import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplt pyplt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (18, 1) def plot_v2(xc, yc, alp, xShift, marker, clr, background_clr=""): if(yc%2 != 0): plt.plot((xc+xShift), yc, marker, color=clr, alpha=alp) if len(background_clr) > 0: ax = plt.axes() ax.set_facecolor(background_clr) else: plt.plot(xc, yc, marker, color=clr, alpha=alp) def plotEyeTable_v2_test(table, c, u, r, d, l, y=8, markers='.', shift=0.5, alp=0.2, color='r', background_clr=""): xc = 0 xShift = shift #How much every second row is shifted to the right, 0.5 is how it is displayed in game. #yc = len(table) #to start plotting at the specified tables own height. yc = y #to start plotting all tables at y = 12. # color = {'.c':0, '^g':1, '>b':2, 'vr':3, left_color:4 } #shapes matching eye direction # clr = ['sk', '.c', '^g', '>b', 'red'] #here you can customize the colors and markers. # {0:'center', 1:'up', 2:'right', 3:'down', 4:'left'} for i in table: xc = 0 for j in i: # alp = alphaReset if (c and j == 0): #to change alpha on only one direction, remove 'not' and set alp to something between 0-1. plot_v2(xc, yc, alp, xShift, markers, color, background_clr) elif (u and j == 1): plot_v2(xc, yc + 1, alp, xShift, markers, color, background_clr) elif (r and j == 2): plot_v2(xc + 1, yc, alp, xShift, markers, color, background_clr) elif (d and j == 3): plot_v2(xc, yc - 1, alp, xShift, markers, color, background_clr) elif (l and j == 4): plot_v2(xc - 1, yc, alp, xShift, markers, color, background_clr) xc+=1 yc-=1
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