12 days ago
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There are local temporary buffers aesKey and iv which used for crypto operation in encryptCertificateSigningRequest() function. The buffers are not cleared after use. static int32_t encryptCertificateSigningRequest(TeeAppId_t teeAppId, const uint8_t* csr, const uint32_t csrLen, uint8_t* outData, uint32_t* outDataLen) { int32_t ret = NOT_ERROR; uint8_t tlvKeyBuf[RSA_BIT_SIZE_DEFAULT / 8], wrappedKeyData[RSA_BIT_SIZE_DEFAULT / 8]; int32_t tlvKeyBufDataLen = 0; uint8_t aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], aesKey[AES256_KEY_SIZE], iv[IV_SIZE], authTag[AES_GCM_TAG_SIZE]; // <- allocating memory on a stack for aesKey and iv uint8_t wbEncAesKey[AES256_KEY_SIZE * 2]; uint32_t wbEncAesKeyLen = sizeof(wbEncAesKey), unwrappedDataLen = csrLen; uint8_t *pAesEncData = NULL, *pUnwrappedData = NULL; #if (defined DEBUG_SELF_TEST) uint8_t *pAesDecData = NULL; uint8_t wbDecAesKey[AES256_KEY_SIZE]; uint32_t wbDecAesKeyLen = sizeof(wbDecAesKey); const SwbTableData_t swbSakDecTableData = {swbSakMc, swbSakDecTable, swbSakDecTableTag}; #endif // End of DEBUG_SELF_TEST KEY *pHsmRootCaKey = NULL; const SwbTableData_t swbSakEncTableData = {swbSakMc, swbSakEncTable, swbSakEncTableTag}; if(csr == NULL || csrLen == 0 || csrLen > CSR_DATA_MAX_SIZE || outData == NULL || outDataLen == NULL) { LOGE("%s : Invalid agrument.", __func__); return ERR_TA_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } // Unwrap encrypted CSR data. if((pUnwrappedData = (uint8_t *)secMemoryManagerMalloc(csrLen)) == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to allocate memory."); return ERR_TA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } memset(pUnwrappedData, 0, csrLen); if((ret = openSecureObject(csr, csrLen, pUnwrappedData, &unwrappedDataLen, getTaUid(teeAppId), getTaUidLen(teeAppId))) != NOT_ERROR) // <- unwraping security object { LOGE("Failed to unwrap CSR with error %d.", ret); goto cleanup; } // Encrypt CSR with AES256-GCM. memset(aad, 0, sizeof(aad)); memset(iv, 0, sizeof(iv)); memset(aesKey, 0, sizeof(aesKey)); memset(authTag, 0, sizeof(authTag)); if((ret = getRandBlock(aad, sizeof(aad))) != sizeof(aad)) { LOGE("Failed to generate AAD."); goto cleanup; } if((ret = getRandBlock(aesKey, sizeof(aesKey))) != sizeof(aesKey)) // <- generating aesKey for encrypting { LOGE("Failed to generate AES key."); goto cleanup; } if((ret = getRandBlock(iv, sizeof(iv))) != sizeof(iv)) // <- generating iv for encrypting { LOGE("Failed to generate IV."); goto cleanup; } if((pAesEncData = (uint8_t *)secMemoryManagerMalloc(unwrappedDataLen)) == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to allocate memory."); ret = ERR_TA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } memset(pAesEncData, 0, unwrappedDataLen); if((ret = encryptDataAES_GCM(pUnwrappedData, unwrappedDataLen, aesKey, sizeof(aesKey), iv, AES_GCM_IV_SIZE, // <- encrypting security object with aesKey and iv aad, sizeof(aad), pAesEncData, authTag, sizeof(authTag))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("AES256_GCM encryption is failed with error : %d", ret); goto cleanup; } ... ... LOGD("Encrypt AES key with WB."); memset(wbEncAesKey, 0, sizeof(wbEncAesKey)); if((ret = swbAesCbcEncrypt(aesKey, sizeof(aesKey), wbEncAesKey, &wbEncAesKeyLen, // <- encrypting aesKey to wbEncAesKey