// QuoteBuilderCollapsibleTable.jsx import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import { faChevronDown, faChevronUp } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import SecuritiesSeverityComp from '../SecuritySeverityComp'; const QuoteBuilderCollapsibleTable = ({ columns, data }) => { const [collapseData, setCollapseData] = useState(null); const toggleCollapse = (id, details) => { if (collapseData?.id === id) { setCollapseData(null); } else { setCollapseData({ id, data: details }); // Pre-open the accordion in SecuritiesSeverityComp document.getElementById(`accordion-${id}`)?.click(); } }; return ( <div className="container mt-4" style={{ maxHeight: '200px', overflow: 'auto', }}> <table className='table'> <thead> <tr> {columns.map((data, index) => ( <th key={index}>{data.header}</th> ))} </tr> </thead> <tbody style={{ backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }}> {data.map((item) => ( <React.Fragment key={item.id}> <tr> {columns.map(({ accessorKey, expandable }) => expandable ? ( <td key={accessorKey} onClick={() => toggleCollapse(item.id, item.details)} style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} > <>{item.id} {collapseData?.id === item.id ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronUp} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronDown} />} </> </td> ) : ( <td key={accessorKey}>{item[accessorKey]}</td> ) )} </tr> {collapseData?.id === item.id && ( <tr> <td colSpan={columns.length}> <SecuritiesSeverityComp qouteBuilderData={item} initialOpenState={true} accordionId={`accordion-${item.id}`} /> </td> </tr> )} </React.Fragment> ))} </tbody> </table> </div> ); }; export default QuoteBuilderCollapsibleTable; // SecuritiesSeverityComp.jsx import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { Accordion, AccordionBody, AccordionHeader, AccordionItem, Table } from "reactstrap"; const SecuritiesSeverityComp = ({ header, qouteBuilderData, initialOpenState, accordionId }) => { const [open, setOpen] = useState(""); // Set initial open state when the component mounts useEffect(() => { if (initialOpenState) { setOpen("1"); } }, [initialOpenState]); const formatNumber = (num) => { return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }; const formatPercentage = (value) => `${value}%`; const metrics = [ { key: "premium", label: "Premium", format: formatNumber }, { key: "adequacy", label: "Adequacy", format: formatPercentage }, { key: "rateOnLine", label: "Rate on Line", format: formatPercentage }, { key: "ultimateLossRatio", label: "Ultimate Loss Ratio", format: formatPercentage }, ]; const toggle = (id) => { setOpen(open === id ? "" : id); }; const details = qouteBuilderData?.details; return ( <div className="accordion-custom-dropdown"> <Accordion open={open} toggle={toggle}> <AccordionItem> <AccordionHeader targetId="1" id={accordionId}> {header || "Details"} </AccordionHeader> <AccordionBody accordionId="1"> <Table className="metrics-table" borderless> <thead> <tr className="table-header-row"> <th className="model-header"></th> <th colSpan="2" className="model-header">Modelled</th> <th colSpan="2" className="model-header">Benchmark</th> </tr> <tr> <th className="subheader"></th> <th className="subheader">Unadjusted</th> <th className="subheader">Adjusted</th> <th className="subheader">Unadjusted</th> <th className="subheader">Adjusted</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {metrics.map(({ key, label }) => ( <tr key={key}> <td className="accordion-label">{label}</td> <td className="model-cell"> {details?.modelled?.unadjusted[key]} </td> <td className="model-cell"> {details?.modelled?.adjusted[key]} </td> <td className="model-cell"> {details?.benchmark?.unadjusted[key]} </td> <td className="model-cell"> {details?.benchmark?.adjusted[key]} </td> </tr> ))} </tbody> </Table> </AccordionBody> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </div> ); }; export default SecuritiesSeverityComp;
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