// ==UserScript==
// @name Award Whore V4
// @author Device (Prev. Snorlax, Hash G, xadamxk)
// @namespace https://github.com/DeviceHF/HF-UserScripts/blob/main/award-whore-v4.user.js
// @version 1.1.0
// @description Allows members to add custom awards.
// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.js
// @match *://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=*
// @match *://hackforums.net/myawards.php
// @copyright 2021+
// @updateURL https://github.com/DeviceHF/HF-UserScripts/raw/main/award-whore-v4.user.js
// @downloadURL https://github.com/DeviceHF/HF-UserScripts/raw/main/award-whore-v4.user.js
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
// ------------------------------ Change Log ----------------------------
// version 1.1.0: Append stored awards to posts
// version 1.0.1: Update and Download URLs
// version 1.0.0: Initial Release
// ------------------------------ Dev Notes -----------------------------
// RIP Snorlax <3
// xadamxk was here
// ------------------------------ SETTINGS ------------------------------
const storageKey = 'AwardWhoreKey';
const addAwardStr = 'Add';
const removeAwardStr = 'Remove';
const awardWhoreTitle = 'Thanks for using Award Whore Userscript!';
const debug = false;
// ------------------------------ ON PAGE LOAD ------------------------------
const dPrint = (txt) => {
return debug && console.log(txt)
dPrint(`Initial stored values: ${GM_getValue(storageKey)}`);
// Condition for page (awards or thread)
if (location.href.includes('/myawards.php')) {
const awardsTableBody = $("strong:contains(\"My Awards\")") ? $("strong:contains(\"My Awards\")").parent().parent().parent() : null;
if (!awardsTableBody) {
return null;
// Fetch state
const storedValues = GM_getValue(storageKey);
// Parse stored values as an array
let storedValuesArray = storedValues && storedValues.includes(",") && storedValues.split(',') || [null];
dPrint(`Values parsed: ${storedValuesArray}`);
// Fetch existing state
$(awardsTableBody).find("tr").each((index, element) => {
if (index == 0) {
$(element).find("td").attr('colspan', 4);
} else if (index == 1) {
} else {
// Get award id from award column
let awardClasses = $(element).find(".award_sprite").attr("class");
awardClasses = awardClasses.includes('award_sprite') ? awardClasses.replace('award_sprite', '').trim() : awardClasses;
let isInMemory = false;
if (storedValuesArray.includes(awardClasses)) {
// Found in state - remove
isInMemory = true;
// Append award id to add/remove button
$(element).append($("<td>").addClass("trow2").append(`<button id='changeAwardWhore${index}' value='${awardClasses}' class='awardWhoreButton'>${isInMemory ? removeAwardStr : addAwardStr}</button>`));
} else if (location.href.includes('/showthread.php')) {
// Parse state as an array (logic above)
const storedValues = GM_getValue(storageKey);
let storedValuesArray = storedValues.split(',') || [null];
// Loop posts, find current user id in .welcome
const userId = $(".welcome").find("a").attr("href").split("&uid=")[1];
const users = document.querySelectorAll(".author_information");
// If UIDs match, append custom awards
users.forEach(user => {
const awards = $(user).find(".post_myawards");
if (user.innerHTML.includes(userId)) {
storedValuesArray.slice(1).forEach(item => $(awards).append(`<i class='award_sprite ${item}' title='${awardWhoreTitle}'></i>`));
const filterStoredAwards = (awardsArray, awardToRemove) => {
return awardsArray.filter(awardKey => {
return awardKey !== awardToRemove
$('.awardWhoreButton').click(function (event) {
// Prevent default form redirect functionality
// Get award key value from button
const awardKey = $(this).val();
// Fetch stored values
const storedValues = GM_getValue(storageKey);
// Parse stored values as an array
let storedValuesArray = storedValues && storedValues.split(',') || [null];
// Check if award is already added, if it does, remove it, if not, add it
if (storedValuesArray.includes(awardKey)) {
storedValuesArray = filterStoredAwards(storedValuesArray, awardKey);
} else {
// Store result
GM_setValue(storageKey, storedValuesArray.toString())