a year ago
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// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/04/Fill.asm // Runs an infinite loop that listens to the keyboard input. // When a key is pressed (any key), the program blackens the screen, // i.e. writes "black" in every pixel; // the screen should remain fully black as long as the key is pressed. // When no key is pressed, the program clears the screen, i.e. writes // "white" in every pixel; // the screen should remain fully clear as long as no key is pressed. // Put your code here. @SCREEN D=A @SCREENADDRESS M=D @SCREENCOLOR M=0 @INITIALIZESCREENADDRESS 0;JMP (CHANGESCREENWHITE) @24576 // Get keyboard reg D=M // Sets keyboard reg to D @CHANGESCREENBLACK D;JNE @SCREENCOLOR M=0 @COLORCHANGED 0;JMP (CHANGESCREENBLACK) @-1 D=A @SCREENCOLOR M=D @COLORCHANGED 0;JMP (INITIALIZESCREENADDRESS) @SCREEN D=A @SCREENADDRESS M=D @LOOP 0;JMP (LOOP) @CHANGESCREENWHITE 0;JMP // Loops (COLORCHANGED) @SCREENADDRESS D=M @24575 D=A-D @INITIALIZESCREENADDRESS D;JLT @SCREENCOLOR // Setting the value in memory to this will change 1/16th of a row D=M @SCREENADDRESS A=M M=D @SCREENADDRESS M=M+1 @LOOP 0;JMP // Loops