a month ago
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import subprocess subprocess.call(['/home/raspberrypi/.virtualenvs/pyt/bin/activate']) import cv2 # OpenCV library from threading import Thread # library for multi-threading from ultralytics import YOLO # YOLOv8 library import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time # time library GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) # ======= EXIT BUTTON ======= exitPin = 17 GPIO.setup(exitPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) buttonState = False global frame_width, frame_height frame_width = 640 frame_height = 480 # ====== Webcam initialization ======= class WebcamStream : # defining a helper class for implementing multi-threading # initialization method def __init__(self, stream_id): self.stream_id = stream_id # default is 0 for main camera # opening video capture stream self.vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.stream_id, cv2.CAP_V4L2) # self.vcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width) # self.vcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height) # self.vcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 10) if self.vcap.isOpened() is False : print("[Exiting]: Error accessing webcam stream.") exit(0) # reading a single frame from vcap stream for initializing self.grabbed , self.frame = self.vcap.read() if self.grabbed is False : print('[Exiting] No more frames to read') exit(0) # self.stopped is initialized to False self.stopped = True # thread instantiation self.t = Thread(target=self.update, args=()) self.t.daemon = True # daemon threads run in background # method to start thread def start(self): self.stopped = False self.t.start() # method passed to thread to read next available frame def update(self): while True : if self.stopped is True : break self.grabbed , self.frame = self.vcap.read() if self.grabbed is False : print('[Exiting] No more frames to read') self.stopped = True break self.vcap.release() # method to return latest read frame def read(self): return self.frame # method to stop reading frames def stop(self): self.stopped = True # initializing and starting multi-threaded webcam input stream webcam_stream = WebcamStream('/dev/video0') # 0 id for main camera webcam_stream.start() # setup model (it can be in PT, ONNX, or NCNN format. Preferably in NCNN) model = YOLO("/home/raspberrypi/Desktop/Blindspot/yolov8/runs/run1/train/weights/ncnn480/best_ncnn_model", task="detect") while True : img = cv2.imread('/home/raspberrypi/Desktop/Blindspot/black.jpg') cv2.namedWindow('Blindspot', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) cv2.setWindowProperty('Blindspot', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) cv2.imshow('Blindspot', img) if buttonState is True: if webcam_stream.stopped is True : break else : frame = webcam_stream.read() # time.sleep(0.03) # delay value in seconds. so, delay=1 is equivalent to 1 second # Delay variable in the code can be used for simulating time taken for performing some video processing task # Imgsz can handle arbitrary sized images as long as both sides are a multiple of 32 (i.e. 32*20=640, 32*15=480, 32*10=320) # !! IMGSZ must be the same with imgsz used in the model !! result = model(frame, imgsz=480, conf=0.8, iou=0.7) annotated_frame = result[0].plot() cv2.imshow('Blindspot', annotated_frame) if cv2.waitKey(5) == 27 or (GPIO.input(exitPin) == GPIO.LOW): buttonState = not buttonState cv2.destroyAllWindows() GPIO.cleanup()
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