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3 years ago
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function hitShape(shape, dim) if (not dim) then return false end if ( getElementType( source ) == "player" ) then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) local isSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if (shape == colD) then if (not dot) then dot = dxCreateTexture(string.char(255,255,255,255,1,0,1,0)) --outputChatBox(tostring(dot)) end isInsideArea = true addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, showDXTiles) end if (not veh or veh and isSeat ~= 0) then return false end local color = getElementData(source, "color") if (not color) then return false end for i, v in pairs(cube) do if (shape == v) then owned[tiles[tostring(i)]] = color if (boost and not isNos) then local bh = tonumber(i) - 1 local fr = tonumber(i) + 1 --outputChatBox(ls.." "" "" " if (tiles[tostring(bh)]) then owned[tiles[tostring(bh)]] = color end if (tiles[tostring(fr)]) then owned[tiles[tostring(fr)]] = color end end end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientElementColShapeHit", root, hitShape) function leaveShape(shape, dim) if (not dim) then return end if ( getElementType( source ) == "player" ) then if (shape == colD) then isInsideArea = false removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, showDXTiles) end end end addEventHandler("onClientElementColShapeLeave", root, leaveShape)