a month ago
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(() => { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // CONFIG (you're safe to edit this) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ~ GLOBAL CONFIG const MODE = 'publish_drafts'; // 'publish_drafts' / 'sort_playlist'; const DEBUG_MODE = true; // true / false, enable for more context // ~ PUBLISH CONFIG const MADE_FOR_KIDS = false; // true / false; const VISIBILITY = 'Unlisted'; // 'Public' / 'Private' / 'Unlisted' // ~ SORT PLAYLIST CONFIG const SORTING_KEY = (one, other) => { return one.name.localeCompare(other.name, undefined, {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'}); }; // END OF CONFIG (not safe to edit stuff below) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------- // COMMON STUFF // --------------------------------- const TIMEOUT_STEP_MS = 50; // Increased from 20 const DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_MS = 20000; // Increased to 20 seconds const RETRIES = 3; function debugLog(...args) { if (!DEBUG_MODE) return; console.debug(...args); } const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); async function waitForElement(selector, baseEl = document, timeoutMs = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_MS) { let timeout = timeoutMs; while (timeout > 0) { let element = baseEl.querySelector(selector); if (element !== null) return element; await sleep(TIMEOUT_STEP_MS); timeout -= TIMEOUT_STEP_MS; } debugLog(`could not find ${selector} inside`, baseEl); return null; } function click(element) { const event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); element.dispatchEvent(event); element.click(); debugLog(element, 'clicked'); } async function retryOperation(operation, retries = RETRIES) { for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) { try { await operation(); return; } catch (error) { console.warn(`Attempt ${i + 1} failed:`, error); if (i < retries - 1) await sleep(2000); // Wait before retrying } } throw new Error('Operation failed after maximum retries'); } // ---------------------------------- // PUBLISH STUFF // ---------------------------------- const VISIBILITY_PUBLISH_ORDER = { 'Private': 0, 'Unlisted': 1, 'Public': 2 }; const VIDEO_ROW_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-video-row'; const DRAFT_MODAL_SELECTOR = '.style-scope.ytcp-uploads-dialog'; const DRAFT_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '.edit-draft-button'; const MADE_FOR_KIDS_SELECTOR = '#made-for-kids-group'; const RADIO_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-paper-radio-button'; const VISIBILITY_STEPPER_SELECTOR = '#step-badge-3'; const VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-paper-radio-group'; const SAVE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = '#done-button'; const SUCCESS_ELEMENT_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-video-thumbnail-with-info'; const DIALOG_SELECTOR = 'ytcp-dialog.ytcp-video-share-dialog > tp-yt-paper-dialog:nth-child(1)'; const DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-iron-icon'; class SuccessDialog { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async closeDialogButton() { return await waitForElement(DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async close() { click(await this.closeDialogButton()); await sleep(50); debugLog('closed'); } } class VisibilityModal { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async radioButtonGroup() { return await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async visibilityRadioButton() { const group = await this.radioButtonGroup(); const value = VISIBILITY_PUBLISH_ORDER[VISIBILITY]; return [...group.querySelectorAll(RADIO_BUTTON_SELECTOR)][value]; } async setVisibility() { click(await this.visibilityRadioButton()); debugLog(`visibility set to ${VISIBILITY}`); await sleep(50); } async saveButton() { return await waitForElement(SAVE_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async isSaved() { await waitForElement(SUCCESS_ELEMENT_SELECTOR, document); } async dialog() { return await waitForElement(DIALOG_SELECTOR); } async save() { click(await this.saveButton()); await this.isSaved(); debugLog('saved'); const dialogElement = await this.dialog(); const success = new SuccessDialog(dialogElement); return success; } } class DraftModal { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async madeForKidsToggle() { return await waitForElement(MADE_FOR_KIDS_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async madeForKidsPaperButton() { const nthChild = MADE_FOR_KIDS ? 1 : 2; return await waitForElement(`${RADIO_BUTTON_SELECTOR}:nth-child(${nthChild})`, this.raw); } async selectMadeForKids() { click(await this.madeForKidsPaperButton()); await sleep(50); debugLog(`"Made for kids" set as ${MADE_FOR_KIDS}`); } async visibilityStepper() { return await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_STEPPER_SELECTOR, this.raw); } async goToVisibility() { debugLog('going to Visibility'); await sleep(50); click(await this.visibilityStepper()); const visibility = new VisibilityModal(this.raw); await sleep(50); await waitForElement(VISIBILITY_PAPER_BUTTONS_SELECTOR, visibility.raw); return visibility; } } class VideoRow { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } get editDraftButton() { return waitForElement(DRAFT_BUTTON_SELECTOR, this.raw, 20); } async openDraft() { debugLog('focusing draft button'); click(await this.editDraftButton); return new DraftModal(await waitForElement(DRAFT_MODAL_SELECTOR)); } } function allVideos() { return [...document.querySelectorAll(VIDEO_ROW_SELECTOR)].map((el) => new VideoRow(el)); } async function editableVideos() { let editable = []; for (let video of allVideos()) { if ((await video.editDraftButton) !== null) { editable = [...editable, video]; } } return editable; } async function publishDrafts() { const videos = await editableVideos(); debugLog(`found ${videos.length} videos`); debugLog('starting in 1000ms'); await sleep(1000); for (let video of videos) { try { const draft = await video.openDraft(); await draft.selectMadeForKids(); const visibility = await draft.goToVisibility(); await visibility.setVisibility(); const dialog = await visibility.save(); await dialog.close(); await sleep(100); // Adjust this delay as needed } catch (error) { console.error('Error processing video:', error); } } } // ---------------------------------- // SORTING STUFF // ---------------------------------- const SORTING_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'button'; const SORTING_ITEM_MENU_SELECTOR = 'tp-yt-paper-listbox#items'; const SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR = 'ytd-menu-service-item-renderer'; const MOVE_TO_TOP_INDEX = 4; const MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_INDEX = 5; class SortingDialog { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } async anyMenuItem() { const item = await waitForElement(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR, this.raw); if (item === null) throw new Error("could not locate any menu item"); return item; } menuItems() { return [...this.raw.querySelectorAll(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_ITEM_SELECTOR)]; } async moveToTop() { click(this.menuItems()[MOVE_TO_TOP_INDEX]); } async moveToBottom() { click(this.menuItems()[MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_INDEX]); } } class PlaylistVideo { constructor(raw) { this.raw = raw; } get name() { return this.raw.querySelector('#video-title').textContent; } async dialog() { return this.raw.querySelector(SORTING_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR); } async openDialog() { click(await this.dialog()); const dialog = new SortingDialog(await waitForElement(SORTING_ITEM_MENU_SELECTOR)); await dialog.anyMenuItem(); return dialog; } } async function playlistVideos() { return [...document.querySelectorAll('ytd-playlist-video-renderer')] .map((el) => new PlaylistVideo(el)); } async function sortPlaylist() { debugLog('sorting playlist'); const videos = await playlistVideos(); debugLog(`found ${videos.length} videos`); videos.sort(SORTING_KEY); const videoNames = videos.map((v) => v.name); let index = 1; for (let name of videoNames) { debugLog({index, name}); const video = videos.find((v) => v.name === name); const dialog = await video.openDialog(); await dialog.moveToBottom(); await sleep(1000); // Adjust this delay as needed index += 1; } } // ---------------------------------- // ENTRY POINT // ---------------------------------- ({ 'publish_drafts': publishDrafts, 'sort_playlist': sortPlaylist, })[MODE](); })();
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