a year ago
65 kB
/* Function naming convention: <className>.<functionName> as is in 3ac */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <unistd.h> #define PUSHQ "pushq\t" #define MOVL "movl\t" #define MOVQ "movq\t" #define SUBQ "subq\t" #define RBP "%rbp" #define RSP "%rsp" #define ADDQ "addq\t" #define SUBQ "subq\t" #define MULQ "imulq\t" #define DIVQ "divq\t" #define XORQ "xorq\t" #define DEBUG 1 #define DBG if (DEBUG) using namespace std; string consOrVar(string); int temporary_size; // hold the size of temporary variable used in a given fucntion vector<char> ops = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '&', '%'}; vector<string> relOps = {"<=", ">=", "==", "!=", ">", "<"}; map<string, int> sizes; map<char, string> opConv; map<string, vector<int>> var; // it keeps the data // its struct is map<var_name,{type,isarg,w1,w2,w3}> map<string, string> relConv; map<string, int> addressRegDes; // address descriptor map<string, int> addressDes; // describes the address relative to rbp for a given variable map<string, bool> mem; // whether value in memory is correct value of the variable map<string, int> classSize; // size of a class object assuming size of int as 8 bytes map<string, string> objClass; // keeps track of classes of object string currClassName = ""; // current class being handled string currFuncName = ""; // current function being dealt with in the code string mainClassName = ""; // class having the main function vector<int> genregs = {0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}; vector<bool> islabel(2e5 + 1, false); void beg_func(string x, vector<string> &funCode); void func_call(vector<string> a, vector<string> &funcCode); void ary_acc(string lex, int tp, string v1, string v2, string v3, string r, vector<string> &funCode); void ary_ass(string lex, int tp, string v1, string v2, string v3, string val, vector<string> &funCode); void call_malloc(string name, int tp, string s1, string s2, string s3, vector<string> &funCode); void call_malloc(string name, int tp, string s1, string s2, string s3, vector<string> &funCode); /************REG CLASS***********/ class reg { int id; string regName; map<string, int> regDes; // register descriptor, as in slides, assuming a reg public: reg(){}; void init(int id, string regName); reg(int id, string regName); string getname(); void addRegDes(string s); void rmRegDes(string s); bool getRegDes(string s); int getRegDesSize(); bool isEmpty(); vector<string> storeall(); } r[16]; string GetCurrentWorkingDir(void) { char buff[FILENAME_MAX]; getcwd(buff, FILENAME_MAX); std::string current_working_dir(buff); return current_working_dir; } void reg::init(int id, string regName) { this->id = id; this->regName = regName; } std::string reg::getname() { return regName; } int reg::getRegDesSize() { int cnt = 0; for (auto it : regDes) { if (it.second == true) cnt++; } return cnt; } reg::reg(int id, string regName) { this->id = id; this->regName = regName; } void declareRegs() { // %rax, %rbx, %rcx, %rdx: 64 bit regs any purpose // %rax is used for 1st argument of syscall r[0].init(0, "%rax"); r[1].init(1, "%rbx"); r[2].init(2, "%rcx"); r[3].init(3, "%rdx"); r[4].init(4, "%rsi"); r[5].init(5, "%rdi"); r[6].init(6, "%rbp"); r[7].init(7, "%rsp"); r[8].init(8, "%r8"); r[9].init(9, "%r9"); r[10].init(10, "%r10"); r[11].init(11, "%r11"); r[12].init(12, "%r12"); r[13].init(13, "%r13"); r[14].init(14, "%r14"); r[15].init(15, "%r15"); } /************UTILITY FUNCTIONS***************/ bool is_number(const std::string &s) { static const std::regex re("-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?"); return std::regex_match(s, re); } int countOccurrences(char c, string str) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str[i] == c) { count++; } } return count; } int getAddressDes(string varname) { // if(varname.find('`') != string::npos) { // varname = varname.substr(0, varname.find('`')); // } // // if(varname.find("this") != string::npos) { // return addressDes[currClassName + "::::" + varname]; // } cout << "looking for " << currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + varname << "\n"; // for (auto it : addressDes) // { // cout << it.first << " , "; // } if (addressDes.find(currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + varname) != addressDes.end()) return addressDes[currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + varname]; else if(addressDes.find(currClassName + "::::" + varname) != addressDes.end()) return addressDes[currClassName + "::::" + varname]; else { if(varname.find('`') != string::npos) { varname = varname.substr(0, varname.find('`')); return addressDes[currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + varname]; } return addressDes[currClassName + "::::" + varname]; } } vector<string> getArrayIndices(string s) { vector<string> ans; string t1 = "", t2 = "", t3 = ""; int numBrackets = countOccurrences('[', s); string t = s; if (numBrackets >= 1) { int startpos = t.find('['); int endpos = t.find(']'); t1 = t.substr(startpos + 1, endpos - startpos - 1); cout << "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$dim1 = " << t1 << "\n"; t = t.substr(endpos+1); } if (numBrackets >= 2) { int startpos = t.find('['); int endpos = t.find(']'); cout << "T = " << t << endl; cout << "issue2\n"; cout << t.substr(startpos + 1, endpos - startpos - 1) << "\n"; t2 = t.substr(startpos + 1, endpos - startpos - 1); t = t.substr(endpos+1); } if (numBrackets >= 3) { int startpos = t.find('['); int endpos = t.find(']'); cout << "iss\n"; t3 = t.substr(startpos + 1, endpos - startpos - 1); // t = t.substr(); } if (is_number(t1)) t1 = string("$") + t1; else t1 = to_string(getAddressDes(t1)) + "(%rbp)"; if (is_number(t2)) t2 = string("$") + t2; else t2 = to_string(getAddressDes(t2)) + "(%rbp)"; if (is_number(t3)) t3 = string("$") + t3; else t3 = to_string(getAddressDes(t3)) + "(%rbp)"; ans.push_back(t1); ans.push_back(t2); ans.push_back(t3); return ans; } string trimInstr(string instr) { if (instr.find(":") != string::npos) { return instr.substr(instr.find(":") + 1); } return instr; } string strip(string s) { s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(" ")); s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" ") + 1); return s; } // get line no of 3ac instruction int getLineNo(string instr) { int i = 0; int lineNo = 0; while (i < instr.size() && isdigit(instr[i])) { lineNo = lineNo * 10 + (instr[i] - '0'); i++; } return lineNo; } // check if the passed string is a constant or a variable string consOrVar(string x) { if (x.rfind("pushparam", 0) != 0) { cout << "Error the instruction not start with pushparam\n"; } string temp; int f = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.size(); j++) { if (x[j] == ' ') { f = 1; } else { if (f == 1) { temp.push_back(x[j]); } } } f = 0; for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) { if (!is_number(strip(temp))) { f = 1; break; } } string ans; if (f == 1) { cout << "******************x = " << temp << "\n"; ans = to_string(getAddressDes(strip(temp))) + "(%rbp)"; } else { ans = string("$") + strip(temp); } return ans; } vector<vector<string>> read_csv(string filename) { vector<vector<string>> data; ifstream file; file.open(filename); if (!file) { cout << "RRRR-" << filename << "can'tbe opened\n"; } string line; while (getline(file, line)) { stringstream ss(line); vector<string> row; string cell; while (getline(ss, cell, ',')) { row.push_back(cell); } data.push_back(row); } file.close(); return data; } /* General tips: - %rsi and %rdi are used for passing function arguments */ // class for a register // return move instruction string genMove(string src, string dest) { // check if src is a number cout << src << " in genMove\n"; if (is_number(src)) { // int val = stoi(src); src = string("$") + src; } else if (src[0] != '%') { src = to_string(getAddressDes(src)) + string("(%rbp)"); } if (dest[0] != '%') { dest = to_string(getAddressDes(dest)) + string("(%rbp)"); } // else { // src = to_string(addressDes[src]) + string("(%rbp)"); // } return MOVQ + src + ", " + dest; } string genArithmetic(string op, string src, string dest) { if (op.size() == 0) return string("error"); return opConv[op[0]] + src + ", " + dest; } vector<string> cmpOps = {"==", "<=", ">=", ">", "<", "!="}; vector<string> identifyInstr(string instr) { /* assume nstruction starts immediately after colon */ // string instr = lines[0]; vector<string> ans; if (DEBUG) cout << "hey there\n"; size_t colpos = instr.find(":"); int line_num = getLineNo(instr); // put label if required if (islabel[line_num]) { string ins = ".L" + to_string(line_num) + ":"; ans.push_back(ins); } // consider instr only after colon, line no already dealt with instr = instr.substr(colpos + 1); DBG cout << "hey\n"; size_t eqpos = instr.find('='); if (eqpos != string::npos && !(instr.find("!=") != string::npos) && !(instr.find("==") != string::npos) && !(instr.find(">=") != string::npos) && !(instr.find("<=") != string::npos)) { // DBG cout << "hey here\n"; string s = instr.substr(eqpos + 1); int flag = 0; // to check for arithmetic ops string x = instr.substr(0, eqpos); int dimx, dimy, dimz; dimx = countOccurrences('[', x); if (DEBUG) cout << "x != " << x << " " << instr << "\n"; for (auto op : ops) { if (s.find(op) != string::npos) { string y = s.substr(0, s.find(op)); string z = s.substr(s.find(op) + 1); int dimlhs = 0, dimrhs = 0; dimy = countOccurrences('[', y); dimz = countOccurrences('[', z); if (DEBUG) cout << "y, z = " << y << ", " << z << "\n"; // move to rbx and rcx // string ins1 = genMove(y, "%rbx"); // string ins2 = genMove(z, "%rcx"); if (dimy > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(y); ary_acc(y.substr(0, y.find('[')), dimy * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rbx", ans); } else if (y.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(y); cout << "yy = " << y << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rax), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(y, "%rbx")); cout << "y = " << y << "\n"; } if (dimz > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(z); ary_acc(z.substr(0, z.find('[')), dimz * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rcx", ans); } else if (z.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(z); string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rax), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(z, "%rcx")); } string ins3 = genArithmetic(s.substr(s.find(op), 1), "%rcx", "%rbx"); string ins4 = genMove("%rbx", x); // ans.push_back(ins1); ans.push_back(ins3); if (x.find("this") == string::npos) { if (dimx == 0) ans.push_back(ins4); else { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(x); ary_ass(x.substr(0, x.find('[')), dimx * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rcx", ans); } } else { int relpos = getAddressDes(x); string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = MOVQ + string("%rcx, (%rax)"); ans.push_back(instr); } // add code // let x, y, x be st x = y + z flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 0) { // copy instruction string s = instr.substr(eqpos + 1); // rhs string var1 = instr.substr(0, eqpos); // lhs int dimlhs = countOccurrences('[', var1); int dimrhs = countOccurrences('[', s); if (s.substr(0, 7) == "new int") { vector<string> temp = getArrayIndices(s.substr(4)); cout << temp[0] << " = temp" << "\n"; // for(int i = 0; i < dimrhs; i++) { // if(is_number(temp[i])) { // temp[i] = string("$") + temp[i]; // } // else if(temp[i]!