAngle} circleLikePolygon(numSides, diameter, offSetAngle) end if choice == "polyprism" then local numSides = 3 local length = 0 local height = 0 local offSetAngle = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then numSides = getInput("int","How many sides to build?") length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") offSetAngle = getInput("int","What offset angle does it need to be, in degrees? (usually 0)") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then numSides = tempProgTable.param1 length = tempProgTable.param2 height = tempProgTable.param3 offSetAngle = tempProgTable.param4 end tempProgTable.param1 = numSides progTable = {param1 = numSides} tempProgTable.param2 = length progTable = {param2 = length} tempProgTable.param3 = height progTable = {param3 = height} tempProgTable.param4 = offSetAngle progTable = {param4 = offSetAngle} polygonPrism(numSides, length, height, offSetAngle) end if choice == "polyprismc" then local numSides = 3 local diameter = 0 local height = 0 local offSetAngle = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then numSides = getInput("int","How many sides to build?") diameter = getInput("int","What diameter does it need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") offSetAngle = getInput("int","What offset angle does it need to be, in degrees? (usually 0)") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then numSides = tempProgTable.param1 diameter = tempProgTable.param2 height = tempProgTable.param3 offSetAngle = tempProgTable.param4 end tempProgTable.param1 = numSides progTable = {param1 = numSides} tempProgTable.param2 = diameter progTable = {param2 = diameter} tempProgTable.param3 = height progTable = {param3 = height} tempProgTable.param4 = offSetAngle progTable = {param4 = offSetAngle} circleLikePolygonPrism(numSides, diameter, height, offSetAngle) end if choice == "6-prism" or choice == "6 prism" then local length = 0 local height = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then length = tempProgTable.param1 height = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = length tempProgTable.param2 = height progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = height} hexagonPrism(length, height) end if choice == "8-prism" or choice == "8 prism" then local length = 0 local height = 0 if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?") height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?") elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then length = tempProgTable.param1 height = tempProgTable.param2 end tempProgTable.param1 = length tempProgTable.param2 = height progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = height} octagonPrism(length, height) end if return_to_home then goHome() -- After all shape building has finished end writeOut("Done") -- Saves a few lines when put here rather than in each if statement end function writeMenu() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("Shape Maker 1.8 by Keridos/CupricWolf/pokemane") if resupply then -- Any ideas to make this more compact/better looking (in terms of code)? writeOut("Resupply Mode Active") elseif (resupply and can_use_gps) then writeOut("Resupply and GPS Mode Active") elseif can_use_gps then writeOut("GPS Mode Active") else writeOut("Standard Mode Active") end if not cmd_line then writeOut("What shape do you want to build?") writeOut("[page 1/2]") writeOut("next for page 2") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| square | rectangle | wall | line |") writeOut("| cylinder| platform | stair | cuboid|") writeOut("| pyramid | 1/2-sphere| sphere| circle|") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") end end function writeMenu2() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("Shape Maker 1.8 by Keridos/CupricWolf/pokemane") if resupply then -- Any ideas to make this more compact/better looking (in terms of code)? writeOut("Resupply Mode Active") elseif (resupply and can_use_gps) then writeOut("Resupply and GPS Mode Active") elseif can_use_gps then writeOut("GPS Mode Active") else writeOut("Standard Mode Active") end writeOut("What shape do you want to build?") writeOut("[page 2/2]") writeOut("back for page 1") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| polygon | polyprism | dome | |") writeOut("| polygonC| polyprismC| | |") writeOut("| help | credits | end | |") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") end function showCmdLineHelp() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("Command line help") writeOut("Usage: shape [shape-type] [param1] [param2] [param3] [param4] [-c] [-h] [-z] [-r]") writeOut("-c or -cost or --cost: Activate cost only mode") writeOut("-h or -help or --help: Show this information") io.read() writeOut("-z or -chain or --chain: Lets you chain together multiple shapes") writeOut("-g or -home or --home: Make turtle go 'home' after build") writeOut("-r or -resume or --resume: Resume the last build if possible") io.read() writeOut("-e or -ender or --ender: Activate enderchest refilling") writeOut("shape-type can be any of the shapes in the menu") writeOut("After shape-type input all of the parameters for the shape, varies by shape") writeOut("Put any flags (-c, -h, etc.) at the end of your command") end function getHelp() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("Width is to the right of the turtle. (X-Axis)") writeOut("Depth is to the front of the turtle. (Y-Axis)") writeOut("Height is to the top of the turtle. (Z-Axis)") writeOut("Length is the side length of some shapes. (Squares and Polygons)") io.read() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) local page = 1 writeOut("What shape do you want help with?") writeOut("[page 1/2]") writeOut("next for page 2") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| square | rectangle | wall | line |") writeOut("| cylinder| platform | stair | cuboid|") writeOut("| pyramid | 1/2-sphere| sphere| circle|") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") choice = io.read() choice = string.lower(choice) while ((choice == "next") or (choice == "back")) do if (choice == "next") then if (page == 1) then page = 2 term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("What shape do you want help with?") writeOut("[page 2/2]") writeOut("back for page 1") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| polygon | polyprism | dome | |") writeOut("| polygonC| polyprismC| | |") writeOut("| help | credits | end | |") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") else page = 1 term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("What shape do you want help with?") writeOut("[page 1/2]") writeOut("next for page 2") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| square | rectangle | wall | line |") writeOut("| cylinder| platform | stair | cuboid|") writeOut("| pyramid | 1/2-sphere| sphere| circle|") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") end end if (choice == "back") then if (page == 1) then page = 2 term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("What shape do you want help with?") writeOut("[page 2/2]") writeOut("back for page 1") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| polygon | polyprism | dome | |") writeOut("| polygonC| polyprismC| | |") writeOut("| help | credits | end | |") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") else page = 1 term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("What shape do you want help with?") writeOut("[page 2/2]") writeOut("next for page 2") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("| square | rectangle | wall | line |") writeOut("| cylinder| platform | stair | cuboid|") writeOut("| pyramid | 1/2-sphere| sphere| circle|") writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+") writeOut("") end end choice = io.read() choice = string.lower(choice) end if not choiceIsValidShape(choice) then writeOut(choice .. " is not a valid shape choice.") return end -- If cascade time! if choice == "rectangle" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The rectangle is a perimeter of width by depth. Use platform if you want a filled in rectangle. The rectangle takes two parameters (two integers) Width then Depth.") end if choice == "square" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The square is a perimeter of length by length. Use platform if you want a filled in square. The square takes one parameter (one integer) Length.") end if choice == "line" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The line is drawn between the start and end points given. The turtle's initial position is 0, 0 so that must by taken into account. The line takes four parameters (four integers) Start X then Start Y then End X then End Y.") end if choice == "wall" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The wall is a vertical plane. The wall takes two parameters (two integers) Depth then Height.") end if choice == "platform" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The platform is a horizontal plane of width by depth. Use rectangle or square if you want just a perimeter. The platform takes two parameters (two integers) Width then Depth.") end if choice == "stair" or choice == "stairs" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The stair or stairs are an incline of width by height. The stair takes two parameters (two integers) Width then Height.") end if choice == "cuboid" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The cuboid is a rectangular prism of width by depth by height. The hollow parameter determines if the shape is solid or like a rectangular tube. The cuboid takes four parameters (three intergers and one y/n) Width then Depth then Height then Hollow(y/n).") end if choice == "1/2-sphere" or choice == "1/2 sphere" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The half sphere is the top or bottom half of a sphere. The half parameter determines of the top or bottom half of the sphere built. The half sphere takes two parameters (one integer and one top/bottom) Diameter then half(top/bottom).") end if choice == "dome" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The dome shape is a short-cut to the top half sphere. The dome takes one parameter (one integer) Diameter.") end if choice == "bowl" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The bowl shape is a short-cut to the bottom half sphere. The bowl takes one parameter (one integer) Diameter.") end if choice == "sphere" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The sphere is just that, a sphere. It is hollow. The sphere takes one parameter (one integer) Diameter.") end if choice == "circle" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The circle is just that, a circle. It is just a perimeter. The circle takes one parameter (one integer) Diameter.") end if choice == "cylinder" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The cylinder is a cylindrical tube of diameter by height. The cylinder takes two parameters (two integers) Diameter then Height.") end if choice == "pyramid" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The pyramid is a four sided pyramid with base length by length. The hollow parameter determines if the inside is filled. The pyramid takes two parameters (one integer and one y/n) Base Length then Hollow(y/n).") end if choice == "polygon" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The polygon is a polygonal perimeter. The polygon takes three parameters (three integers) Number of Sides then Side Length then Offset Angle.") end if choice == "polygonC" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The polygonC is a polygonal perimeter that inscribes inside a circle with the same diameter. The polygonC takes three parameters (three integers) Number of Sides then Diameter then Offset Angle.") end if choice == "polyprism" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The polyprism is a polygonal prism shaped tube. The polyprism takes four parameters (four integers) Number of Sides then Side Length then Height then Offset Angle.") end if choice == "polyprismC" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The polyprismC is a polygonal prism shaped tube that inscribes inside a cylinder with the same diameter. The polyprismC takes four parameters (four integers) Number of Sides then Diameter then Height then Offset Angle.") end if choice == "hexagon" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The hexagon is a hexagonal perimeter. The hexagon takes one parameter (one integer) Length.") end if choice == "octagon" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The octagon is and octagonal perimeter. The octagon takes one parameter (one integer) Length.") end if choice == "6-prism" or choice == "6 prism" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The 6 prism is a hexagonal prism shaped tube. The 6 prism takes two parameters (two integers) Length then Height.") end if choice == "8-prism" or choice == "8 prism" then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("The 8 prism is an octagonal prism shaped tube. The 8 prism takes two parameters (two integers) Length then Height.") end end function showCredits() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) writeOut("Credits for the shape builder:") writeOut("Based on work by Michiel, Vliekkie, and Aeolun") writeOut("Sphere/dome code by IMarvinTPA") writeOut("Additional improvements by Keridos, CupricWolf, and pokemane") end function main() if wrapModules()=="resupply" then linkToRSStation() end if checkCommandLine() then if needsHelp() then showCmdLineHelp() return -- Close the program after help info is shown end setFlagsFromCommandLine() setTableFromCommandLine() end if (CheckForPrevious()) then -- Will check to see if there was a previous job and gps is enabled, and if so, ask if the user would like to re-initialize to current progress status if not continueQuery() then -- If the user doesn't want to continue ProgressFileDelete() setSimFlags(false) -- Just to be safe writeMenu() choiceFunction() else -- If the user wants to continue setSimFlags(true) choiceFunction() end else setSimFlags(false) writeMenu() choiceFunction() end if (blocks ~= 0) and (fuel ~= 0) then -- Do not show on help or credits page or when selecting end writeOut("Blocks used: " .. blocks) writeOut("Fuel used: " .. fuel) end ProgressFileDelete() -- Removes file upon successful completion of a job, or completion of a previous job. progTable = {} tempProgTable = {} end main()
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