def update_polling_counts(client, aggregated_values, timestamp):
table_name = os.getenv(MEGLO_DEVICE_HEALTH_TABLE_NAME, default=None)
polling_type = os.getenv(LAMBDA_TYPE, default=None)
current_month_attributes = __get_current_month_ddb_attributes()
if table_name is None:
print("Error: Table name is not set. Aborting update.")
return []
if not aggregated_values:
print("Error: Aggregated values are empty. Aborting update.")
return []
polling_attribute = current_month_attributes.get(POLLING_COUNT)
err_attribute = current_month_attributes.get(POLLING_ERROR)
conn_err_attribute = current_month_attributes.get(CONNECTION_ERROR)
if None in (polling_attribute, err_attribute, conn_err_attribute):
print("Error: One or more attributes are missing. Aborting update.")
return []
# Rest of your code...
# If everything is valid, continue with the update
boto_responses = []
for data_center in data_centers:
# ... (rest of your code)
return boto_responses