= "") { // temp[i] = getAddressDes(temp[i]) + "(%rbp)"; // } // } cout << temp[0] << " = temp" << "\n"; call_malloc(var1, dimrhs * 100, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], ans); return ans; } if (s.substr(0, 3) == "new") { // class constructor is being called string classname= s.substr(s.find(' ') + 1); call_malloc(var1,4*100,var1, to_string(classSize[classname]), "" , ans); string ins = string(MOVQ) + to_string(getAddressDes(var1)) + string("(%rbp), %rdi"); ans.push_back(ins); // ins = "call\t" + objClass[var1] + "-" + objClass[var1]; // ans.push_back(ins); return ans; } if (s.size() && is_number(s)) { // rhs is a number // string var2 = instr.substr(0, eqpos); DBG cout << "getting address for " << var1 << " as " << getAddressDes(var1) << "\n"; string ins = MOVQ + string("$") + s + string(", ") + to_string(getAddressDes(var1)) + string("(%rbp)"); if (dimlhs == 0) ans.push_back(ins); else if (var1.find("this") != string::npos) { int relpos = getAddressDes(var1); string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = MOVQ + string("$") + s + string(", (%rax)"); ans.push_back(instr); } else { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(var1); ary_ass(var1.substr(0, var1.find('[')), dimlhs * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], string("$") + s, ans); } } else { // rhs is a variable // move rhs to %rbx if (dimrhs > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(s); ary_acc(s.substr(0, s.find('[')), dimrhs * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rbx", ans); } else if (s.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(s); cout << "s = " << s <<'\n'; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rax), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { string ins = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes(s)) + string("(%rbp), %rbx"); ans.push_back(ins); } string ins = MOVQ + string("%rbx, ") + to_string(getAddressDes(var1)) + string("(%rbp)"); if (dimlhs == 0) { if (var1.find("this") != string::npos) { int relpos = getAddressDes(var1); cout << "var1 = " << var1 << "\n"; cout << "relpos = "<< relpos << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = MOVQ + string("%rbx, (%rax)"); ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(ins); } } else { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(var1); ary_ass(var1.substr(0, var1.find('[')), dimlhs * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rbx", ans); } } } } else { // if then else, goto, call, pushparam, popparam if (instr.find("if") != string::npos) { cout << "if found\n"; string t = instr.substr(instr.find("if")); string var1, var2, gotoloc; int gotopos = t.find("goto"); int relpos = 0; for (auto ch : relOps) { if (t.find(ch) != string::npos) { relpos = t.find(ch); break; } } var1 = t.substr(3, relpos - 3); int relEnd = relpos; if (!isalnum(t[relpos + 1])) relEnd++; var2 = t.substr(relEnd + 1, gotopos - relEnd - 2); DBG cout << var1 << " var 1 " << var2 << "\n"; int dimlhs = 0, dimrhs = 0; dimlhs = countOccurrences('[', var1); dimrhs = countOccurrences('[', var2); string y = var1, z = var2; int dimy = dimlhs, dimz = dimrhs; // if (DEBUG) // cout << "y, z = " << y << ", " << z << "\n"; // move to rbx and rcx // string ins1 = genMove(y, "%rbx"); // string ins2 = genMove(z, "%rcx"); if (dimlhs > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(var1); ary_acc(y.substr(0, y.find('[')), dimlhs * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rax", ans); } else if (y.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(y); cout << "yy = " << y << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rbx), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(y, "%rax")); cout << "y = " << y << "\n"; } if (dimz > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(z); ary_acc(z.substr(0, z.find('[')), dimz * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rcx", ans); } else if (z.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(z); cout << "yy = " << z << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rbx), %rcx"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(z, "%rcx")); } string ins = "cmpq\t%rcx, %rax"; string ins_ = relConv[t.substr(relpos, relEnd - relpos + 1)] + " .L" + t.substr(gotopos + 5); DBG cout << ins_ << "\n"; ans.push_back(".L" + to_string(line_num) + ":"); // ans.push_back(ins1); // ans.push_back(ins2); ans.push_back(ins); ans.push_back(ins_); gotoloc = t.substr(gotopos + 5); cout << "use\n"; int gotoval = stoi(gotoloc); islabel[gotoval] = true; return ans; } else if (instr.find("goto") != string::npos) { // pure goto instruction with no if cout << "use\n"; int gotoval = stoi(instr.substr(5)); islabel[gotoval] = true; string ins = string("jmp .L") + to_string(gotoval); ans.push_back((ins)); } else if (instr.substr(0, 5) == "print") { string ins1 = MOVQ + string("$0, %rax"); string varName = instr.substr(6); // cout << line << "\n"; if (DEBUG) cout << varName << " heree var name\n"; string t; t = to_string(getAddressDes(varName)) + string("(%rbp)"); string ins2 = MOVQ + string("$printfmt, %rdi"); string ins3 = MOVQ + t + string(", %rsi"); // ans.push_back(ins3); int dimz = countOccurrences('[', varName); string z = varName; if (dimz > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(varName); ary_acc(z.substr(0, z.find('[')), dimz * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rsi", ans); } else if (z.