3 years ago
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#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define MAX 9999 typedef struct edge { int s; int d; int w; }edge; void bellman(int nv,edge e[],int sv,int ne) { int u,v,weight,i,j=0; int dis[MAX]; int parent[MAX]; // to keep each nodes parent //assigning infinity to the weights for(i=0;i<nv;i++) { dis[i]=MAX; } // distance of source vertex is o dis[sv]=0; parent[sv] = NULL; // source nodes parent is null //relaxing the edges v-1 time for(i=0;i<nv-1;i++) { for(j=0;j<ne;j++) { u=e[j].s; v=e[j].d; weight=e[j].w; if(dis[u]+weight < dis[v] && dis[u]!=MAX) { dis[v]=dis[u]+weight; parent[v] = u; } } } //negative cycle check for(j=0;j<ne;j++) { u=e[j].s; v=e[j].d; weight=e[j].w; if(dis[u]+weight < dis[v]) { cout<<"\nThere is no shortest path.\n"; return; } } cout<<"\nVertex"<<" Shortest Cost From Source"<<" Path"; for(i=0;i<nv;i++) { cout<<"\n"<<i<<"\t"<<dis[i]<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"<<"\t"; //path int x = i; while(1){ cout<<x<<"<-"; x = parent[x]; if(x == NULL) break; } } } int main() { int nv,ne,sv; edge e[MAX]; cout<<"Enter the number of vertex: "; cin>>nv; printf("Enter the source vertex of the graph: "); cin>>sv; cout<<"\nEnter no. of edges: "; cin>>ne; for(int i=0;i<ne;i++) { cout<<"\nFor "<<i+1<<"th Edge =>\n"; cout<<"Enter Source, Destination & Edge Weight :"; cin>>e[i].s>>e[i].d>>e[i].w; } bellman(nv,e,sv,ne); return 0; }
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