22 days ago
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const register_submit = document.getElementById('reg_submit'); // this runs when the eventlistener of "click" occurs on the registration submit button register_submit.addEventListener('click', (event)=>{ event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission to handle registration with custom logic below const email = document.getElementById('reg_email').value; const password = document.getElementById('reg_password').value; const nameFirst = document.getElementById('reg_nameFirst').value; const nameLast = document.getElementById('reg_nameLast').value; const auth = getAuth(); // initializes and returns a Firebase Authentication instance, enabling you to perform authentication operations like user registration and sign-in for your app. const db = getFirestore(); // initializes and returns a Firestore database instance, allowing you to interact with your Firebase cloud database for operations like reading, writing, and querying data. createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password) // This next bit handles the asynchronous result of user registration. // Allows us to access the new user object and perform follow-up actions such as storing additional user data in Firestore .then((userCredential)=>{ const user = userCredential.user // Get the newly created user object from Firebase Authentication // Create an object to store additional user information // This object will be saved to Firestore, associating extra data with the user's account // We're including email, firstName, and lastName const userData = { email: email, firstName: nameFirst, listName: nameLast, }; showMessage('User account created successfully', 'signUpMessage'); const docRef = doc(db, "users", user.uid); setDoc(docRef, userData) .then(()=>{ window.location.href='index.html'; }) .catch((error)=>{ showMessage(`Error writing document: ${error}`, 'signUpMessage'); }) }) .catch((error)=>{ const errorCode = error.code; if(errorCode == 'auth/email-already-in-use'){ showMessage('Email address is already in use', 'signUpMessage'); } else{ showMessage(`Unable to create new user: ${errorCode}`, 'signUpMessage'); } }) })
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