a year ago
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# Inventory Management def print_message(message): print("*" * len(message)) print(message) print("*" * len(message)) def product_setting_choice(): print("1. View / Update Blooms") print("2. Add New Bloom") print("3. View / Update Add-ons") print("4. Add New Add-on") print("5. Back to Main Menu") choice = input(">>> ") if choice == "1": return "View / Update Blooms" elif choice == "2": return "Add New Bloom" elif choice == "3": return "View / Update Add-ons" elif choice == "4": return "Add New Add-on" elif choice == "5": return "Back to Main Menu" def view_items(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as file: next(file) for line in file: new_line = line.replace(",", ", ") print(new_line) def check_bloom_id(input_bloom_id): with open("blooms.txt", "r") as file: next(file) for line in file: recorded_bloom_id = line.split(",")[0].strip() if input_bloom_id == recorded_bloom_id: return True return False def update_item(file_path, input_item_id, for_update, choice): with open(file_path, "r+") as file: lines = file.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if input_item_id == line.split(",")[0].strip(): recorded = line.split(",")[choice].strip() updated_line = line.replace(recorded, for_update) lines[index] = updated_line file.seek(0) for line in lines: file.write(line) file.truncate() print("Update Successfully!") print_message("Welcome To Beautiful Blooms 🌺") while True: choice = product_setting_choice() if choice == "View / Update Blooms": while True: view_items("blooms.txt") print("-" * 30) print("1. Update") print("2. Back") print("-" * 30) choice = input(">>> ") if choice == "1": input_bloom_id = input("Enter the Bloom ID: ") while not check_bloom_id(input_bloom_id): print_message("Invalid Bloom ID! Please Try Again!") input_bloom_id = input("Enter the Bloom ID: ") while True: print("-" * 30) print("1. Price") print("2. Status") print("-" * 30) choice = input(">>> ") if choice == "1": input_bloom_price = input("Enter new price: ") update_item("blooms.txt", input_bloom_id, input_bloom_price, -2) elif choice == "2": input_bloom_status = input("Enter new status: ") update_item("blooms.txt", input_bloom_id, input_bloom_status, -1) else: print_message("Invalid Input! Please Try Again!") continue break elif choice == "2": break else: print_message("Invalid Input! Please Try Again!") elif choice == "Add New Bloom": None elif choice == "View / Update Add-ons": view_items("addons.txt") elif choice == "Add New Add-on": None elif choice == "Back to Main Manu": None else: print("Invalid Input! Please Try Again!")
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