a year ago
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addCheckBox("oberon", "Auto Reply Oberon", true, rightPanel, "Auto reply to Grand Master Oberon talk minigame.") if true then onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos) if not settings.oberon then return end if mode == 34 then if string.find(text, "world will suffer for") then say("Are you ever going to fight or do you prefer talking!") elseif string.find(text, "feet when they see me") then say("Even before they smell your breath?") elseif string.find(text, "from this plane") then say("Too bad you barely exist at all!") elseif string.find(text, "ESDO LO") then say("SEHWO ASIMO, TOLIDO ESD!") elseif string.find(text, "will soon rule this world") then say("Excuse me but I still do not get the message!") elseif string.find(text, "honourable and formidable") then say("Then why are we fighting alone right now?") elseif string.find(text, "appear like a worm") then say("How appropriate, you look like something worms already got the better of!") elseif string.find(text, "will be the end of mortal") then say("Then let me show you the concept of mortality before it!") elseif string.find(text, "virtue of chivalry") then say("Dare strike up a Minnesang and you will receive your last accolade!") end end end) end