In the provided code, it looks like you're already using dependency injection to some extent by passing various dependencies (such as factories, storage, and I/O) through the constructor of the MainGame class. This is a good practice that promotes loose coupling between components and makes the code more testable and maintainable.
Here's a breakdown of the existing dependency injection in your code:
MainGame class constructor is already taking in dependencies as parameters:
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public MainGame(IGoalGeneratorFactory generatorFactory, IGuessCheckerFactory checkerFactory, IPlayerDataStorage storage, IIO io)
// ...
These dependencies are then stored as private readonly fields within the MainGame class and used throughout the class's methods.
To further enhance the dependency injection pattern, you can consider doing the following:
Applying Constructor Injection: In the existing code, you're already applying constructor injection, which is the recommended way to inject dependencies. This approach helps ensure that the dependencies are provided when creating an instance of the MainGame class.
Utilizing an IoC Container: In larger applications, you might consider using an Inversion of Control (IoC) container like Unity, Autofac, or Ninject. These containers help manage and resolve dependencies automatically, reducing the amount of manual wiring in your code.
Separating Composition Root: Your Program.cs file serves as the composition root in this case since it's where you're composing the objects and their dependencies. You could consider creating a separate class responsible for setting up and composing the necessary dependencies. This helps keep your Program.cs file cleaner and easier to manage as your application grows.
Here's a simplified example of how your composition root might look:
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// CompositionRoot.cs
using LaborationCC.Classes;
public static class CompositionRoot
public static IGame CreateGame()
IGoalGeneratorFactory goalGeneratorFactory = new GoalGeneratorFactory();
IGuessCheckerFactory guessCheckerFactory = new GuessCheckerFactory();
IPlayerDataStorage playerDataStorage = PlayerDataStorage.Instance;
IIO consoleIO = new ConsoleIO();
return new MainGame(goalGeneratorFactory, guessCheckerFactory, playerDataStorage, consoleIO);
// Program.cs
using LaborationCC.Classes;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IGame game = CompositionRoot.CreateGame();
In this example, the CompositionRoot class handles the instantiation and composition of the dependencies needed for the game. This way, the MainGame class and the Program class are decoupled from the specific creation logic and can focus on their respective responsibilities.
Remember that dependency injection is all about making your code more modular and flexible. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the implementation may vary based on the complexity and requirements of your application.