
2 months ago
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========================[ Fulcrum MUSH: 'Fae' History ]=========================
2025-01-11 07:33:03: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "what up mom?"

2025-01-11 07:33:25: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "nothing much, came back from work."

2025-01-11 07:33:37: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "that's good"

2025-01-11 07:36:51: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "whatcha doing?"

2025-01-11 08:48:51: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "LOKIII"

2025-01-11 08:50:32: <Fae> Theo4923 has left the channel.

2025-01-11 08:51:03: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "the purrrge"

2025-01-11 08:51:12: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "Aye"

2025-01-11 08:51:57: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "whats up? rp?"

2025-01-11 08:52:12: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "Lovely reminder by the Duchess"

2025-01-11 08:52:27: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "that sidhe make poor choices?"

2025-01-11 08:52:46: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "hah"

2025-01-11 08:53:19: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "I mean, they DOm but...."

2025-01-11 08:53:37: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie grins.

2025-01-11 08:54:12: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "Nowell bitched Josie out yesterday because after talking to the dragon she didn't run and 'report' to him."

2025-01-11 08:54:42: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "I mean, he IS our Shadow expert... But...."

2025-01-11 08:54:52: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "Josie was like.. Teahouse Dragon."

2025-01-11 08:55:01: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "not dragon dragon"

2025-01-11 08:55:38: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "Josie was like.. between then and now, I have had a baby and learned a new language. This was a recent event."

2025-01-11 08:56:11: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "he thought I was using some Art to talk to the dragon."

2025-01-11 08:56:33: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "I thought Ben was going to punch him"

2025-01-11 08:56:48: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "Ben is good for punching"

2025-01-11 08:57:03: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "Justificatiin not required"

2025-01-11 08:57:11: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie chuckles.

2025-01-11 08:57:20: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "He didnt though!"

2025-01-11 09:21:27: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "hi"

2025-01-11 09:23:45: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "what's up today?"

2025-01-11 09:27:33: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "oh about to get my shit shanked"

2025-01-11 09:27:48: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "shanked with a shiv... shiv'ed with a shank."

2025-01-11 09:28:04: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "do you need help or moral support with that?"

2025-01-11 09:28:36: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "lol no, im good"

2025-01-11 09:39:36: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "anything up today? i have some chores"

2025-01-11 09:48:25: <Fae> Mother of Dra Amber says, "i am free and semi-coherent"

2025-01-11 11:28:13: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "Hey Ben"

2025-01-11 11:28:32: <Fae> Blaggard and Braggart Ben says, "Hey Lils"

2025-01-11 12:22:05: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "Could we get a little staff help, preferably by someone who knows both Rodrigo and the satyr that picked up Carla?"

2025-01-11 12:24:09: <Fae> Fresh Hel says, "I'll poke Loki. Rodrigo is his NPC and I don't know if he wants me touching him."

2025-01-11 12:26:23: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "well thats me"

2025-01-11 12:29:15: <Fae> Mother of Dra Amber says, "how is?"

2025-01-11 13:25:14: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "Hi guys"
2025-01-11 13:25:39: <Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "Sidhe daddio"

2025-01-11 13:29:27: <Fae> Helicopter Mom Jess says, "Hey, Roque."

2025-01-11 13:33:21: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "Heya"

2025-01-11 13:42:29: <Fae> Spooky Lilith says, "hey jordan"

2025-01-11 13:42:34: <Fae> Cyberkitty Jordan says, "Hi"

2025-01-11 13:42:38: <Fae> Bumblecat Loki says, "hello"

2025-01-11 13:44:46: <Fae> Fresh Hel says, "Hey, Jordan."

2025-01-11 13:51:28: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "so... who's doing what to whom?"

2025-01-11 14:04:07: <Fae> Mother of Dra Amber says, "ooo baby"

2025-01-11 14:30:53: <Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "There went my good rolls for the
evening! :D LOL"


<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Sorry to have irritated you so much, Josie. It had been a couple of months since I brought it up."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "we don't seem to be on at the same time much or open for rp at the same time very much.. my hours are weird"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "i wasnt irritated. it was fine"

<Fae> Blaggard and Braggart Ben says, "It takes a lot to irritate her"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Please just talk to me next time, then? Your channel mockery made it seem otherwise. At least talk to me about it OOC before dissing me on channel."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "What?"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "I have no idea what you are talking about"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell read the channel history,

<Fae> Blaggard and Braggart Ben says, "Dude she never dissed you on channel not once"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "about Ben almost punching nowell?"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "he nearly did"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Okay, had fun talking about how I was 'demanding' things from her and how teehee about the possible punching."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "you were... demanding from her."

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "He asked a couple of months ago if someone could do something, you volunteered, but couldn't even @mail to say 'sorry, got nuthin'."

<Fae> Blaggard and Braggart Ben says, "You were dude, ICly it was demanding and yes ICly Ben nearly did deck him"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "Josie said she would sign up for japanese classes."

<Fae> #DAD_LOVES_GUNS Roque says, "No punching the baby elf commie college kid!"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "and she just talked to the dragaon pretty recently"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "i had the job in for like a month but RL happened for me and loki"

<Fae> Bumblecat Hardy despams because arguments dont help me run scenes

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "How was I supposed to know that without your getting back to me?"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "I didn't realize @mails only go one way. Sorry."

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Seems like punching me would take the heat off you as least-liked male sidhe, anyway, Roque."

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Admittedly, after you got tetchy about my asking you to ask me IC to do something in a scene instead of OOC, as Loki requested I do, I just figured you wanted nothing to do with me, and all I did was make your game shit for you."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "I will be mindful to not offer. Thanks."

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "And I shall refrain from asi=king."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "because i was joking, but you don't seem to understand social queues and get mad when I don't do what you want me to do."

<Fae> An old crone Pokk says, "Please take your disagreement to page thanks"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "i tell ben in pages to eat people. doesn't mean i want him to actually do it icly."

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "Text sucks for social cues."

You paged Amber with ''Joking' about people that certain people do on here about other people does not read as mere jokes, and can be quite hurtful to encounter in retrospect.'.

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "You wanted me to Ken a NPC for Shadow Arts. You sounded serious enough to be upset when I didn't just do it, and metagame."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "I was like OOoooh DO IT! KEN HIM!"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "And then got irritated afterwards when I didn't."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "no i didnt"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "you got mad i wouldnt ask icly. I was like, josie wouldnt ask that of him icly"

<Fae> Fresh Hel says, "Disagreement to pages, please?"

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "and you got mad"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "No. Loki got mad."

<Fae> Fresh Hel says, "Don't make me turn this channel around."

<Fae> Battle Boggan Josie says, "because you were a whiny little.. Just don't talk to me. IC or OOC unless 911 important."

<Fae> An old crone Pokk says, "FFS all of you shut the fuck up"

<Fae> An old crone Pokk says, "In case yo do not know who this is, its Loki"

<Fae> Le Scanadalous Nowell says, "I'll leave her in peace."

<Fae> An old crone Pokk says, "The fae channel is not the place to bash eachother. If you dont like the way other people play pretend, no one cares"

:FM: You have left the 'Fae' channel.

You paged Hel with 'THat should make everything better for eberyone.'.

Disconnected from host. - 11/01/2025  -  14:50:29
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