2 months ago
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#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <filesystem> #include <vector> using namespace std; // Function Prototypes void checkInbox(); int displayMenu(); void WriteToOutbox(); void filterSpam(); void filterSpamAndHam(); int main() { while (true) { switch(displayMenu()) { case 1: checkInbox(); break; case 2: WriteToOutbox(); break; case 3: filterSpam(); break; case 4: filterSpamAndHam(); break; case 5: cout << "Exiting program. Goodbye!" << endl; return 0; default: cout << "Invalid selection. Please try again." << endl; } } } int displayMenu() { int num = 0; cout << "\nEmail Management System" << endl; cout << "1. Check Inbox" << endl; cout << "2. Write Email" << endl; cout << "3. Filter Spam" << endl; cout << "4. Filter Spam + Ham" << endl; cout << "5. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> num; cin.ignore(); return num; } void checkInbox() { vector<string> filenames; // Collect filenames from inbox folder for (const auto& entry : filesystem::directory_iterator("inbox")) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { filenames.push_back(entry.path().string()); } } if (filenames.empty()) { cout << "Inbox is empty." << endl; return; } while (true) { cout << "\nYour Inbox:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); ++i) { ifstream emailFile(filenames[i]); string recipient, subject; getline(emailFile, recipient); getline(emailFile, subject); emailFile.close(); cout << i + 1 << ". " << filenames[i] << " - " << subject << endl; } cout << "0. Return to Main Menu" << endl; int choice; cout << "Enter the number of the email to open: "; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); if (choice == 0) { break; } else if (choice > 0 && choice <= filenames.size()) { ifstream emailFile(filenames[choice - 1]); string line; cout << "\nEmail Contents:" << endl; while (getline(emailFile, line)) { cout << line << endl; } emailFile.close(); } else { cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << endl; } } } void WriteToOutbox() { string recipient, subjectLine, body, line, filename; cout << "Enter recipient email: "; cin >> recipient; cin.ignore(); cout << "Enter the subject line: "; getline(cin, subjectLine); cout << "Please enter the email body. Enter 2 empty lines to finish:" << endl; int emptyCounter = 0; while (true) { getline(cin, line); if (line.empty()) { emptyCounter++; } else { emptyCounter = 0; } if (emptyCounter == 2) { break; } body += line + '\n'; } cout << "Enter the filename (e.g., outbox/email1.txt): "; cin >> filename; ofstream emailFile(filename); emailFile << recipient << endl << subjectLine << endl << body; emailFile.close(); cout << "Email written to " << filename << endl; } void filterSpam() { vector<string> spamWords; vector<string> inboxFiles; ifstream spamFile("spam.txt"); if (!spamFile) { cout << "Error: Could not open spam.txt." << endl; return; } string word; while (getline(spamFile, word)) { spamWords.push_back(word); } spamFile.close(); for (const auto& entry : filesystem::directory_iterator("inbox")) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { inboxFiles.push_back(entry.path().string()); } } if (inboxFiles.empty()) { cout << "Inbox is empty." << endl; return; } for (const auto& file : inboxFiles) { ifstream emailFile(file); if (!emailFile) { cout << "Error: Could not open " << file << endl; continue; } string content((istreambuf_iterator<char>(emailFile)), istreambuf_iterator<char>()); emailFile.close(); for (const string& spamWord : spamWords) { if (content.find(spamWord) != string::npos) { string spamPath = "spam/" + filesystem::path(file).filename().string(); filesystem::rename(file, spamPath); cout << "Moved " << file << " to spam folder." << endl; break; } } } } void filterSpamAndHam() { vector<string> spamWords, hamWords; vector<string> inboxFiles; ifstream spamFile("spam.txt"); if (!spamFile) { cout << "Error: Could not open spam.txt." << endl; return; } string word; while (getline(spamFile, word)) { spamWords.push_back(word); } spamFile.close(); ifstream hamFile("ham.txt"); if (!hamFile) { cout << "Error: Could not open ham.txt." << endl; return; } while (getline(hamFile, word)) { hamWords.push_back(word); } hamFile.close(); for (const auto& entry : filesystem::directory_iterator("inbox")) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { inboxFiles.push_back(entry.path().string()); } } if (inboxFiles.empty()) { cout << "Inbox is empty." << endl; return; } for (const auto& file : inboxFiles) { ifstream emailFile(file); if (!emailFile) { cout << "Error: Could not open " << file << endl; continue; } string content((istreambuf_iterator<char>(emailFile)), istreambuf_iterator<char>()); emailFile.close(); bool isSpam = false, isHam = false; for (const string& spamWord : spamWords) { if (content.find(spamWord) != string::npos) { isSpam = true; break; } } for (const string& hamWord : hamWords) { if (content.find(hamWord) != string::npos) { isHam = true; break; } } if (isSpam && !isHam) { string spamPath = "spam/" + filesystem::path(file).filename().string(); filesystem::rename(file, spamPath); cout << "Moved " << file << " to spam folder." << endl; } else if (isSpam && isHam) { cout << file << " contains spam and ham words, so it remains in the inbox." << endl; } } }
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