import graphviz # Create a new Digraph for the flowchart flowchart = graphviz.Digraph(format='png') flowchart.attr(rankdir='LR', size='10') # Add nodes for each step in the process flowchart.node('A', 'Customer Requests Vehicle Deregistration') flowchart.node('B', 'Appointment Scheduled for Vehicle Towing') flowchart.node('C', 'Vehicle Towed to AATF') flowchart.node('D', 'Vehicle Inspection and Fluid Removal') flowchart.node('E', 'Salvage Usable Parts') flowchart.node('F', 'Vehicle Dismantling') flowchart.node('G', 'Environmental Compliance Check') flowchart.node('H', 'Final Deregistration in e-Dereg System') # Add edges to show the flow of the process flowchart.edges(['AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'EF', 'FG', 'GH']) # Render and display the flowchart flowchart.render('/mnt/data/e_dereg_flowchart') '/mnt/data/e_dereg_flowchart.png'
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