a year ago
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volatile uint16_t inputCaptureData[32]; //To store received time periods volatile uint8_t isFirstTriggerOccured = 0; //First Trigger Flag volatile uint8_t receiveCounter = 0; //Receiver Counter volatile uint8_t receiveComplete = 0; //Receive Complete Flag void timerOneConfigForCapture(); uint32_t getCommand(); ISR (TIMER1_CAPT_vect) { //Timer 01 has been configured to work with Input capture mode if (isFirstTriggerOccured) { //Capturing will start after first falling edge detected by ICP1 Pin inputCaptureData[receiveCounter] = ICR1; //Read the INPUT CAPTURE REGISTER VALUE if (inputCaptureData[receiveCounter] > 625) { // if the value is greater than 625 (~2.5ms), then receiveCounter = 0; //reset "receiveCounter" receiveComplete = 0; //reset "receiveComplete" } else { receiveCounter++; if (receiveCounter == 32) { //if all the bits are detected, receiveComplete = 1; //then set the "receiveComplete" flag to "1" } } } else { isFirstTriggerOccured = 1; //First falling edge occured! Start capturing from the second falling edge. } TCNT1 = 0; //Reset Timer 01 counter after every capture } void setup() { relayControllerConfig(); //Configure Digital pins for Controlling Relays timerOneConfigForCapture(); //Configure Timer 01 to run in Input Capture Mode Serial.begin(115200); //Serial Interface for Debugging Serial.println("Decoder Starting!!"); } void loop() { switch (getCommand()) { //get Remote Command case 0x20DF8877: relayDev01(); break; //If button 1 pressed -> Turn ON/OFF Relay 01 case 0x20DF48B7: relayDev02(); break; //If button 2 pressed -> Turn ON/OFF Relay 02 } } void timerOneConfigForCapture() { DDRB &= ~(1 << DDB0); //Set digital pin 8 as a input PORTB |= (1 << PORTB0); //Internal Pull-up enabled cli(); //Stop all interrupte until timer 01 configs are done TCCR1A = 0x00; //Set to 0 TCCR1B &= ~(1 << ICES1); //Falling edge trigger enabled TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10); //Prescaler to 64 -> will increment Timer01 every 4us TCCR1C = 0x00; //Set to 0 TIMSK1 |= (1 << ICIE1); //Enable input capture interrupt sei(); //Enable all global interrupts } /* the time period t is calculated by: ( inputCaptureData[<INDEX>] * 4us ) / 1000 -> will give the result in milliseconds Ex: t = (325 * 4) / 1000 t = 1.3ms */ uint32_t getCommand() { if (receiveComplete) { //If receive complete, start decoding process uint32_t receiveStream = 0; //To store decoded value for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { //Decode all 32 bits receive as time periods if (inputCaptureData[i] < 325 && inputCaptureData[i] > 250 && i != 31) { //if the time period t* -> 1.0ms < t < 1.3ms receiveStream = (receiveStream << 1); //Only bit shift the current value } else if (inputCaptureData[i] < 625 && inputCaptureData[i] > 500) { //if the time period t* -> 2.0ms < t < 2.5ms receiveStream |= 0x0001; //increment value by 1 using Logic OR operation if (i != 31) { //Only shift the bit unless it is the last bit of the captured stream receiveStream = (receiveStream << 1); //Only bit shift the current value } receiveComplete = 0; //Set the receive complete to 0 for next data to be captured } } Serial.println(receiveStream, HEX); //Print the value in serial monitor for debugging return receiveStream; //Return the received data stream } return 0; //default return value is 0 }