a month ago
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// todays topic // 1 - opeartors // 2 - assignment // 2 - functions in javascript // 3 - object in javascript // true/false = yeh dono ek alag data type hain , means // Boolean will not equal to string // console.log(true == "true") // == not check data type of value // === value data type also checked // oprators - * / + // let a = 10; // let b =5; // console.log( a % b) // assignment operators // x = y // x += y x = x+ y // x -= y x = x -y // x *= y x = x*y // objects // let x = { // a : "ddsd", // a:"ddsd", // 1:"eded", // b : [1,2,3,4] // } // console.log(x.b) // delete x.a; // delete x[1]; // console.log(x) // Array // const a = [1,2,3,4]; // indexing start from 0 // console.log(a[1]) // functions // let a = [1,2,3,4]; // let b = [1,2,3,4,5]; // let c = [3,4,5,6] // simple function // function hello(aa,bb,cc){ // console.log(this); // } // hello(a,b,c) // arrow function // const abcd = () => { // console.log(this) // } // abcd() // difference between arrow function and simple function let person = { name: "Ayushi", age: 20, greet: function () { console.log(this.name); // this here refers to the object }, }; // console.log(person.greet) // person.greet(); // in case of arrow function let person2 = { name: "Ayushi", age: 20, greet: () => { console.log(this); // this here refers to the object }, }; person2.greet();
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