15 days ago
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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "raylib.h" const int BOARD_WIDTH = 800; const int BOARD_HEIGHT = 800; const int CELL_SIZE = 100; const int CELL_CENTER_POS = CELL_SIZE / 2; const int QORKI_SIZE = 30; enum cellType { emptyCell, player1Qorki, player2Qorki, player1KingQorki, player2KingQorki }; struct Cell { int row; int col; cellType cellType; int cellSize = CELL_SIZE; }; struct Qorki { Color qorkiColor; int qorkiSize = QORKI_SIZE; }; struct Board { int boardWidth; int boardHeight; Color boardColor; }; struct Game { Board board; Cell cellInfo[8][8]; std::string playerOneName; std::string playerTwoName; bool isPlayerOneTurn; }; // Function Prototypes void initGame(Game& game); void initBoard(Board& board); void drawBoard(Board board); int initCellType(int row, int col); void drawCellsOnBoard(Cell cell[8][8]); Color getCellColor(Cell cell); void drawQorki(Cell cell[8][8]); Color getQorkiColor(Cell cell); void updateGame(Game& game); Cell getCell(int x, int y, Cell cells[8][8]); void moveQorki(Cell selectedCell, Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]); bool isMoveValid(Cell selectedCell, Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]); void removeQorki(Cell cell, Cell cells[8][8]); void promoteQorki(Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]); int main() { Game game; initGame(game); initBoard(game.board); InitWindow(game.board.boardWidth, game.board.boardHeight, "DAMA"); SetTargetFPS(60); // Set the frame rate while (!WindowShouldClose()) { updateGame(game); BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); drawBoard(game.board); drawCellsOnBoard(game.cellInfo); drawQorki(game.cellInfo); EndDrawing(); } CloseWindow(); return 0; } void initGame(Game& game) { game.playerOneName = "Player 1"; game.playerTwoName = "Player 2"; game.isPlayerOneTurn = true; for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) { game.cellInfo[row][col].row = row; game.cellInfo[row][col].col = col; game.cellInfo[row][col].cellType = initCellType(row, col); } } } void initBoard(Board& board) { board.boardHeight = BOARD_HEIGHT; board.boardWidth = BOARD_WIDTH; board.boardColor = RAYWHITE; } void drawBoard(Board board) { DrawRectangle(0, 0, board.boardWidth, board.boardHeight, board.boardColor); } int initCellType(int row, int col) { bool isEvenRow = row % 2 == 0; bool isEvenCol = col % 2 == 0; if ((isEvenRow && !isEvenCol) || (!isEvenRow && isEvenCol)) { if (row < 3) { return player1Qorki; } if (row > 4) { return player2Qorki; } } return emptyCell; } void drawCellsOnBoard(Cell cells[8][8]) { for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) { Cell currentCell = cells[row][col]; Color cellColor = getCellColor(currentCell); DrawRectangle(col * CELL_SIZE, row * CELL_SIZE, currentCell.cellSize, currentCell.cellSize, cellColor); } } Color getCellColor(Cell cell) { bool isEvenRow = cell.row % 2 == 0; bool isEvenCol = cell.col % 2 == 0; if ((isEvenRow && isEvenCol) || (!isEvenRow && !isEvenCol)) { return LIGHTGRAY; // Light square color } else { return DARKGRAY; // Dark square color } } void drawQorki(Cell cells[8][8]) { for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++) { Cell currentCell = cells[row][col]; if (currentCell.cellType != emptyCell) { Color qorkiColor = getQorkiColor(currentCell); DrawCircle(col * CELL_SIZE + CELL_CENTER_POS, row * CELL_SIZE + CELL_CENTER_POS, QORKI_SIZE, qorkiColor); } } } } Color getQorkiColor(Cell cell) { switch (cell.cellType) { case player1Qorki: return BLUE; case player2Qorki: return RED; case player1KingQorki: return DARKBLUE; case player2KingQorki: return DARKRED; default: return RAYWHITE; } } void updateGame(Game& game) { static Cell selectedCell = { -1, -1, emptyCell }; if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosition(); Cell clickedCell = getCell(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, game.cellInfo); if (clickedCell.cellType != emptyCell) { if (selectedCell.cellType == emptyCell && ((game.isPlayerOneTurn && clickedCell.cellType == player1Qorki) || (!game.isPlayerOneTurn && clickedCell.cellType == player2Qorki))) { selectedCell = clickedCell; } else if (selectedCell.cellType != emptyCell) { moveQorki(selectedCell, clickedCell, game.cellInfo); promoteQorki(clickedCell, game.cellInfo); selectedCell.cellType = emptyCell; game.isPlayerOneTurn = !game.isPlayerOneTurn; } } } } Cell getCell(int x, int y, Cell cells[8][8]) { int row = y / CELL_SIZE; int col = x / CELL_SIZE; if (row >= 0 && row < 8 && col >= 0 && col < 8) { return cells[row][col]; } return { -1, -1, emptyCell }; // return an invalid cell if out of bounds } void moveQorki(Cell selectedCell, Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]) { if (isMoveValid(selectedCell, targetCell, cells)) { cells[targetCell.row][targetCell.col].cellType = cells[selectedCell.row][selectedCell.col].cellType; cells[selectedCell.row][selectedCell.col].cellType = emptyCell; // Capture opponent Qorki if applicable if (abs(selectedCell.row - targetCell.row) == 2) { int capturedRow = (selectedCell.row + targetCell.row) / 2; int capturedCol = (selectedCell.col + targetCell.col) / 2; removeQorki(cells[capturedRow][capturedCol], cells); } } } bool isMoveValid(Cell selectedCell, Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]) { if (targetCell.cellType != emptyCell) return false; // Target cell must be empty int rowDiff = targetCell.row - selectedCell.row; int colDiff = targetCell.col - selectedCell.col; // Check if the move is diagonal if (abs(rowDiff) == 1 && abs(colDiff) == 1) { return true; } // Check for jump/capture move if (abs(rowDiff) == 2 && abs(colDiff) == 2) { int middleRow = (selectedCell.row + targetCell.row) / 2; int middleCol = (selectedCell.col + targetCell.col) / 2; Cell middleCell = cells[middleRow][middleCol]; if (middleCell.cellType != emptyCell && ((game.isPlayerOneTurn && middleCell.cellType == player2Qorki) || (!game.isPlayerOneTurn && middleCell.cellType == player1Qorki))) { return true; // Valid jump move } } return false; } void removeQorki(Cell cell, Cell cells[8][8]) { cells[cell.row][cell.col].cellType = emptyCell; } void promoteQorki(Cell targetCell, Cell cells[8][8]) { if (targetCell.cellType == player1Qorki && targetCell.row == 7) { cells[targetCell.row][targetCell.col].cellType = player1KingQorki; } else if (targetCell.cellType == player2Qorki && targetCell.row == 0) { cells[targetCell.row][targetCell.col].cellType = player2KingQorki; } }
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