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(z); cout << "yy = " << z << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rbx), %rsi"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(z, "%rsi")); } ans.push_back(ins1); ans.push_back(ins2); ans.push_back("call printf"); return ans; } else if (instr.substr(0, 6) == "return" && instr.length() > string("return").length()) { // put return value in %rax since a value is being returned here string retvar = instr.substr(instr.find(' ') + 1); int dimz = countOccurrences('[', retvar); string z = retvar; if (dimz > 0) { vector<string> ind = getArrayIndices(retvar); ary_acc(z.substr(0, z.find('[')), dimz * 100, ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], "%rax", ans); } else if (z.find("this") != string::npos) { // assumong to be of type this.simething int relpos = getAddressDes(z); cout << "yy = " << z << "\n"; string instr = MOVQ + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp), %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = ADDQ + string("$") + to_string(relpos) + ", %rbx"; ans.push_back(instr); instr = string(MOVQ) + "(%rbx), %rax"; ans.push_back(instr); } else { ans.push_back(genMove(z, "%rax")); } return ans; // ans.push_back(ins1); // ans.push_back(ins2); // ans.push_back("call printf"); // string ins = genMove(retvar, "%rax"); // ans.push_back(ins); } } return ans; } // generate the assembly code for a function vector<string> genfunc(string funcName) { // open the csv corresponding to the function name ifstream file2(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + "_" + currFuncName + ".3ac"); // vector<vector<string>> data; cout << currClassName + "_" + currFuncName + ".3ac" << "uuuuuuu\n"; vector<string> funcCode; string y; if (funcName == "main") { y = "\n\n.globl main"; } else { y = "\n\n.globl " + currClassName + "_" + funcName; } funcCode.push_back(y); string line; getline(file2, line); getline(file2, line); cout << "line: " << trimInstr(line) << "\n"; beg_func(trimInstr(line), funcCode); if (!file2.is_open()) { cout << "Error opening file" << endl; return funcCode; } // string line; cout << "file opened!\n"; int linecnt = 0; int cnt = 0; while (getline(file2, line)) { cnt++; cout << "cnt = " << cnt << "\n"; if (DEBUG) cout << "line: " << line << "\n"; vector<string> lines; int isfunc = 0; while (line.find("pushparam") != string::npos) { lines.push_back(trimInstr(line)); if (islabel[getLineNo(line)]) { string ins = ".L" + to_string(getLineNo(line)) + ":"; funcCode.push_back(ins); } isfunc = 1; getline(file2, line); cout << "##################Line is : " << line << "\n"; // lines.push_back(line); } if (isfunc) { getline(file2, line); cout << "##################Line is : " << line << "\n"; // getline(file2, line); int isret = 0; if (trimInstr(line).find('=') != string::npos) { // function is returning string t = line.substr(line.find('=') + 1); lines.push_back(t); isret = 1; } else lines.push_back(trimInstr(line)); // lines.push_back(trimInstr(line)); cout << "##################Line is : " << line << "\n"; if (line.find("call") != string::npos) { func_call(lines, funcCode); } if (line.find("new") != string::npos) { // possibly a constructor for a class lines.pop_back(); string lhs = trimInstr(line).substr(0, trimInstr(line).find('=')); string rhs = trimInstr(line).substr(trimInstr(line).find('=') + 1); string classname = rhs.substr(rhs.find(' ') + 1); // class constructor is being called call_malloc(lhs, 4 * 100, lhs, to_string(classSize[classname]), "", funcCode); string ins = string(MOVQ) + to_string(getAddressDes(lhs)) + string("(%rbp), %rdi"); funcCode.push_back(ins); ins = "call " + classname; cout << "ins = " << ins << "\n"; lines.push_back(ins); ins = string(MOVQ) + to_string(getAddressDes(lhs)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funcCode.push_back(ins); func_call(lines, funcCode); isret = 0; // ans.push_back(ins); // return ans; } if (isret) { funcCode.push_back(genMove("%rax", trimInstr(line).substr(0, trimInstr(line).find('=')))); } getline(file2, line); cout << "##################Line is : " << line << "\n"; continue; } if (line.find("call") != string::npos) { if (islabel[getLineNo(line)]) { string ins = ".L" + to_string(getLineNo(line)) + ":"; funcCode.push_back(ins); } lines.push_back(line); func_call(lines, funcCode); continue; } // int numBrackets = 0; // if((numBrackets = countOccurrences('[', line)) > 0){ // if(numBrackets == 1) { // } // } cout << trimInstr(line) << "\n"; cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"; if (trimInstr(line).substr(0, 7) == "endfunc") { if (islabel[getLineNo(line)]) { funcCode.push_back(".L" + to_string(getLineNo(line)) + ":"); } funcCode.push_back("leave"); funcCode.push_back("ret"); currFuncName = ""; file2.close(); return funcCode; } vector<string> t = identifyInstr(line); cout << "identify called\n"; for (auto it : t) { DBG cout << it << "\n"; } if (t.size()) { DBG cout << "ret\n"; cout << "size is " << funcCode.size() << "\n"; for (auto it : t) { funcCode.push_back(it); } DBG cout << "done\n"; cout << "printing funccode\n"; for (auto it : funcCode) { cout << it << "\n"; } } cout << "funccode size: " << funcCode.size() << "\n"; } // closing the function code file2.close(); return funcCode; // Access the data by index // cout << data[0][0] << endl; // Print the first cell of the first row } void handleClassDec(string filename) { string line; temporary_size = 0; ifstream fp(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + filename); getline(fp, line); line = trimInstr(line); if (strip(line.substr(0, 10)) == "beginclass") { currClassName = strip(line.substr(11)); cout << "Curr class declared as: " << currClassName << "!