a year ago
1.1 kB
import discord from discord.ext import commands bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') todos = {} @bot.command() async def add(ctx, *, task): global todos todos[task] = False await ctx.send(f"Added task '{task}' to the to-do list.") @bot.command() async def remove(ctx, *, task): global todos if task in todos: del todos[task] await ctx.send(f"Removed task '{task}' from the to-do list.") else: await ctx.send(f"Task '{task}' not found in the to-do list.") @bot.command() async def list(ctx): global todos if len(todos) == 0: await ctx.send("The to-do list is empty.") else: message = "To-Do List:\n" for task, status in todos.items(): message += f"{'[x]' if status else '[ ]'} {task}\n" await ctx.send(message) @bot.command() async def check(ctx, *, task): global todos if task in todos: todos[task] = True await ctx.send(f"Task '{task}' has been checked off.") else: await ctx.send(f"Task '{task}' not found in the to-do list.") bot.run('TOKEN')