a month ago
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-- Step 1: Temporarily disable foreign key checks SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- Step 2: Backup the `salog_id` column to a temporary column ALTER TABLE fp_stock_adjust_log ADD COLUMN temp_salog_id BIGINT; -- Step 3: Reset the `temp_salog_id` values in ascending order of `salog_created_date` SET @new_id = 0; UPDATE fp_stock_adjust_log SET temp_salog_id = (@new_id := @new_id + 1) ORDER BY salog_created_date; -- Step 4: Drop the existing `salog_id` column ALTER TABLE fp_stock_adjust_log DROP COLUMN salog_id; -- Step 5: Rename the temporary column to `salog_id` and set it as the PRIMARY KEY ALTER TABLE fp_stock_adjust_log CHANGE COLUMN temp_salog_id salog_id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; -- Step 6: Set the AUTO_INCREMENT value to continue from the maximum ID SELECT MAX(salog_id) INTO @max_id FROM fp_stock_adjust_log; SET @sql = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE fp_stock_adjust_log AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @max_id + 1); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; -- Step 7: Re-enable foreign key checks SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; -- step 8 - modify column order ALTER TABLE fp_stock_adjust_log MODIFY COLUMN salog_id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST;
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