10 days ago
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import cv2 import os from picamera2 import Picamera2 name = 'Cytron' # Replace with your name # Create the directory if it doesn't exist output_dir = f"dataset/{name}/" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Initialize the Raspberry Pi camera using Picamera2 picam2 = Picamera2() picam2.configure(picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"format": 'XRGB8888', "size": (640, 480)})) picam2.start() cv2.namedWindow("press space to take a photo", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow("press space to take a photo", 500, 300) img_counter = 0 while True: # Capture frame from the Raspberry Pi camera frame = picam2.capture_array() cv2.imshow("press space to take a photo", frame) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k % 256 == 27: # ESC pressed print("Escape hit, closing...") break elif k % 256 == 32: # SPACE pressed, take a photo img_name = f"{output_dir}/image_{img_counter}.jpg" cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame) print(f"{img_name} written!") img_counter += 1 # Release resources and close windows cv2.destroyAllWindows() picam2.stop()
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