VISTA (Visitor Identification, Segmentation, and Transformation Architecture) Rules are server-side rules in Adobe Analytics that allow you to modify, classify, or transform the data being sent to Adobe's servers before it is processed and stored. Think of them as custom rules that let you manipulate data in real-time to ensure it’s more useful and accurate for reporting and analysis. Why Are VISTA Rules Important? Sometimes the data sent from your website or app needs to be adjusted or transformed to meet business requirements or clean up inaccuracies. Instead of modifying the tracking code (JavaScript), VISTA Rules let Adobe Analytics engineers apply these changes directly on the server. Key Features of VISTA Rules Server-Side Execution: The rules work on Adobe’s servers and not on your website or app. This means the data is processed after it’s collected but before it’s stored. Custom Logic: The rules can include custom logic tailored to your business needs (e.g., reclassifying data, filtering out bots, or combining values). No Code Updates: You don’t need to change your website or app’s tracking code. How Vista Rules Work Data Collection: When a user visits your website or app, tracking data is sent to Adobe Analytics (via AppMeasurement.js or Adobe Launch). Rule Processing: Before storing the data, Adobe's servers apply VISTA rules to modify or clean it. Data Storage: The transformed data is then saved in Adobe Analytics for reporting. VISTA Rules are applied before the data is stored but after the user action. They don’t affect the data users see in real time on your site.
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