\n"; vector<vector<string>> data = read_csv(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + ".csv"); getline(fp, line); cout << "line = " << line << " " << (line.find("endclass") == string::npos) << "\n"; while (line.find("endclass") == string::npos) { // getline(file2, line); // two things, integer variable or array declaration, or even class declaration // addressDes[currClassName + "::" + line.substr()] // assuming there is a csv file having variable info, type of variable and name of variable cout << "the hash is here\n"; int pos = -8; classSize[currClassName] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { string var = data[i][2]; string typeName = data[i][3]; objClass[var] = typeName; cout << "type = " << typeName << " " << var << "\n"; if (sizes.find(typeName) != sizes.end()) { classSize[currClassName] += sizes[typeName]; addressDes[currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + var] = pos; pos -= 8; cout << "dec here :" << currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + var << classSize[currClassName] << "\n"; } else if (classSize.find(data[i][2]) != classSize.end()) { classSize[currClassName] += classSize[data[i][3]]; addressDes[currClassName + "::" + var] = pos; pos = pos - classSize[data[i][3]]; } else { // array type int dim = 0; int w1 = 0, w2 = 0, w3 = 0; if (data[i][3].length() < 5) { cout << "symbol table type undefined\n"; } else dim++; w1 = data[i][3][4] - '0'; if (data[i][3].length() > 7) { w2 = data[i][3][7] - '0'; dim++; } else { //array type // int dim = 0; // int w1=0, w2=0, w3=0; // if(data[i][3].length() < 5) {cout<< "symbol table type undefined\n";} // else dim++; // w1 = data[i][3][4] - '0'; // if(data[i][3].length() > 7) {w2 = data[i][3][7]- '0'; dim++;} // if(data[i][3].length() > 10) {w3 = data[i][3][10] - '0'; dim++;} // // only int arrays assumed of size 8 bytes // addressDes[currClassName + "::" + data[i][2]] = pos; // // if(dim == 1) { // // pos = pos - 8 * w1; // // } // // else if(dim == 2) { // // pos = pos - 8 * w1 * w2; // // } // // else { // // pos = pos - 8 * w1 * w2 * w3; // // } } } } getline(fp, line); } } // temporary_size += (max(1, classSize[currClassName]/8)); fp.close(); } void finalCodeGen(vector<string> &funcCode, string otpt) { ofstream fout; fout.open(otpt); if (!fout) { cout << "RRRR-" << "can't be opened\n"; } fout << ".text\n"; // fout << ".globl " + mainClassName + "-" + "main" + "\n"; for (auto s : funcCode) { fout << s << "\n"; } fout << "movq $60, %rax\n"; fout << "xorq %rbx, %rbx\n"; fout << "syscall\n"; fout << "printfmt: \n"; fout << ".string \"%d\""; fout.close(); return; } string getfuncName(string x) { if (x.rfind("call", 0) != 0 && x.find("new") == string::npos) { cout << "Error the instruction not start with call\n"; } x = x.substr(x.find(' ') + 1); string temp = currClassName + "_" + x; if (x.find(".") != string::npos) { string var = x.substr(0, x.find('.')); string func = x.substr(x.find('.') + 1); cout << "var = " << var <<"\n"; cout << "func = " << func << "\n"; // a class object's function is being called // need to consult the symbol table for this current function, or class string filename = currClassName + "_" + currFuncName + ".csv"; vector<vector<string>> data = read_csv(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + filename); for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { cout << "j=" << i << "\n"; if (data[i][2] == var) { temp = data[i][3] + "_" + func; cout << "temp = " << temp; } } //std::cout << "temp =" << temp << "\n"; std::cout << "var = " << var << '\n'; } return temp; } string smplPush(string x) { if (x.rfind("pushparam", 0) != 0) { cout << "Not a push instruction"; } string ans; int f = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.size(); j++) { if (x[j] == ' ') { f = 1; } else if (f == 1) { ans.push_back(x[j]); } } return ans; } void modify_var_arg(string s) { cout << "called\n"; cout << "s=" << s << "\n"; s = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + s; if (var.find(s) != var.end()) { var[s][1] = 1; cout << "done\n"; } else { cout << s << " not found\n"; } cout << "returning\n"; return; } vector<int> var_info(string x) { // //string x; cout << "ar info\n"; vector<int> ans; for (auto it : var) { cout << it.first << " "; if (it.first == x) { cout << "found\n"; } } cout << "\n"; x = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + x; if (var.find(x) == var.end()) { cout << "not f\n"; return ans; } cout << "come\n"; return var[x]; } int sz_func() { int ans = 0; vector<vector<string>> data = read_csv(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + "_" + currFuncName + ".csv"); for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { } ans += temporary_size * 8 + 8; return ans; } int string_to_int(string x) { // replacement for stoi cout << "string to int\n"; return stoi(x); } void fill_var_temp_sz(string x) { ifstream file; cout << "x = " << x << "\n"; file.open(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + "_" + x + ".3ac"); if (!file) { cout << "RRRR-file not opening\n"; } cout << currClassName + "_" + x << "\n"; string line; getline(file, line); file.close(); cout << "the line is " << line << "\n"; line = line.substr(line.find(',') + 1); temporary_size += string_to_int(line); vector<string> v; file.open(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + "_" + x + ".csv"); if (!file) { cout << "RRRR- file not openong\n"; } getline(file, line); while (getline(file, line)) { v.push_back(line); } file.close(); var.