a year ago
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let cloudX = 0; // cloud's position function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); } function draw() { background(135, 206, 235); // light blue sky drawCloud(cloudX, 100); // cloud coordinate moveCloud(); drawGrass(); // flower coordinates drawFlower(30, 350); drawFlower(100, 300); drawFlower(170, 350); drawFlower(240, 300); drawFlower(310, 350); } function drawFlower(x, y) { fill(255, 204, 229); // pink petals stroke(0); // adds a black outline to each petal // petal coordinates and size circle(x, y, 30); circle(x + 40, y, 30); circle(x + 20, y - 20, 30); circle(x + 20, y + 20, 30); fill(204, 153, 255); // purple centre circle(x + 20, y, 20); } function drawCloud(x, y) { fill(255); // white cloud noStroke(); // removes the black outline of the cloud // 'building' the cloud ellipse(x, y, 80, 60); ellipse(x + 50, y + 10, 60, 40); ellipse(x - 50, y + 10, 60, 40); } function moveCloud() { cloudX = (cloudX + 1) % (width + 50); // moving the cloud's position by one and increasing the canvas size by 50 // % is used so the cloud reappears on the left side } function drawGrass() { fill(102, 204, 0); // green grass rect(0, 250, 400, 200); }