Code 01
Plot Planck's Law For Black Body Radiation And Compare It With Raleigh-Jeans Law At High And Low TemperatureAnamitra
a month ago
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BSC 6th Sem Python LNB
import numpy as np import scipy.constants as const import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'fivethirtyeight') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 10) pi = const.pi # Value Of Pi h = const.h # Planck's Constant c = const.c # Speed Of Light k = const.k # Boltzmann Constant # Define Planck's Distribution Law For Black Body Radiation def Plancks_law(lm,T): return 8*pi*h*c / (lm**5 * (np.exp(h*c / (lm*k*T)) - 1)) # Define Rayleigh-Jeans Function def Rayleigh_Jeans(lm,T): return 8*pi*k*T/lm**4 lm = np.arange(100e-9, 30e-6, 5e-9) # Wavelength In Meter T = np.arange(300,3300,300) # Temperature In Kelvin # Planck's Distribution Law For Black Body Radiation for i in range(len(T)): plt.plot(lm*1e9, Plancks_law(lm,T[i]), label=f'T = {T[i]} K') plt.legend(title='Temperature') plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") plt.ylabel("Temperature in Kelvin") plt.title("Planck's Distribution Law For Black Body Radiation") # Compare Planck's Distribution Law With Raleigh-Jeans Law At Low Temperature plt.plot(lm*1e9, Plancks_law(lm,300)*1e-3, color = 'teal', label="Planck's Law (T = 300 K)") plt.plot(lm*1e9, Rayleigh_Jeans(lm,300)*1e-3, color = 'darksalmon', label="Rayleigh-Jeans Law (T = 300 K)") plt.ylim(0,0.005) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") plt.ylabel("Temperature in Kelvin") plt.title("Compare Planck's Distribution Law With Raleigh-Jeans Law At Low Temperature", fontsize=17) # Compare Planck's Distribution Law With Raleigh-Jeans Law At High Temperature plt.plot(lm*1e9, Plancks_law(lm,3000)*1e-3, color = 'teal', label="Planck's Law (T = 3000 K)") plt.plot(lm*1e9, Rayleigh_Jeans(lm,3000)*1e-3, color = 'darksalmon', label="Rayleigh-Jeans Law (T = 3000 K)") plt.ylim(0,140) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") plt.ylabel("Temperature in Kelvin") plt.title("Compare Planck's Distribution Law With Raleigh-Jeans Law At High Temperature", fontsize=17)