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < v.size(); j++) { int cnt = 0; int k = 0; for (k = 0; k < v[j].size(); k++) { if (v[j][k] == ',') { cnt++; } if (cnt == 2) { break; } } k++; string nm; for (; k < v[j].size(); k++) { if (v[j][k] == ',') break; nm.push_back(v[j][k]); } nm = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + nm; vector<int> temp; k++; string tp; for (; k < v[j].size(); k++) { if (v[j][k] == ',') break; tp.push_back(v[j][k]); } if (tp == "int") { temp = {1, 0}; } else { int w = 0; int cnt = 0; for (int k = 0; k < tp.size(); k++) { if (tp[k] == 'w') { w = 1; } if (tp[k] == ']') { cnt++; } } if (w == 1) { if (cnt == 1) { temp = {100, 1}; } if (cnt == 2) { temp = {200, 1}; } if (cnt == 3) { temp = {300, 1}; } } else { vector<int> u = {cnt * 100, 0}; w = 0; string p; for (int k = 0; k < tp.size(); k++) { if (tp[k] == '[') { w = 1; } else if (w == 1) { if (tp[k] == ']') { u.push_back(string_to_int(p)); w = 0; p = ""; } else { p.push_back(tp[k]); } } } temp = u; } } var[nm] = temp; cout << "Name = " << nm << "as\n"; } cout << "fill var returned\n"; } void ary_ass(string lex, int tp, string v1, string v2, string v3, string val, vector<string> &funCode) { // here lex is the array name , tp is type: 100 for 1d,200 for 2d..., v1,v2,v3 is the index you want to acess // val is the valyue to be assigned send it as $const if it is const else send it the memory loc i.e. -8(%rbp) if (tp == 100) { // put val in rdx string instr = "movq " + val + ", %rdx"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put index in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq %rdx, (%rdi)"; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 200) { // put val in rdx string instr = "movq " + val + ", %rdx"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v1 in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v2 in rax instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // v1*w2+v2 instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w2")) + "(%rbp), %rsi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq %rdx, (%rdi)"; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 300) { // put val in rdx string instr = "movq " + val + ", %rdx"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v1 in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v2 in rdi instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v3 in r8 instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put w2 in rsi instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w2")) + "(%rbp), %rsi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put w3 in r9 instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w3")) + "(%rbp), %r9"; funCode.push_back(instr); // v3+v1*w2*w3+v2*w3 instr = "imulq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %r9, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %r9, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rdi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %r8, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq %rdx, (%rdi)"; funCode.push_back(instr); } } void ary_acc(string lex, int tp, string v1, string v2, string v3, string r, vector<string> &funCode) { // here lex is the array name , tp is type: 100 for 1d,200 for 2d..., v1,v2,v3 is the index you want to acess // here you will get your value in register r, send r as %rdx string instr; if (tp == 100) { // put index in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally acces instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq (%rdi), " + r; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 200) { // put v1 in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v2 in rax instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // v1*w2+v2 instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w2")) + "(%rbp), %rsi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq (%rdi), " + r; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 300) { // put v1 in rax instr = "movq " + v1 + ", %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v2 in rdi instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put v3 in r8 instr = "movq " + v2 + ", %r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put w2 in rsi instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w2")) + "(%rbp), %rsi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // put w3 in r9 instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex + "_w3")) + "(%rbp), %r9"; funCode.push_back(instr); // v3+v1*w2*w3+v2*w3 instr = "imulq %rsi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %r9, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq %r9, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rdi, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %r8, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "salq $3, %rax"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + to_string(getAddressDes(lex)) + "(%rbp), %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "addq %rax, %rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); // finally assignment instr = "movq (%rdi), " + r; funCode.push_back(instr); } } void insert_arg(vector<string> arg, vector<string> &funCode) { int cnt = 0; DBG cout << "insert arg calleds\n"; vector<string> arg_name; for (int j = 0; j < arg.size(); j++) { cout << "j=" << j << "\n"; arg_name.push_back(arg[j]); cout << "hey]h\n"; vector<int> info = var_info(arg[j]); if (info.size() == 0) { cout << "No such variable exist\n"; } if (info[0] == 100) { arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w1"); } if (info[0] == 200) { arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w1"); arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w2"); } if (info[0] == 300) { arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w1"); arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w2"); arg_name.push_back(arg[j] + "_w3"); } } cout << "reavched th\n"; string instr = MOVQ + string("%rdi, ") + to_string(getAddressDes("this")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); vector<string> rg = {"%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"}; for (int j = 0; j < arg_name.size(); j++) { cnt++; if (cnt <= 5) { funCode.push_back("movq " + rg[cnt - 1] + ", " + to_string(getAddressDes(arg_name[j])) + "(%rbp)"); } else { funCode.push_back("movq " + to_string(16 + ((arg_name.size() - 6) - (cnt - 6)) * 8) + "(%rbp)" + ", %rdx"); funCode.push_back("movq %rdx, " + to_string(getAddressDes(arg_name[j])) + "(%rbp)"); } } cout << "insert ags ret\n"; } pair<int, int> declareLocalVars() { // ifstream fp(currClassName + "-" + currFuncName + ".csv"); cout << "Declaring local vars****************\n"; vector<vector<string>> data = read_csv(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + "_" + currFuncName + ".csv"); cout << "read csv " << data.size() << "\n"; int pos = -8; int sz = -8; for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { int dim1 = 1, dim2 = 1, dim3 = 1; cout << "i = " << i << "\n"; int numBrackets = countOccurrences('[', data[i][3]); cout << "i = " << i << "\n"; string t = data[i][3]; cout << " t = " << data[i][3] << "!\n"; if (t.substr(0, 3) != "int") { // not an int variable, look if its a class object // for(auto it: classSize) { // cout << it.first << " " ; // } cout << "\n"; if (classSize.find(t) != classSize.end()) { string tt = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + data[i][2]; addressDes[tt] = pos; cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tt = " << tt << "\n"; pos = pos - (classSize[t] != 0 ? classSize[t] : 8); sz = pos; } else { cout << "ERROR IN PROGRAM, CLASS NOT DECLARED\n"; } } else { sz = sz - 8 * (numBrackets + 1); } string tt = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + data[i][2]; cout << "sz = " << sz << "\n"; cout << "t=" << tt << endl; addressDes[tt] = pos; pos = pos - 8; // sz = pos; cout << "dec\n"; if (numBrackets >= 1) { addressDes[tt + "_w1"] = pos; pos -= 8; sz -= 8; } if (numBrackets >= 2) { addressDes[tt + "_w2"] = pos; pos -= 8; sz -= 8; } if (numBrackets >= 3) { addressDes[tt + "_w3"] = pos; pos -= 8; sz -= 8; } } cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1tmp size = " << temporary_size << "\n"; // sz -= 8 * temporary_size; for (int i = 0; i < temporary_size; i++) { string tempName = "_t" + to_string(i); string tt = currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + tempName; addressDes[tt] = pos; pos -= 8; // sz = pos; } addressDes[currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::this"] = pos; data = read_csv(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + currClassName + ".csv"); int pp = 0; for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) { addressDes[currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::this." + data[i][2]] = pp; pp += 8; cout << currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::this." + data[i][2] << "\n"; } pos -= 8; sz -= 8; return {abs(pos), abs(pos)}; } // handles starting code of function, initialize stack space etc void beg_func(string x, vector<string> &funCode) { if (x.rfind("beginfunc", 0) != 0) { cout << "Not a start of the function\n"; } int f = 0; string xx = x.substr(x.find(' ') + 1); string func_nm = xx.substr(0, xx.find(' ')); currFuncName = func_nm; fill_var_temp_sz(func_nm); vector<string> arg_name; string temp; int pos = string("beginfunc").length() + 1 + func_nm.length() + 1; cout << "pos = " << pos << "\n"; for (int j = pos; j < x.size(); j++) { if (x[j] == ',') { arg_name.push_back(temp); temp = ""; } else { temp.push_back(x[j]); } } if (temp.length() > 0) arg_name.push_back(temp); string instr = currClassName + "_" + func_nm + ":"; if (func_nm == "main") { instr = "main:"; } funCode.push_back(instr); pair<int, int> p = declareLocalVars(); instr = "pushq %rbp"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %rsp, %rbp"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "subq $" + to_string(p.first) + ", %rsp"; funCode.push_back(instr); insert_arg(arg_name, funCode); } void func_call(vector<string> a, vector<string> &funcCode) { vector<string> ans_reg; // keep all the register instruction vector<string> ans_st; // keep all the pushq instruction vector<pair<string, int>> things; cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2num of arguments = " << a.size() - 1 << "\n"; for (int j = a.size() - 2; j >= 0; j--) { string y = consOrVar(a[j]); if (y[0] == '$') { things.push_back({y, 0}); } else { // string x=currClassName + "::" + currFuncName + "::" + smplPush(a[j]); string x = smplPush(a[j]); cout << "x = " << x << "\n"; if (var_info(x).size() == 0) { cout << "No such variable exist\n"; if (x[0] == '_') { things.push_back({y, 0}); } } else { vector<int> info = var_info(x); if (info[0] == 1) { // int things.push_back({y, 0}); } if (info[0] >= 100) { // array things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x)) + "(%rbp)", 1}); // for this array we have width in stack if (info[0] == 100) { // 1darray things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); } if (info[0] == 200) { // 2darray things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w2")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); } if (info[0] == 300) { // 3darray things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w2")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); things.push_back({to_string(getAddressDes(x + "_w3")) + "(%rbp)", 0}); } } } } } vector<string> rg = {"%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"}; for (int j = 0; j < things.size(); j++) { if (j < 5) { if (things[j].second == 0) ans_reg.push_back("movq " + things[j].first + ", " + rg[j]); else ans_reg.push_back("movq " + things[j].first + ", " + rg[j]); } else { if (things[j].second == 0) ans_st.push_back("movq " + things[j].first + ", %rdx"); else ans_st.push_back("movq " + things[j].first + ", " + rg[j]); ans_st.push_back("pushq %rdx"); } } string instr; instr = "call " + getfuncName(a[a.size() - 1]); ans_reg.push_back(instr); int lineNum = getLineNo(a[0]); if (islabel[lineNum]) { string ins = ".L" + to_string(lineNum) + ":"; funcCode.push_back(ins); } for (auto y : ans_st) { funcCode.push_back(y); } for (auto y : ans_reg) { funcCode.push_back(y); } } void call_malloc(string name, int tp, string s1, string s2, string s3, vector<string> &funCode) { // s is the registeer or the memory where sie is present send it as (%rbp) or $5 // except rdi string instr; cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tp = " << tp << "\n"; if (tp == 100) { instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "salq $3,%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)"; cout << "the name is " << name << "\n"; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 200) { instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq " + s2 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "salq $3,%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s2 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w2")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 300) { instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq " + s2 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "imulq " + s3 + ",%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "salq $3,%rdi"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s1 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w1")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s2 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w2")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq " + s3 + ",%r8"; funCode.push_back(instr); instr = "movq %r8," + to_string(getAddressDes(name + "_w3")) + "(%rbp)"; funCode.push_back(instr); } if (tp == 400) { instr = string(MOVQ) + string("$") + s2 + string(", %rdi"); funCode.push_back(instr); } instr = "call\tmalloc"; funCode.push_back(instr); cout << "S1 = " << s1 << " " << objClass[s1] << " \n"; instr = string(MOVQ) + string("%rax, ") + to_string(getAddressDes(name)) + string("(%rbp)"); funCode.push_back(instr); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // if(argc < 2) { // cout << "Wrong input format\n"; // return 0; // } declareRegs(); opConv['+'] = ADDQ; opConv['-'] = SUBQ; opConv['*'] = MULQ; opConv['/'] = DIVQ; opConv['^'] = XORQ; relConv["<"] = "jl"; relConv[">"] = "jg"; relConv[">="] = "jge"; relConv["<="] = "jle"; relConv["!="] = "jne"; relConv["=="] = "je"; sizes["int"] = sizes["byte"] = sizes["short"] = sizes["long"] = 8; string otpt; vector<string> inp; if (argc == 2) { if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == '-' && argv[1][2] == 'h' && argv[1][3] == 'e' && argv[1][4] == 'l' && argv[1][5] == 'p' && argv[1][6] == '\0') { cout << "Usage: ./asmgen --input=<input_filename> --output=<output_filename>\noptions: --help\n"; return 0; } else { cout << "Invalid argument. Use --help for usage.\n"; return 0; } } else if (argc == 1) { cout << "No file specified. Use --help for usage.\n"; return 0; } else if (argc == 3) { vector<string> y; y.push_back(argv[1]); y.push_back(argv[2]); sort(y.begin(), y.end()); if (y[0].rfind("--input", 0) == 0 && y[1].rfind("--output=", 0) == 0) { string temp; for (int i = 8; i < y[0].size(); i++) { temp = temp + y[0][i]; } ifstream file; file.open(GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/temporary/" + temp); if (!file) { cout << "hello\n"; cout << "RRRR- file not openong\n"; } string line; while (getline(file, line)) { inp.push_back(line); } file.close(); for (int i = 9; i < y[1].size(); i++) { otpt = otpt + y[1][i]; } } else { cout << "Invalid argument. Use --help for usage.\n"; return 0; } } vector<string> classes; map<string, vector<string>> funcs; if (inp.size() == 0) { cout << "File can't be open\n"; } else { string currclass = ""; for (auto it : inp) { string ins = trimInstr(it); if (ins.rfind("beginclass", 0) == 0) { string temp; int f = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ins.size(); j++) { if (ins[j] == ' ') { f = 1; } else if (f == 1) { temp.push_back(ins[j]); } } classes.push_back(temp); currclass = temp; } if (ins.rfind("beginfunc", 0) == 0) { string temp; int f = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ins.size(); j++) { if (f == 1 && ins[j] == ' ') break; if (ins[j] == ' ') { f = 1; } else if (f == 1) { temp.push_back(ins[j]); } } funcs[currclass].push_back(temp); } } } vector<string> code; for (auto it : classes) { cout << "---" << it << "\n"; handleClassDec(it + ".3ac"); for (auto it : funcs[it]) { currFuncName = it; cout << "it = " << it << "\n"; vector<string> t = genfunc(it); for (auto it : t) { code.push_back(it); } // cout << "printing code till fnow\n"; // for(auto it: code) { // cout << it << "\n"; // } } } if (otpt.size() == 0) { otpt = "asm.s"; } finalCodeGen(code, otpt); }