iv, &swbSakEncTableData)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to SWBC encryption with error %d.", ret); goto cleanup; } #if (defined DEBUG_SELF_TEST) ... ... #endif // End of DEBUG_SELF_TEST // Make blob with ecrypted AES key and IV. memset(tlvKeyBuf, 0, sizeof(tlvKeyBuf)); if((ret = tlvInit(tlvKeyBuf, sizeof(tlvKeyBuf))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to init Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(tlvKeyBuf, sizeof(tlvKeyBuf), TLV_WRAPPED_KEY, wbEncAesKey, wbEncAesKeyLen)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(tlvKeyBuf, sizeof(tlvKeyBuf), TLV_IV, iv, sizeof(iv))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((tlvKeyBufDataLen = tlvSize(tlvKeyBuf, sizeof(tlvKeyBuf))) > sizeof(wrappedKeyData) || tlvKeyBufDataLen < 0) { LOGE("Tlv buffer overflow. %d %zu", tlvKeyBufDataLen, sizeof(wrappedKeyData)); ret = ERR_TA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto cleanup; } switch(teeAppId) { case TA_SKM : case TA_KEYMASTER : // Encrypt CSR data with HSM pubkey. if((ret = getCAPublicKey(&pHsmRootCaKey, RSA_ENC_KEY)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to get CA pubkey with error %d.", ret); goto cleanup; } if((ret = KEY_public_encrypt(pHsmRootCaKey, tlvKeyBufDataLen, tlvKeyBuf, wrappedKeyData, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("RSA encryption failed with error %d.", ret); goto cleanup; } break; default : LOGE("Not supported AppId : %d", teeAppId); ret = ERR_TA_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto cleanup; } // Make ECSR blob. memset(outData, 0, *outDataLen); if((ret = tlvInit(outData, *outDataLen)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to init Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(outData, *outDataLen, TLV_ENCRYPTED_DATA_BLOB, pAesEncData, unwrappedDataLen)) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(outData, *outDataLen, TLV_WRAPPED_KEY, wrappedKeyData, sizeof(wrappedKeyData))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(outData, *outDataLen, TLV_AUTH_DATA, aad, sizeof(aad))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvAdd(outData, *outDataLen, TLV_AUTH_TAG, authTag, sizeof(authTag))) != NOT_ERROR) { LOGE("Failed to set Tlv buffer with error %d.", ret); ret += ERR_TA_BASE; goto cleanup; } if((ret = tlvSize(outData, *outDataLen)) > *outDataLen || ret < 0) { LOGE("Tlv buffer overflow. %d %zu", tlvKeyBufDataLen, sizeof(wrappedKeyData)); ret = ERR_TA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto cleanup; } // Update outDataLen to TlvBufferSize. *outDataLen = ret; ret = NOT_ERROR; LOGD("ECSR has been successfully generated."); cleanup : #if (defined DEBUG_SELF_TEST) if(pAesDecData) { memset(pAesDecData, 0, unwrappedDataLen); secMemoryManagerFree(pAesDecData); } #endif // End of DEBUG_SELF_TEST if(pAesEncData) { memset(pAesEncData, 0, unwrappedDataLen); secMemoryManagerFree(pAesEncData); } if(pHsmRootCaKey) KEY_free(pHsmRootCaKey); if(pUnwrappedData) { memset(pUnwrappedData, 0, csrLen); secMemoryManagerFree(pUnwrappedData); } // <- aesKey , iv are not cleared return ret; } //CONFIDENTIAL/TRUSTEDAPPS/APPS/DeviceRootKey/MAIN/provTee/src/prov/cryptoPlatform.c Remediation Memory of aesKey and iv buffers with sensitive data in plaintext form should be cleared after use.
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