const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util')
let terminal = {}
require('better-logging')(terminal, {
logLevels: {
debug: 3, error: 3, info: 1,
line: 1, log: 0, warn: 1,
format: ctx =>`${ctx.time24}${ctx.type} ${ctx.msg}`
/* format: ctx => {
let regType = /(error|log|info|warn|debug)/i;
let match = regType.exec(ctx.type);
let t = ctx.type
.replace(regType, match[1].padEnd(5, ' '));
return `${ctx.time24}${t} ${ctx.msg}`
} */
function lessLog(object) {
var toPrint = {};
for (var key in object) {
// console.log("key is", key);
// console.log("key starts with _?", key.startsWith("_"));
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!key.startsWith("_")) {
toPrint[key] = object[key];
return console.log(toPrint);
function moreLog(object) {
return console.log(util.inspect(object, false, null, true /* enable colors */));
const decyle = function decycle(object, replacer) {
"use strict";
// Make a deep copy of an object or array, assuring that there is at most
// one instance of each object or array in the resulting structure. The
// duplicate references (which might be forming cycles) are replaced with
// an object of the form
// {"$ref": PATH}
// where the PATH is a JSONPath string that locates the first occurance.
// So,
// var a = [];
// a[0] = a;
// return JSON.stringify(JSON.decycle(a));
// produces the string '[{"$ref":"$"}]'.
// If a replacer function is provided, then it will be called for each value.
// A replacer function receives a value and returns a replacement value.
// JSONPath is used to locate the unique object. $ indicates the top level of
// the object or array. [NUMBER] or [STRING] indicates a child element or
// property.
var objects = new WeakMap(); // object to path mappings
return (function derez(value, path) {
// The derez function recurses through the object, producing the deep copy.
var old_path; // The path of an earlier occurance of value
var nu; // The new object or array
// If a replacer function was provided, then call it to get a replacement value.
if (replacer !== undefined) {
value = replacer(value);
// typeof null === "object", so go on if this value is really an object but not
// one of the weird builtin objects.
if (
typeof value === "object"
&& value !== null
&& !(value instanceof Boolean)
&& !(value instanceof Date)
&& !(value instanceof Number)
&& !(value instanceof RegExp)
&& !(value instanceof String)
) {
// If the value is an object or array, look to see if we have already
// encountered it. If so, return a {"$ref":PATH} object. This uses an
// ES6 WeakMap.
old_path = objects.get(value);
if (old_path !== undefined) {
return { $ref: old_path };
// Otherwise, accumulate the unique value and its path.
objects.set(value, path);
// If it is an array, replicate the array.
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
nu = [];
value.forEach(function (element, i) {
nu[i] = derez(element, path + "[" + i + "]");
} else {
// If it is an object, replicate the object.
nu = {};
Object.keys(value).forEach(function (name) {
nu[name] = derez(
path + "[" + JSON.stringify(name) + "]"
return nu;
return value;
}(object, "$"));
terminal.less = lessLog;
terminal.more = moreLog;
module.exports = {
lessLog, moreLog,